
Last updated date: 11-Mar-2024

Originally Written in English

All about the FOXY EYES LIFT

    Today, when almost every aspect of our appearance can be changed, a new surgical method has become popular: "foxy eyes" or "cat eyes." Fox eyes lift has recently become a worldwide hot trend as it was greatly popularized by global top-models and Instagram stars, such as Bella Hadid, Kendal Jenner and whole Jenner/Kardashian house in general. Almond-shaped eyes, uplifted eye and eyebrow corners has become a brand-new beauty standard everyone is talking about and everyone wants. No wonder, because it is a look of a sexy and self-confident woman who knows very well what her goals are.


    How to get Foxy Eyes?

    There are two popular ways to achieve the foxy eyes look. One is an everyday make-up – very short-lasting and requiring around 30 minutes spent on a careful, and demanding application every day; the second one is the Foxy Eyes Lifting – a completely painless and safe aesthetic procedure that takes up between 30 and 40 minutes and gives you the foxy eyes look for up to 1 year.


    How the Foxy Eyes Lift is performed?

    Foxy Eye Lifts a lateral eyebrow lift with Threads, that gives instant lifted effect to the eyebrows and temple area. After the local sedation, the doctor injects the threads around eyebrow ends and attentively lifts them towards the hairline to create the lifting effect and then sets them up. Threads will be completely absorbed by the patient’s body and will leave the desired foxy eyes effect for up to 1 year. In JW Plastic Surgery we use special Mint Threads for this operation. These threads are fully absorbable and meet the highest safety standards. All of these are designed to physically or visually lift the outer edge of the upper eyelid and gently pull it towards the temples area.

    Thread lift is a procedure that uses dissolvable sutures to tighten and lift the skin. Compared to cosmetic surgery, this is a less invasive surgery that can generally be completed in 45 minutes without the need for a scalpel. The Polydioxane Thread Lifter (PDO) uses a biodegradable polyester suture thread. They are best for rejuvenating the skin and some newer types of lifting threads are better suited for lifting sagging skin.


    What are PDO threads?

    The PDO thread is one of the three threads that are commonly used in thread lifting operations. The other two types are made from polylactic acid (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCA). PDO threads are the longest of the three and have been used in surgery since the 1980s. They are made from colorless polyester and will break down in your body after approximately 6 months.

    The presence of these threads in the skin causes cells in the body called fibroblasts to produce more collagen. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. The loss of collagen is one of the main causes of skin aging.

    PDO threads can be divided into three categories:

    • PDO mono threads. Soft threads help your skin rejuvenate by stimulating collagen production.
    • PDO cog threads. These threads have barbs that attach to your skin like small hooks to provide support and lift up your face.
    • PDO screw threads. They consist of one or two interwoven threads to help restore the volume of the sunken part of the skin.


    Other types of threads and what they are used for

    PLA and PCA threads are newer than PDO. They last longer in your body and tend to stimulate more collagen production. It takes approximately 12 months for the PLA line to be absorbed, while the PCA takes approximately 12 to 15 months. Each type of thread is best suited for a specific function. PDO yarns are better at depositing and activating tissues, while PLA and PCA yarns are better at lifting the sagging parts of the skin.

    The most suitable thread for the purpose of surgery:

    • PDO mono - Skin rejuvenation or firming
    • DOP or screw - Moderate facelift
    • PLA or PCA - Moderate facelift, improve texture and elasticity
    • Plastic surgery - Significant facelift


    Facelift PDO - complications

    When performed by a well-trained professional, there is less risk of scars, severe bruises or bleeding. Minor complications occur in 15% to 20% of surgeries, but they are usually easy to correct. Possible complications include:

    • visible sutures (especially in those with thin skin)
    • pain
    • mild bruise
    • infection
    • broken thread
    • hematoma
    • inflammation
    • dimplingh
    • hair loss
    • salivary gland injury


    Which areas of the face can PDO line lifting treat?

    Thread lifting can treat most parts of the face where signs of aging appear. The areas around the cheeks, chin, neck, and eyes are the most commonly treated areas.

    Because the results of thread lifts are not as dramatic as the results of cosmetic surgery, thread lifts are often used in combination with other anti-aging procedures, such as ultra therapies or dermal fillers.


    How to prepare for your procedure?

    You may be advised to avoid alcohol and smoking for at least 5 days before surgery, and anything that may increase the risk of bleeding or bruising.

    • Smoking and the consumption of any types of alcohol should be avoided for at least one week before surgery, as they can dehydrate the skin and even affect the passage of anesthesia. Helps to speed up the recovery process and provide the best therapeutic effect.
    • Avoid omega fish oil, vitamin E, chili ginseng, garlic, krill and other similar supplements for at least two days before treatment. It is best to avoid green tea and ginger tea.
    • Aspirin-based products such as naproxen, neurophene, and ibuprofen should be avoided because they can cause bleeding, unnecessary side effects, and complications.
    • Avoid high intensity exercise and go to the sauna or steam room.

    Your doctor can provide further guidance before treatment.

    On the day of your procedure, your doctor will explain possible complications and advise you on your recovery.

    The exact procedure your surgeon will follow will vary. Broadly speaking, it might look like this:

    You will sit in an inclined seat, your surgeon will disinfect your face with alcohol. A needle will be put under your skin for local anesthesia. Your surgeon will make a small incision with another needle and insert a device called a cannula into the small hole. Your surgeon will secure the wire in place and remove the sleeve. They will do this by cutting the wire and making sure it is in place. You can go home soon after the procedure.


    PDO thread lift recovery and post-care

    PDO thread lift recovery

    The recovery from PDO thread lift is minimal. During the first 24 to 48 hours, you may experience some swelling and bruising, but you can return to most of your daily routine immediately. You should avoid rubbing your face as much as possible during the week after the operation to prevent accidental flossing. You may also be advised to avoid pouting, smoking, and drinking with a straw for the first few weeks. Other activities you may want to avoid within 1 to 2 weeks include sleeping on your side, vigorous exercise, and going to the sauna.Although this procedure has a very short recovery time, there are still many things you can do to promote recovery and get the best results. Due to the anesthesia, some patients may feel nauseous after the thread lift operation. However, it will pass after drinking a small amount of water.

    • If you have minor bruises or swelling, during the first week of the day, apply ice to the treatment area for a few minutes four to five times.
    • Restrict activity for one day. Make sure you get a full day's rest after receiving treatment. You can move at will, but do not do any strenuous activities or lift heavy objects for three weeks.
    • You can take pain relievers as needed after the procedure. Try to consume them after meals to avoid any risk of nausea. It is best to avoid taking aspirin for two weeks after treatment.
    • Avoid using cosmetics or creams for at least 48 hours.
    • You should not drink beverages through a straw and focus on drinking fluids or eating soft foods for at least a week.
    • Avoid chewing gum for at least two weeks.
    • Try to keep your head up for a week.
    • Do not pull, massage, rub or exfoliate the skin for at least three weeks. You should also not wash or touch your face for at least 12 hours.
    • Follow the incision wound care guidelines provided by your physician.
    • Sleeping on your back is recommended to avoid swelling. Avoid applying force or pressure to your face, as this can cause the strands to become misaligned.
    • Avoid any dental treatment for at least two weeks after obtaining the PDO thread lift.

    It is normal to feel a slight discomfort in the first two days after the procedure, and it will gradually decrease. However, if you experience unusual pain or swelling, be sure to see your doctor for appropriate treatment right away.


    How quick is foxy eyes lift recovery process?

    The patient may come back to their everyday lifestyle right after the surgery, but the whole recovery process lasts about 2 or 3 days. During that time slight swelling and bruises might appear on the surgical area but they are mostly quickly gone and the patient can enjoy their glamourous foxy look as quick as 3 days post the procedure. No stitches are needed.


    How’s the lifting effect and how long does it last?

    Depending on skin condition, level of sagging and the initial eye shape the result might vary. Depending on the skin condition and factors related to the patient’s life style and post procedure self-care, the result might last from 6 months to up to  1 year. In a study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, a surgeon with 16 years of experience in threading said that the effects he saw could last for 1 to even 9 years. The results for younger people tend to last for 3 or 4 years. Older people with less elastic skin tend to see benefits only within 1 to 2 years. PLA and PCA thread liftings tend to last longer because the suture thread takes longer to dissolve.


    To whom is the foxy eyes lift recommended?

    Before you begin, you need to determine if this fashion trend is right for you. Each face has its unique characteristics and changes. Raising eyes slightly may not be suitable for all faces, and may even make someone's appearance worse. Correction of the area around the eyes, known as "Brow lift" and blepharoplasty (eyelid correction), can use invasive (surgical) and non-invasive methods (voltaic plasma, pulling thread or injection of botulinum or fillers).

    We would recommend foxy eyes lifting to those who:

    • have a deep set of eyes;
    • have sagged (low) eyebrows, especially the lateral area;
    • have minor eyebrow asymmetry;
    • have slight sagging on the corners of the eyes.


    Foxy Eyes Lifting summary

    The duration of the procedure is between 30 and 40 minutes.

    This procedure requires a local anesthesia.

    The recovery takes up to 2 or 3 days.

    The results are visible even 1 year after the procedure.


    Alternatives to Foxy Eye Lift

    • Foxy Eyes with lifting threads. The procedure is non-surgical and is performed by a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist under local injection anesthesia. The eyebrows and outer edges of the eyes are repositioned using threads. Results are immediately visible and can be corrected during the procedure. The effect can last up to 1 or 2 years, or until the body fully reabsorbs the thread. The recovery period is 23 days, but the patient should only sleep on his back for at least 7 nights after the operation, so that the thread does not move, which could raise the risk of asymmetry and unexpected results to an abnormally high level. Other possible side effects are: allergic reactions, swelling, pain, and erythema in the treated area.
    • Using fillers and botulinum to lift the temporal area and around the eyes. This involves the use of fillers and botulinum to lift the temporal area and around the eyes. The procedure is short, non-invasive, performed by a dermatologist, and does not require anesthesia. If necessary, botulinum toxin is injected first, which reduces muscle contraction, raises the eyebrows, and minimizes wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Next, a suitable hyaluronic acid filler is injected into the temporal area and outer edge of the eyebrows to form an almond-shaped eye. The recovery period is a few hours maximum. The effect is immediate after the filler injection, which can last up to 2 years and it can be corrected, if necessary.
    • Surgical blepharoplasty. Surgical blepharoplasty is performed by plastic surgeons in a sterile operating room under general or local anesthesia. During the operation, the excess skin or fatty tissue of the eyelids is removed to correct the shape of the eyes and achieve an anti-aging effect. The recovery period is relatively long, 7 to 14 days. This surgery is suitable for elderly patients or patients with fatty tissue in the eyelid area. The results obtained are permanent. The risks of complications from surgical blepharoplasty are the same as the risks of any surgical intervention, including the risk of achieving unexpected and permanent results.


    What are the benefits of using a thread lift instead of plastic surgery?

    Thread lift

    For many patients, the biggest advantage of lifting over plastic surgery is that the recovery time associated with lifting is greatly reduced. When a patient undergoes cosmetic surgery, they must use a lot of sedatives; therefore, the patient must have someone to drive him home from the hospital. Most plastic surgery patients still need caregivers to help them 24 hours a day for at least three days after the surgery. Also, if the patient has children at home, they may also need assistance with them. Plastic surgery patients usually need to rest for a week or two to recover.

    On the other hand, the recovery process from thread lifting is relatively easy. Thread-lifting can be performed under local rather than general anesthesia, which means that patients with thread-lifting can drive home and take care of themselves immediately after the procedure. Although some patients experience some pain, redness, and swelling after the thread is inserted and want to rest for the rest of the day, most patients can return to work immediately. Strong analgesics are rarely needed after the procedure, making it easier for the patient to return to normal life. Therefore, this procedure is very suitable for people with children at home or those with busy and demanding jobs.

    Although recovery from thread lift is not particularly intensive, the patient still needs to take some small precautions during healing. It's important to make sure you don't scrub your face vigorously while cleaning or applying moisturizer for at least a week after the thread lift. You should also try to lift your head slightly to avoid flipping it directly onto your face while sleeping.

    Thread lifts have a low risk, due to their non-invasiveness. There is almost no risk of scars, severe bruises, bleeding or other complications. In rare cases, patients may feel irritation, infection, or sutures visible under the skin. However, if this happens, you can simply remove the threads and the patient's face will return to its previous state.

    Finally, because thread lifts are easier to perform than facial lifts, they are more affordable.

    It is important that the patient maintain realistic expectations for this procedure. Although line lifts will definitely produce noticeable changes, they generally only lift the face a few millimeters; therefore, they create a more subtle and natural final effect than cosmetic surgery. Therefore, the thread lift is more suitable for patients with mild to moderate signs of skin sagging rather than severe skin sagging.

    Ideal candidates for thread lifts are typically between the ages of 30 and 50, and most patients over the age of 55 will fully benefit of the aesthetic rewards of cosmetic surgery. However, the thread lift can provide a cosmetic alternative for elderly patients who cannot undergo surgery for medical reasons. Because thread lifting can be performed under local anesthesia, many people who have age-related illnesses that cannot be operated on (such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) can safely receive this treatment. If you have any rare health concerns, be sure to check with your doctor to see if thread lifting is suitable for you.

    It is important to understand that although no lifting technique can produce permanent results, cosmetic surgery tends to produce more lasting results than a thread lift. The effect of cosmetic surgery can last up to ten years, while the effect of thread lift surgery usually lasts one to three years. However, due to the low risk of lifting the suture, patients who like the result of the suture can generally choose to place a new set of temporary threads after the old ones are absorbed by the body.


    PDO thread lift treatment FAQ


    How long does it take to recover after treatment?

    Due to its non-surgical nature, this treatment has the least downtime. However, it is best to give it a day or two of recovery time or the downtime that your doctor recommends.


    Can I go back to work immediately after treatment?

    This depends primarily on the nature of your job and the environment in which you work. You can return to work within a day to a week after treatment. The time varies from job to job. If you have a stressful job or a job that requires a lot of activities and sports, such as personal training or nursing, you may need more time to return to work.


    When can I take a shower after treatment?

    It is recommended that you avoid wetting and washing your face for at least 12 hours after treatment. Even after that, it is best not to rub or massage the treatment area for about three weeks after treatment.


    How long do I have to wait to resume my daily skin care routine?

    Gentle skin care measures, such as regular cleansing, drying, and lotion, can be restored 48 hours after the procedure. However, you should avoid exfoliating, pulling, and scrubbing for three weeks. If you want to use any topical medication or strength cream, it is best to consult your doctor.


    Can I use make up?

    Make-up can be applied after 48 hours.


    How long should I wait before I can start exercising again?

    You can resume light exercise after one week, but don’t do any exercise that might make the treatment area tense. You should consult your doctor before resuming weight lifting or other strenuous exercise. You should avoid yoga or other meditation practices that require lowering your head below your heart for at least a week.


    Can I go swimming after the treatment?

    You should avoid wetting the affected area for at least 12 hours after treatment. In the case of swimming, it is best to allow the stitched area to fully heal. The same goes for saunas and hot tubs. Always consult your doctor for better guidance.