Agranulocytosis is a potentially fatal blood disease. It occurs when the body does not produce enough neutrophils, a kind of white blood cell. White blood cells are immune system components. They defend the body from infection by combating microorganisms that cause illness.
Agranulocytosis, also known as granulocytopenia, is a severe type of neutropenia. Neutropenia is characterized by lower-than-normal amounts of white blood cells. People with low white blood cell counts are extremely susceptible to infection. They might become ill from bacteria that would not be hazardous normally. Agranulocytosis can be treated with drugs by healthcare experts. If left untreated, the disease might progress to serious illnesses. It can potentially cause sepsis (a severe infection response) and death.
Agranulocytosis can be hereditary or induced by autoimmune or bone marrow problems, infection, poor nutrition, cancer treatment (such as chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant), or exposure to poisons, chemicals, or drugs.