
Last updated date: 09-Mar-2024

Medically Reviewed By

Written by

Dr. Anas Walid Shehada

Originally Written in English

Cheek implant


    Cheek implants are becoming increasingly popular in cosmetic face surgery. While the majority of it is concerned with creating symmetry in an asymmetrical face, this operation can also increase the definition of the jaw/neck connection, giving males a more manly look. Cheek implants in women can provide the appearance of higher cheekbones.


    What is Cheek Augmentation?

    Cheek Augmentation

    The purpose of cheek augmentation is to increase the volume or lift of the cheeks. Some people are worried by the fact that their cheeks lose volume or even droop as they age. Others never acquire the necessary volume in their cheeks and are troubled by flat or thin cheeks.

    Fat grafting/transfer (using a patient's own fat) or the use of solid cheek implants are both viable surgical techniques for augmenting and improving the cheeks. The use of injectable fillers to augment the cheeks is a nonsurgical approach that is detailed on the dermal fillers page.


    Cheek Implant

    Cheek Implant

    For roughly 35 years, cheek implants have been utilized. They look fantastic on the middle portion of the face. Many patients have a very flat mid-third of the face, giving them a sad and aged appearance.

    Cheek implants are often implanted through a very tiny incision in the mouth with dissolvable sutures. This is a non-inpatient procedure. The implant is not palpable. I've been watching cheek implants for 30 years; they just "sit" there and cause no basic problems for a patient.

    My long-term experience is that by inserting cheek implants, patients may obtain a high level of happiness; they are discreet and make people seem happier and younger. Cheek implants are seldom moved or infected. To improve the shape of the face, we occasionally combine cheek implants with chin augmentation surgery.

    I occasionally utilize cheek implants in conjunction with a facelift, and you may see instances of this operation, which substantially improves the look of the cheek. Some doctors recommend fillers and fat for this area, but the results are not as predictable as those obtained by inserting a proper solid silicone implant. Cheek implants come in a variety of sizes and, unlike fat and/or injectables, can be controlled much more easily with predictable results.


    Types of Cheek Implants used for Augmentation

    Cheek Implants Used for Augmentation

    Although people of all ages are normally suitable candidates, cheek implants are frequently advised for younger patients seeking a permanent treatment to restore the bone structures within their cheeks. Fillers are typically advised for older patients who are unhappy with the symptoms of aging around the midface, most notably volume loss that causes their cheeks to seem sunken in.

    With that in mind, there are three types of cheek implants that you should know about:

    Submalar Implants

    The submalar is positioned slightly below the lower eye line, where the cheekbone begins. Around your early to mid-40s, you may see volume loss in this area as your fat cells fall into your lower cheek and chin regions. This causes the cheeks to seem sunken in and the bottom of the face to acquire jowls over time. Submalar implants, which are put right above the cheekbones, are a simple and inexpensive solution to this condition.


    Malar Implants

    The malar region is located right below the submalar region. It is basically where your cheekbone is located. Malar implants are less prevalent than submalar implants and are preferred by younger patients in their twenties and thirties. Malar implants are used to generate a sharper, more angular form, which results in a stronger and more defined bone structure.



    Although it is uncommon, some patients may choose to have both procedures done at the same time if they believe their cheekbones aren't well defined and they've lost volume in their midface. Combining the two surgeries gives patients the best of both worlds in terms of more voluminous and structurally robust cheekbones.


    Why You May Wish to Consider Cheek Implants?

    Consider Cheek Implants

    Facial bones diminish with age, giving the face a sad, flat appearance that is worsened by the soft tissues of the cheek descending. This can cause jowls by deepening the nasolabial fold. Cheek implants can enhance the top part of the face by highlighting the region behind the eye. This tends to make the face appear happier and more attractive. By projecting the cheek highlight points, the addition of a cheek implant during a facelift procedure can also greatly improve the appearance of the mid-face.

    The implants are strong, flexible, and long-lasting. They sit on the bone and are usually inserted through small incisions in the mouth or under the chin and secured to the underlying skeleton by tissue in-growth or, very rarely, a small screw.

    The edges of the implant cannot be felt because they are deep beneath the soft tissue and muscle on the bone. Infections are uncommon, and most people can resume normal activities within a week. However, swelling may take several weeks to resolve completely.


    The Advantage of Strong Cheekbones

    Strong Cheekbones

    Amazing cheekbones have been a desired beauty since the days of Lauren Bacall. The young appearance of strong angles to the face reflects light and adds symmetry, creating a classic beauty aspect.

    However, genetics dictate that this type of bone structure will not occur naturally in some people. Cheekbones help to support the face, and as we age, volume loss in these areas, combined with a decline in skin and muscle aesthetic, allows for the development of jowls and folds. Cheek implants are a more modern or permanent alternative to fillers or a facelift. Filling in the cheek area can significantly improve the facial landscape and anti-aging efforts.

    Cheek implants can assist to eliminate nasolabial folds, eye hollows, and mouth droop, providing a desirable overall freshness to the look of the face. Fillers are still a popular alternative, but an increasing number of people are choosing cheek implants as a more permanent answer to their ideal face shape. A surgical operation is stronger and more predictable than an injection, and it is also permanent.

    With the use of silicone or porous polyethylene, cheek implants can give a natural-looking, custom-fit permanent treatment. Both of these alternatives are unlikely to create an allergic reaction and feel very natural to the touch. The treatment, which is performed as an outpatient under mild general anesthetic, poses no danger of infection or nerve damage and only takes around two weeks to recover from.


    What Happens During Cheek Implant Surgery?

    Cheek Implant Surgery

    One of the best parts about this treatment is that the scarring is minimal and nearly undetectable because the incisions are done from within the mouth or around the lower eyelid, depending on the type of cheek implant you have.

    Because this is often an outpatient treatment, your facial plastic surgeon will use a local anesthetic unless you want general anesthesia, which may incur an additional fee. There's also no assurance that your insurance will cover the treatment or the expense of anesthesia, so you'll have to check with them ahead of time.

    If the thought of undergoing a surgical procedure makes you uneasy, you can opt for an injectable filler instead. However, unlike silicon cheek implants, these are not permanent because the substance will eventually be integrated with and absorbed by your body. 


    What is Recovery Like after Cheek Implant Surgery?

    after Cheek Implant Surgery

    The recuperation time for a cheek implant is really short. Most patients may resume their normal activities after approximately a week, assuming they did not have any additional operations done at the same time. Of course, each situation is unique, and you should consult with your facial plastic surgeon about potential adverse effects. Your doctor may advise you to avoid vigorous activities such as exercise and heavy lifting during the first and second weeks.

    Patients may experience mild irritation, redness, and slight bruising around the incision sites as they recover. If the adverse effects continue after one to two weeks, you should notify your doctor.

    You'll also need to make a few follow-up appointments so your doctor can ensure that the incisions are healing properly and that the implants are still in place.


    Choosing Cheek Implants vs. Fillers

    Cheek Implants vs. Fillers

    Cheek implants are a realistic choice for people who are unhappy with their present face structure and are willing to undergo cosmetic surgery. The goal of cheek implant surgery is to regain lost volume in the midface.

    Cheek fillers are more appropriate for older people who wish to reverse the effects of aging without undergoing surgery. Some patients have medical conditions that make it unwise for them to undergo an elective procedure because it could aggravate their pre-existing health problems.


    What are the Benefits of Cheek Augmentation Using Implants?

    The benefits of silicon cheek implants are twofold: 

    • They’re permanent, which means that other than minor maintenance and
    • A few follow-up appointments, you won’t have to have them redone later. 

    They are also fully reversible. If you are unhappy with the results, you can have your facial plastic surgeon make changes or remove them entirely.


    Is Cheek Augmentation Painful?

    Cheek Augmentation

    Cheek implants and face fat grafting are performed under IV sedation for patient comfort. There is virtually minimal discomfort after surgery. The majority of patients experience slight tenderness at the incision site within the mouth or mild soreness of the cheeks themselves, although these symptoms are brief and minimal.

    Patients who have cheek augmentation with injectable fillers report very slight discomfort during the injection process and sometimes moderate soreness of the cheeks for a day or two after the injection. Patients who undergo facial fat transfer for cheek volume enhancement will suffer symptoms similar to those described above. Fat grafting patients may have moderate discomfort in their cheeks for a few days following the treatment.


    What can I Expect After Cheek Augmentation? 

    After Cheek Augmentation

    Depending on the method utilized for cheek augmentation, individuals will suffer slightly varied post-procedure symptoms. Patients who have had cheek implants or fat grafting will have slight pain for a few days following the treatment, as indicated above. The cheeks will also feel rigid and puffy. Some people may have transient numbness in their cheeks. Bruising is possible, but it is rarely severe. Lifting, straining, and exercise should be avoided for two weeks following fat grafting or cheek implants.

    Most cheek implant and fat grafting patients are able to return to work or school one week following surgery, with the awareness that all face edema will not be completely healed. Many of the symptoms listed above may occur in facial filler patients, albeit to a lesser level, and they can return to work, school, and social activities the same day. Injectable patients are advised not to engage in any physical activity until the following day.


    How are cheek implants different from cheek fillers or facial fat grafting?

    facial fat grafting

    Cheek implants are made of a synthetic substance that is surgically implanted into the surface of the bone. These implants give permanent volume increases to the cheeks that will last indefinitely. Patients with moderate to severe volume loss who want the most cost-effective long-term remedy to face volume loss might consider cheek implants. One disadvantage of cheek implants is that they are only intended to treat the center cheeks and extended tear trough regions, not other areas such as the temples or lower smile lines (marionette lines).

    Another frequent method is facial fat grafting. Fat grafting lasts longer (often 3-5 years) than filler injections but not as long as permanent cheek implants. Fat grafting entails taking fat from another part of the body (usually the thighs), processing/refining it, and reinjecting it into the desired areas, most commonly the cheeks.

    Fat grafting has a benefit over cheek implants in that it does not require any synthetic or foreign materials, whereas cheek implants and filler injections do. This reduces the possibility of the body rejecting or inflaming the foreign substance. Fat can also be deliberately transplanted to different face locations to restore complete facial volume. Fat transfer to the temples, cheeks, tear troughs, lower eyelid regions, smile lines, and other locations as needed or desired is a frequent procedure.

    The disadvantage is that fat grafting is more invasive than facial filler injections and has a shorter lifespan than cheek implants. Having said that, facial fat transfer is an excellent option for patients undergoing other surgical procedures who want to avoid a permanent implant and are aware that the volume changes will fade over time.


    How Much Does Cheek Augmentation Cost?

    Cheek Augmentation Cost

    According to the most current American Society of Plastic Surgeons data, the average cost of cheek implants is $3,669 USD. This average cost is only a portion of the entire cost; anesthesia, operating room facilities, and other related fees are not included. To calculate your total charge, please contact your cosmetic surgeon's office.

    The pricing for cheek augmentation will be determined by the surgeon's experience, the type of treatment done, and the geographic location of the practice. Ask your plastic surgeon about patient payment options for cheek augmentation.

    Cheek augmentation costs may include:

    • Surgeon's fee
    • Hospital or surgical facility costs
    • Anesthesia fees
    • Prescriptions for medication
    • Medical tests and x-rays


    Cheek Implants FAQs

       1. What are the benefits of Cheek Augmentation Surgery, Cheek Implants?

    The cheeks should draw attention to the centre of the face and serve as a pedestal for the eyes. Full cheeks represent youth and a beautiful face. Aesthetically balanced cheek enhancement should be almost imperceptible because the cheeks should complement the rest of the face. This outcome can boost self-esteem and restore confidence.

        2. Am I the ideal patient for Cheek Augmentation Surgery, Cheek Implants?

    If you want to enhance your face to obtain a more visually acceptable and youthful mid-facial appearance, Cheek Augmentation surgery is for you. Cheek Augmentation Surgery can repair abnormalities caused by an accident or that you were born with or developed as an adult. You should be realistic about what Cheek Augmentation Surgery can achieve and be aware of the risks and side effects of this procedure.

        3. How long is the Cheek Implants procedure?

    Cheek Enhancement Depending on the complexity of the surgery, surgery usually takes about an hour.

        4. Can Cheek Augmentation Surgery, Cheek Implants be performed at the same time as other procedures?

    Yes, Cheek Augmentation with Implants is frequently performed in conjunction with other facial surgeries such as a Facelift, Browlift, Chin Augmentation or reduction, and Breast Surgery / Augmentation or Liposuction. What is suitable and safe for you to combine will be determined by your medical condition, your goals, and the specific treatments.

        5. How long is the recovery time after Cheek Implants?

    Mild pain and discomfort are to be expected for 3 to 5 days. Patients can resume regular everyday activities after one week, but should avoid excessive exercise or activity for six weeks, particularly contact sports.

        6. What about the results following Cheek Implants?

    The outcomes are, first and foremost, organic. The goals of Cheek Augmentation surgery are to restore an aesthetically pleasing facial shape that is in balance with your facial features – that is, to look natural and not abnormal. Keep in mind that the final result can take 6 weeks or more.

        7. How long do the results last?

    The results of Cheek Augmentation surgery are permanent, but keep in mind that your cheeks will change as you age. The tissues around the cheek, for example, will continue to be affected by aging and gravity.

        8. Is there an alternative to a Cheek Augmentation Surgery, Cheek Implants?

    Yes, if Cheek Augmentation Surgery is not appropriate or desired, non-surgical cheek shaping with an injectable product such as EVOLENCE or Restylane can improve the shape and symmetry of the face in a simple local anaesthetic treatment. This will need more treatments in order to retain the intended outcome. Alternatively, fat grafting can be used to improve the cheeks with long-term results using your own tissue.



    Cheek implants are used to treat deflated or flat cheeks, wrinkled and creased cheeks, under-eye bags, gaunt cheeks, flat cheekbones, and hollow cheeks. If you believe your cheeks have lost their shape, you could benefit from cheek implants or augmentation.