
Last updated date: 09-Mar-2024

Medically Reviewed By

Written by

Dr. Anas Walid Shehada

Originally Written in English

Earlobe Reduction


    Earlobes are the ideal place to flaunt your favorite diamond studs or your particular sense of style. When they become deformed or broken, it can have a big impact on your confidence in your look as well as your ability to wear pet accessories. Prominent ears can throw off the natural balance of the face and draw unwanted attention, such as teasing and bullying.

    In certain situations, the lobes are overly broad or hang too low, giving the ears an overall disproportionate appearance. Other times, the lobes may get injured as a result of constant wear or an ear injury. While these issues are mostly aesthetic, they can have a significant influence on your self-esteem. Whatever the cause of your lobe dissatisfaction, there are surgical options available to repair damage, improve shape, and restore balance to the facial structure.


    What is Earlobe Reduction?

    Earlobe Reduction

    Earlobe Correction, also known as Lobuloplasty, is a surgical procedure that lifts, resizes, or repairs the earlobes. Earlobes can become thin, lengthy, sagging, and wrinkled as a result of skin aging and the impact of gravity. Wearing heavy earrings can aggravate the situation by tugging them down and occasionally ripping or tearing the ear lobes. Bella Vou's expert surgeons can repair any damage, reduce the size of stretched lobes, restore symmetry, and revitalize the earlobes.

    Unlike otoplasty, which is popular in both adults and children, earlobe reduction surgery is more prevalent in people who were born with disproportionately large earlobes. Earlobe reduction surgery entails your surgeon lowering the size of your earlobes, making them less noticeable. This technique balances your face and deflects undesired attention away from your earlobes.


    Why have Earlobe Reduction?

    Earlobe skin loses

    Earlobe skin loses suppleness with time. The lobes might become strained, malformed, and dangly. Earrings can extend and rip the lobe, which is ugly and can prevent you from wearing your favorite jewelry.

    If you're self-conscious about the size or form of your ear lobes, or if the lobes have split and you can't wear earrings, the surgeons at Bella Vou can assist. Earlobe Reduction and Mend may contour, repair, and freshen the earlobes, making them seem smooth and revitalized. You'll be able to tie your hair up, wear earrings, and slide your hair behind your ears with confidence.


    What happens in Earlobe Reduction and Repair Surgery?

    Repair Surgery

    Earlobe Reduction and Repair is performed as a day case under local anaesthesia, therefore you will not need to stay in the hospital overnight.

    The surgeon makes an incision in the skin behind the ear to conceal and conceal the scars. They carefully excise a section of skin and tissue to reduce the size of the earlobe and remove any split areas. The lobe is then sutured back together by the surgeon, resulting in a neater, more youthful-looking earlobe.


    How is Earlobe Reduction Surgery Performed?

    Earlobe Reduction Surgery Performed

    Earlobe reduction surgery is easy and quick, taking only around 30 minutes each ear. The procedure is performed under local anesthetic, and while you may feel some movement and light pressure on your ears, you should be in no pain and will be awake during the procedure.

    During the surgery, incisions are created in the crease between the earlobe and the cheek. This helps to keep the little scars buried and nearly undetectable in the crease. A tiny bit of your overstretched earlobe will be removed, and your surgeon will reconstruct the lobe, ensuring that the form and size are proportional to the rest of your face, and, in the case of the second ear, as symmetrical as possible to the first.

    The lobe is closed with tiny, dissolvable sutures that dissolve 5 to 7 days after your treatment. If there are no issues, you should be able to depart as soon as the surgery is over.


    Earlobe Reduction Recovery

    Earlobe Reduction Recovery

    The recovery time after earlobe reduction surgery varies across persons. However, in many circumstances, you will be able to return to work and regular activities within a few days. You may be required to wear a dressing for a week after surgery, although this can be concealed by your hair.

    Heavy activity should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery. Please keep in mind that this is only a guide; your surgeon will create a personalized recovery plan for you.


    Is the procedure painful?

    Apart from the local anaesthetic injection, which may feel like a prick, you should experience no pain. As the ear continues to numb throughout, you may feel a mild stinging sensation. When the treatment is done and the anaesthetic effect wears off, there may be some pain. Typically, patients do not require the use of pain killers.

    1. How successful is earlobe reduction surgery?

    Earlobes do not normally grow perfectly symmetrical, and there is no guarantee of perfect symmetry after the procedure. The ears continue to expand as you age, and an earlobe reduction operation will not prevent this. These are critical factors to consider before deciding whether the procedure is right for you.


    What are the Risks of Earlobe Reduction?

    Risks of earlobe reduction

    Earlobe reduction is done using a local anaesthetic. Excess tissue is removed, and the wound margins are sutured using dissolvable sutures. The following are some of the hazards associated with earlobe reduction:


    Bruising, Swelling, Bleeding

    Swelling is normal after any treatment, and it usually takes a few days to go away. Some patients may also experience bruising or bleeding as a result of their medication. Aspirin and herbal supplements, for example, can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising.



    Recurrence of lobule sagging or drooping after reduction. The aging process continues, and the earlobes may sag again with time. This can be exacerbated by wearing heavy earrings, which can cause more ptosis of the earlobe.



    Every patient has some degree of asymmetry between the earlobes, and reduction may result in some difference between the two sides.



    Any surgical operation might cause changes in skin feeling in the surrounding region. This is because a portion of the sensory nerve was severed during the treatment.



    Scarring will occur as a result of any surgical operation. The scar is permanent, however it will improve and disappear with time in most people. Hypertrophic or keloid scarring may occur in some patients, resulting in raised, red, and lumpy scars. The scar will be along the lobule's rim or within the earlobe.



    Infections are uncommon after these surgeries, although they can occur. Oral antibiotics are usually used to treat this.


    Pricing Information

    • Earlobe Repair- Bilateral (Both)$600
    • Earlobe Repair (Single Earlobe)$350
    • Gauged Earlobe Repair – Bilateral (Both)$1400
    • Gauged Earlobe Repair (Single Earlobe)


    Frequently Asked Questions About Earlobe Reduction

    Patients usually have a number of questions about earlobe reduction procedures. These include, but are certainly not limited to the following:

       1. Can Earlobes Be Reduced?

    Earlobes can be surgically trimmed. The operation is straightforward and takes little time to complete. The procedures last between 30 and 45 minutes on average.

       2. Do Earlobes Get Bigger with Age?

    Earlobes can get longer and looser as they age. The pull of gravity takes its toll on the earlobes over time, stretching skin and causing earlobes to rip. This is especially true for those who wear earring.

       3. What Are Some Earlobe Reduction Techniques?

    The visual attractiveness of an earlobe is determined by a variety of variables. Size, location, and harmony with the rest of the patient's characteristics are examples of these. There are various surgical methods available to people who want smaller ear lobes. The wedge and peripheral margin reduction strategies are the most frequent.

    Under local anesthetic, the wedge reduction procedure is done. This implies the patient is not anesthetized during the procedure. The technique begins by drawing a geometric form on the earlobes. The superfluous earlobe tissue is then removed, and the incision is closed with stitches. There is just minor scarring.

    The peripheral margin reduction procedure contours the earlobe's bottom to the desired length. To conceal the scar, the plastic surgeon makes an incision on the medial surface of the earlobe. Finally, he removes tissue and stitches the wound.

       4. Is Ear Lobe Reduction Surgery Painful?

    Earlobe reduction surgery is not a painful procedure. Local anesthetic injections numb the region so that patients feel nothing throughout operation. Post-operative pain and swelling should be modest, lasting no more than a week.

    It has no genuine problems and is carried out in accordance with expectations and desired objectives. The plastic surgeon may employ CO2 laser resurfacing in some circumstances to smooth the surface of the earlobe and blend the scar.



    Earlobe reduction is a procedure that removes extra skin and tissue from earlobes that have gotten too broad or too long. The skin will be removed and the lobe region sutured, leaving only a slight scar at the rear of the earlobe, allowing for cosmetic contouring and ear rejuvenation. The technique used will be determined by the current shape of your ear and the desired outcome.