
Last updated date: 09-Mar-2024

Originally Written in English

Asian Rhinoplasty

    What is Asian Rhinoplasty?

    Asian rhinoplasty is a broad term that refers to a set of rhinoplasty techniques that are commonly used in Asian populations. Knowledge of these various techniques is required to perform an adequate rhinoplasty in Asians.

    The nose is typically restructured between the bridge and the tip in Asian rhinoplasty. The nose is typically enlarged and lengthened to balance the width of the face and complement the distance between the eyes. This procedure may also add definition and shape to the nasal tip, which is an important aspect of nose appearance and shape.

    To preserve a natural ethnic appearance, Asian Rhinoplasty patients may benefit from a less-defined nose with a slightly rounded tip. There is, however, no one-size-fits-all ideal Asian nose. The procedure's goal is to enhance the features of the individual patient in a way that improves overall facial appearance.

    A plastic surgeon can correct any imbalance of facial features by improving the shape and proportions of the nose. A nose job, when done with artistry and skill, can dramatically improve overall facial harmony, leaving you with a more appealing overall appearance.