
Last updated date: 09-Mar-2024

Medically Reviewed By

Written by

Dr. Yahia H. Alsharif

Originally Written in English

Otoplasty Cost by Countries


    Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the ears. A plastic surgeon can change the size, location, or form of your ears during otoplasty. Some people choose otoplasty to remedy a structural defect. Others have it because their ears protrude too far from their heads, which they dislike.

    The average cost of otoplasty is $3,156, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The cost will vary based on criteria such as the plastic surgeon, your location, and the type of operation done.

    Otoplasty typically isn’t covered by insurance since it’s often considered cosmetic. That means you may have to pay costs out of pocket. Some plastic surgeons may offer a payment plan to help with costs. You can ask about this during your initial consultation


    What is Otoplasty?

    Otoplasty is sometimes known as cosmetic ear surgery. It is done on the visible region of the outer ear, known as the auricle. The auricle is made up of cartilage folds that are covered with skin. It begins to grow before birth and continues to develop in the years following birth. If your auricle fails to grow properly, you may opt for otoplasty to modify the size, location, or form of your ears.

    There are several different types of otoplasty:

    1. Ear augmentation. Some people may have tiny ears or ears that haven't fully matured. In certain circumstances, patients may choose to get otoplasty to expand the size of their outer ear.
    2. Ear pinning. This form of otoplasty includes bringing the ears closer to the skull. It is done on people whose ears protrude noticeably from the sides of their heads.
    3. Ear reduction. Macrotia is the condition in which your ears are bigger than normal. People with macrotia may opt for otoplasty to lower the size of their ears.


    What Makes Ears More Prominent?

    Ears More Prominent

    The ear is a complex anatomical structure. The external ear is formed by six separate swellings on the side of the embryo's skull. When these swellings do not form or fuse together, they produce a variety of ear problems. Even though the pinna (the soft external ear) forms on a regular basis, the ear requires a series of folds to achieve its final shape.

    • Prominent Ears – Folding Problems.

    The inability of the ear's edge to fold rearward is the most prevalent cause of prominent ears. Folding problems can affect the entire pinna or only the top of the ear. Without this fold, the internal cup of the ear spreads to the edge, extending the ear's edge away from the skull. The formation of the fold is crucial to the production of a less prominent, aesthetically pleasing ear.

    • Prominent Ears – Size Problems.

    The ear is occasionally apparent due to its increased size. Typically, the central cup of the ear is overdeveloped. As a result, there is a prominent center cup that either overpowers a normally folding ear or adds to the problems caused by the lack of a rim fold. The two difficulties aggravate one another, increasing the total significance. A typical fold may not be enough for large ears, and some cartilage may need to be removed.

    • Prominent Ears – Rotation Problems.

    The least common reason of prominent ears is when the ear grows normally but is tilted forward and away from the head. This anatomic variation can worsen the folding and size difficulties stated above, but it requires further treatment for optimum results. As with other plastic surgery operations, the success is contingent on making a correct diagnosis and addressing each issue methodically.


    Abnormal Shapes of Ears

    Abnormal Shapes of Ears

    By far the most common cause for otoplasty is prominent ears; nevertheless, otoplasty is also performed for various ear abnormalities, such as:

    • Cauliflower ear-also known as boxer's ear or wrestler's ear, is a frequent acquired deformity in MMA fighters, boxers, and wrestlers caused by ear trauma. Ear damage produces bleeding beneath the skin, resulting in a hematoma. If this blood collection is not evacuated, it becomes organized, hard, and frequently calcified. The therapy consists of making an incision and removing the prior hematoma. It is preferable to get treatment as soon as possible because complete repair is uncommon after a cauliflower ear has developed.
    • Stahl's Ear (Spock Ears) - Occasionally, a third fold (crus) appears in the top ear and points backwards, mimicking an elf's ear (or "Spock" ear). As part of the procedure, the cartilage is altered. For minor abnormalities, the cartilage is remodelled to flatten the fold; for more severe deformities, the affected cartilage part is excised and turned over.
    • Cupped Ears (Constricted Ears) - A cupped ear is caused by the top of the ear folding forward on itself. In this case, the skin and cartilage may not be sufficient to allow for simple straightening out. In most cases, skin and cartilage may be relocated; but, in other cases, skin and cartilage transplants are required.
    • Anotia/Microtia (Goldenhar syndrome) - The development of the outer ear is not always present. Hearing loss can occur in a variety of situations, sometimes severely. This problem might be related to other congenital defects. Anotia and microtia can be detected from birth and are commonly treated by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, including a plastic surgeon. Because there is no external ear or hole, anotia is the most severe condition. Microtia is the lack of all or a portion of the external ear. Both concerns should be evaluated by a qualified craniofacial team.
    • Cryptotia (Hidden Ear) - Upper ear cartilage is commonly present; however, it is buried behind the scalp skin. During therapy, the cartilage is exposed and covered with skin.


    When Otoplasty is Indicated?

    Otoplasty Is Indicated

    To understand the rationale for otoplasty, one must first understand face analysis. Position the pinna 15 to 20 mm from the helical rim to the scalp. The most common cause for otoplasty is prominauris, which occurs when the auriculocephalic tilt surpasses 30 degrees. The ideal auriculocephalic angle ranges from 20 to 30 degrees. Furthermore, the ear's vertical height should be about six millimeters.

    The external ear width should be around 55% of his length, averaging 35 millimeters. 2 to 2.5 cm should be the distance between the lateral helix and the mastoid skin. A closer examination of the face reveals parallel lines in the plane of the nasal dorsum and the long axis of the ear. The external ear should be rotated posterior to the vertical plane by about 15 degrees. From the nasion to the subnasale, the ear should be the same length as the nose.


    Furthermore, the superior edge of the ear should be at the brow level, and the inferior edge at the nasal ala level. The conchomastoid angle and conchoscaphalic angle should be approximately 90 degrees. The skin of the external ear is strongly anteriorly adhered to the underlying cartilage and loosely posteriorly.

    Multiple cranial nerves innervate the external ear, including the auriculotemporal nerve from the trigeminal nerve, the facial nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve, Arnold's nerve from the vagus nerve, and nerves from the second and third cervical plexuses. As a result, obtaining enough local anesthetic might be problematic. The superficial temporal artery, posterior auricular artery, and smaller occipital arteries all give blood to the external ear.

    Prominauris, which affects around 5% of Caucasians, is the most prevalent cause for otoplasty. This auricular illness is autosomal dominant, and many patients report that it runs in their family. The chief causes of prominauris are a poorly developed antihelical fold and an oversupply of conchal cartilage. The most common cause is a poorly constructed antihelical fold, followed by an abundance of conchal cartilage. When the ear has grown to 90% of its adult size and the cartilage has solidified, the treatment should be performed between the ages of 5 and 6 years old.


    Consultation Before Otoplasty

    Consultation Before Otoplasty

    For otoplasty, always go with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons provides a useful search engine to assist you in locating a board certified plastic surgeon in your region.

    A consultation with your plastic surgeon is required before to the operation. The following events will occur within this time:

    1. Check your medical history. Prepare to answer questions regarding drugs you're taking, procedures you've had in the past, and any present or former medical issues(DM, HTN, Asthma).
    2. Examination. Your plastic surgeon will assess the form, size, and positioning of your ears. They could also take measurements or photographs.
    3. Discussion. This involves discussing the surgery itself, as well as the risks and probable expenses involved with it. Your cosmetic surgeon will also want to know what you anticipate from the operation.
    4. Questions. If anything is confusing or you need more information, don't be hesitant to ask questions. It's also a good idea to inquire about your surgeon's credentials and years of expertise.


    Otoplasty Procedure

    Otoplasty Procedure

    Otoplasty is commonly performed as an outpatient operation. Depending on the intricacies and intricacy of the process, it might take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. During the surgery, adults and older children may be given local anesthetic along with a sedative. General anesthesia may be utilized in some instances. For younger children having otoplasty, general anesthesia is usually indicated.

    The surgical procedure employed will be determined by the type of otoplasty you are undergoing. In general, otoplasty entails the following:

    1. Making an incision, either on the back of your ear or inside the folds of your ear.
    2. Manipulating the tissue of the ear, which can include removal of cartilage or skin, folding and shaping of cartilage with permanent stitches, or grafting of cartilage to the ear.
    3. Closing the incisions with stitches.


    Complications of Otoplasty

    Complications of Otoplasty

    The most prevalent forms of complications include early and late complications. Hematoma, hemorrhage, and postoperative infections such as perichondritis, dehiscence, and skin necrosis are among the early effects. The most worrying postoperative complication is a hematoma. Hematomas can destroy cartilage and induce skin necrosis. If the hematoma is not treated promptly, it may get infected, exacerbating cartilage necrosis and resulting to cauliflower deformity.

    Overtightening of the sutures and, in rare circumstances, too much pressure from the dressing can also induce cartilage necrosis. One to three days following surgery, hematomas are most frequent. Pain is a crucial indicator that should demand an immediate evaluation.

    Late problems include excessive scarring, suture extrusion, hypersensitivity, and, most critically, poor cosmetic consequences. The most common side effect of otoplasty is disappointing aesthetic outcomes. The aesthetic concerns are serious. The telephone ear deformity is produced by an overcorrection of the middle mattress suture in contrast to the superior and inferior sutures.

    The reverse telephone ear is caused by overtightening the inferior and superior Mustarde sutures. Sutures that are poorly positioned induce a significant vertical fold in the antihelix, resulting in the vertical post deformity. Another issue with overtightening the Mustarde sutures is the hidden helix, which is not visible from the front face.


    Recovery after Otoplasty

    Recovery after Otoplasty

    Maintain a clean and dry bandage over your head. You will be unable to wash your hair until the bandage is removed. To protect your ears while sleeping, you may need to wear a headband at night for many weeks.

    The stitches may protrude from the skin or cause pain in your ear. Any pain should be treated with pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

    • After 7 to 10 days: The bandage (if used) and stitches are removed (unless they're dissolvable stitches).
    • After 1 to 2 weeks: Most children can return to school. 
    • After 4 to 6 weeks: Swimming should be OK.
    • Around 12 weeks: Contact sports should be OK.


    Otoplasty Cost In South Korea

    Otoplasty Cost In South Korea

    South Korea is the world's largest medical tourism destination, luring international patients with innovative medical technology during the last decade. South Korea, which is home to world-class multispecialty hospitals, develops competent doctors that have strong competence in their specialty field and seek to deliver a better patient experience via quality treatment. South Korea provides cheap quality treatment and has risen to prominence in the healthcare sector owing to its creative approach, which has enabled the nation to provide a wide range of operations with exceptional outcomes.

     Several other reasons which help South Korea to be recognized as one of the most favoured destinations for medical tourism are affordable accommodation, visa availability, transportation facilities, and language assistance, a wide range of food options, scenic value.

    • What Essential Documents Do I Need to Carry Along?

    Always contact the appropriate authority if you require any other documents than those listed here. Missing any of the above-mentioned papers might make your trip difficult, so keep a list of everything you could need in South Korea. Other documents you may require include a currency/forex card, travel insurance paper, and an overseas SIM card. When traveling to South Korea, make sure to include all necessary papers, such as passport copies, test results, residence/license, driver's bank statement, doctor referral notes, medical history, details of health insurance, visa, and credit/debit cards.

    • How Long Should I Stay in South Korea for a Otoplasty Procedure?

    Depending on the complexity and specifics of the procedure, otoplasty can take between 1 and 3 hours to complete. It is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day. It is suggested that you stay in South Korea for another 7 days for follow-up exams and stitch removal.

    • What's the Recovery Time for Otoplasty Procedures in South Korea?

    The recovery time varies from individual to person. You may have numbness for many weeks, as well as minor bruising for around two weeks. Your ears may feel stiff and sore for several months.

    Within one to two weeks of surgery, you should be able to return to work and resume your normal activities, including exercise. Sports involving physical contact, such as rugby, football, or judo, should be avoided for at least three months. Swimming should also be avoided for up to 8 weeks after your otoplasty.

    • What Sort of Aftercare is Required for Otoplasty Procedures in South Korea?

    Your surgeon will provide you post-op instructions. To promote a smooth and quick recovery, make sure to carefully follow the instructions. To reduce edema, sleep with your head raised on 2-3 pillows. It is advised that you follow a light, soft, and cool diet for a few days. Take pain relievers as directed by your doctor. To keep pressure off your ears, avoid lying on your side or touch the incisions. Consider wearing loose-fitting collared shirts or button-down shirts.

    • What's the Success Rate of Otoplasty Procedures in South Korea?

    Otoplasty is a safe and successful operation with a high level of satisfaction. More than 90% of those who underwent the operation said they were quite pleased with the outcomes. Please keep in mind that the outcome may not be immediately obvious.

    While it is a safe treatment, you should be informed of the risks and problems associated with otoplasty. These include bleeding, hematoma formation, skin infection, ear cartilage infection, permanent or temporary numbness around the affected area, scar or keloid formation, unfavorable results, prolonged pain, external ear canal narrowing, impaired healing, changes in skin sensation, asymmetry, and overcorrection.

    • Factors Influencing the Cost of Otoplasty.
      • New surgery versus revision
      • Expected duration of the operation
      • Surgeon’s experience and expertise
      • Hospital or clinic facility
      • Procedure Complexity
      • Geographic Location
      • Surgery-Related Expense


    • How Much Does Otoplasty Cost in South Korea?

    While depending upon a range of factors, the minimum cost for Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) in South Korea is USD 3900. There many KOIHA-certified hospitals in South Korea that offer Ear Surgery.

    South Korea



    from $2447

    from $1000

    from $1805


    • Country-wise cost comparison for Otoplasty.




    USD 2670


    USD 5100


    USD 3000


    USD 3000

    South Korea

    USD 5500


    USD 1700

    United Kingdom

    USD 2040


    USD 2030


    USD 4500


    Otoplasty Cost In Mexico

    Otoplasty Cost In Mexico

    Mexico offers qualified and experienced doctors, and individuals choose to come to Mexico because Otoplasty costs less in Mexico.

    Correcting the ear structure can enhance the shape, location, or proportion of the ear. Otoplasty restores the balance and symmetry of the ears and face, giving them a more natural appearance. Small imperfections may have a significant influence on a person's look and self-esteem. Plastic surgery may be an option if you or your kid are bothered by bulging or deformed ears.

    Otoplasty has a very high success rate in Mexico, and prior patients believe that the inexpensive cost makes Mexico the greatest place to undertake Otoplasty operation. Patients are said to be pleased with the results of their procedure. Otoplasty surgery is performed by board-certified and highly skilled surgeons.

    • Why Choose Mexico for Otoplasty?

    Plastic surgery is costly in the developed world, and most insurance companies, notably in the United States, do not cover elective procedures. Global competition has resulted in considerable advancements in the provision of low-cost, high-quality treatments, which has supported the expansion of medical tourism in Mexico.

    Ear surgery is performed on a considerable number of people in the United States each year. And many travel to Mexico since the cost of otoplasty in Mexico is relatively affordable.

    • How Long You Need To Stay in Mexico for Otoplasty?

    Otoplasty can take anywhere from one to three hours to perform, depending on the intricacy and subtleties of the therapy. It is normally performed as an outpatient operation, which means you may leave the hospital the same day. It is recommended that you stay in Mexico for a further 7 days for follow-up sessions and stitch removal.

    • Otoplasty Cost in Mexico.

    Otoplasty in Mexico

    Average Cost (USD)





    Mexico City


    Puerto Vallarta




      • Average Otoplasty cost in Mexico is 1,800 USD.
      • Low cost Otoplasty in Mexico is $1,500, year 2022.
      • Otoplasty package in Mexico is 2,300 USD all inclusive (Surgeon Fees, Anesthesia, Medicines, Consumables, Accommodation and Local Transport).


    • How Much Does Otoplasty Cost in Tijuana – Mexico?
      • Otoplasty package in Tijuana starts from $2,400, year 2022.
      • Low cost Otoplasty surgery in Tijuana, Mexico is $1,600.
      • Average Otoplasty surgery cost in Tijuana is 1,900 USD.

    Otoplasty surgery in Tijuana city of Mexico is very safe and has a high success rate. Many people from the USA, Canada, Middle East, Europe, Africa and Asian countries travel to Tijuana city for Otoplasty Surgery. Otoplasty cost in Tijuana, Mexico is affordable and has less or no waiting time. Board certified Plastic surgeons perform Otoplasty surgery in Tijuna, Mexico. 


    • How Much Does Otoplasty Cost in Cancun – Mexico?
      • Otoplasty package in Cancun starts from $2,200.
      • Low cost Otoplasty surgery in Cancun Mexico is $1,400.
      • Average Otoplasty surgery cost in Cancun is 1,700 USD, year 2022.

    Otoplasty surgery in Mexico's Cancun city is quite safe and has a high success rate. Many individuals from the United States, Canada, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia visit to Cancun for Otoplasty Surgery.

    The cost of otoplasty in Cancun, Mexico is reasonable, and there is little or no waiting time. Otoplasty surgery is performed by board-certified plastic surgeons in Cancun, Mexico.


    Otoplasty Cost In Turkey

    Otoplasty Cost In Turkey

    Otoplasty surgery is one of the most common procedures in Turkey. Prominent ears may be a health concern or considered ugly. These factors motivate people to have ear pinning surgery.

    Otoplasty surgery is fairly widespread in Turkey, and many foreign patients (both men and women) have chosen Istanbul for this procedure throughout the years. That is due to two major factors. The cost is quite low. When compared to other countries, the average cost of otoplasty surgery in Turkey is 2100 USD (2010€). Second, physicians in Turkey are so experienced that many individuals cannot locate a doctor who is as experienced as those in Turkey.

    • Why Should One Choose Turkey For Otoplasty?

    Turkey has been the most popular cosmetic surgery destination because to its low pricing. However, this is not the only reason. Another reason is that it is easy to locate a reputable and well-educated surgeon in Turkey who will address the following subjects with you during your otoplasty consultations:

    • Surgical objectives
    • Medical history
    • Current substance use, including prescriptions, supplements, alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes
    • Current health state
    • Predicted outcome
    • Postoperative care and potential difficulties

    As one may see, the surgeons are so meticulous so as to give you the best results. So, if you are considering having an otoplasty or any other type of surgical procedure performed overseas, Turkey should be your first choice.

    • Is It Safe to Have An Otoplasty in Turkey?

    Surgeons in Turkey have a rigorous education structure that allows them to excel in their areas. Furthermore, surgeons in Turkey have the opportunity to view a wide range of patients during their training. That is why individuals from all over the world travel to Istanbul, Turkey for otoplasty surgery. Otoplasty surgery in Turkey can provide patients with the greatest outcomes while remaining safe. So, the answer is yes: having an otoplasty in Turkey is safe.

    • How Much Does It Cost?

    You might be asking why cosmetic procedures, particularly otoplasty, are so affordable in Turkey under such favorable conditions. Cheap living costs, taxes, foreign currency, and government subsidies all contribute to low prices, allowing Turkish clinics to deliver high-quality services at reasonable costs. Furthermore, Turkish clinics provide all-inclusive packages at cheap costs that include a number of therapies that would be more expensive if performed individually.

    Otoplasty Price Comparison






    $ 2100

    £ 5000

    $ 5220


    6200 CAD


    Otoplasty Cost In Brazil

    Otoplasty Cost In Brazil

    The precise term for the cosmetic surgery treatment used to address prominent earlobes and other abnormalities such as asymmetry is otoplasty. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), almost 43,000 ear surgery treatments (the most in the world) were done in Brazil in 2015. Rio de Janeiro is responsible for a considerable portion of Brazil's plastic surgery procedures.

    • How Long Should I Stay in Brazil for an Otoplasty Procedure?

    Otoplasty can take between 1 and 3 hours to perform, depending on the complexity and the specifics of the procedure. It is typically done as an outpatient procedure, which means you can leave the hospital on the same day. It is recommended that you stay in Brazil for 7 more days for follow-up check-ups and removal of stitches.

    • What's the Recovery Time for Otoplasty Procedures in Brazil?

    The recuperation duration varies from person to person. You may suffer numbness for many weeks and minor bruising for around two weeks. For several months, your ears may feel tight and painful.

    Within one to two weeks of surgery, you should be able to return to work and resume routine activities, including exercise. Rugby, football, and judo should be avoided for at least three months. You should also avoid swimming for up to 8 weeks after your otoplasty.

    • What sort of Aftercare is Required for Otoplasty Procedures in Brazil?

    Your surgeon will provide you post-op instructions. You ensure a smooth and speedy recovery, make sure to properly follow the directions. To reduce edema, sleep with your head raised on 2-3 pillows. It is advised that you follow a light, soft, and cold diet for a few days. Take pain relievers as directed by your doctor. To keep pressure off your ears, avoid lying on your side or touch the incisions. Consider wearing loose-fitting collared shirts or button-down shirts.

    • What's the Success Rate of Otoplasty Procedures in Brazil?

    Otoplasty is a safe and successful operation with high patient satisfaction. More than 90% of those who underwent the treatment said they were quite pleased with the outcomes. It should be noted that the outcome may take some time to become completely obvious.

    While otoplasty is a safe treatment, you should be informed of the dangers and difficulties that it may entail. These include bleeding, hematoma formation, skin infection, ear cartilage infection, permanent or temporary numbness around the affected area, scar or keloid formation, unfavorable results, prolonged pain, narrowing of the external ear canal, impaired healing, changes in skin sensation, asymmetry, and overcorrection.

    • Otoplasty Cost in Brazil Compared with Other Countries.



    South Korea


    from 2000$

    from $1000

    from $2447

    from $1805


    Otoplasty Cost In Thailand

    Otoplasty Cost In Thailand

    • How Much Does It Cost In Thailand?

    The average price of otoplasty (ear surgery) in Thailand is $1200, the minimum price is $600, and the maximum price is $2900.




    South Korea


    From 600$

    from 2000$

    from $1000

    from $2447

    from $1805


    Otoplasty Cost In USA

    Otoplasty Cost In USA

    According to the most current American Society of Plastic Surgeons figures, the average cost of cosmetic ear surgery is $3,736. This average cost is only a portion of the entire cost; anesthesia, operating room facilities, and other related fees are not included. To calculate your total charge, please contact your cosmetic surgeon's office.

    The pricing for cosmetic ear surgery will be determined by the surgeon's experience, the type of operation done, and the geographic location of the practice. Ask your plastic surgeon about patient financing options for cosmetic ear surgery.

    Otoplasty costs may include:

    • Surgeon's fee
    • Hospital or surgical facility costs
    • Anesthesia fees
    • Prescriptions for medication
    • Post-surgery garments
    • Medical tests

    When choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area for ear surgery, remember that the surgeon's experience and your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final cost of the surgery.




    Otoplasty, often known as cosmetic ear surgery, is a surgical technique that alters the form, location, or size of the ears.

    If you're disturbed by how much your ears protrude from your skull, you could consider otoplasty. If your ear or ears are deformed due to an injury or congenital condition, you may want to explore otoplasty.

    Otoplasty can be performed at any age once the ears have achieved their full size — generally after the age of 5 — and continues throughout adulthood.

    If a kid is born with prominent ears or other ear-shape concerns, splinting may successfully repair these difficulties if started soon after birth.

    The cost will vary based on criteria such as the plastic surgeon, your location, and the type of operation done.