
Last updated date: 10-Mar-2024

Originally Written in English

What Everyone Must Know About Fever!


    What is Fever?

    Hyperthermia, pyrexia, and high temperature are other terms for fever. It defines a higher-than-normal body temperature, being a part of the immune system’s response. Both adults and children can get a fever. The human body can fight off sickness by temporarily raising its temperature. However, a high temperature may be a sign of a dangerous illness that needs to be treated right away. Most kids and adults find having a fever uncomfortable. In most cases, fevers subside after a few days. There are many over-the-counter medicines that are designed to reduce fever yet it should not be treated unless it is uncomfortable.

    Fever body temperatures slightly vary during the day and from person to person. The standard definition of the average temperature is 98.6 F. (37 C). A temperature of 100 F or above taken using a mouth thermometer (oral temperature) is typically regarded as fever (37.8 fever in Celsius).


    Causes of Fever

    Causes of fever

    A balance between heat generation and heat loss determines the average body temperature. This equilibrium is kept in check by the hypothalamus, a region of the brain also referred to as the body's "thermostat".

    Human body temperature swings a little bit during the day even if it’s completely healthy. In the morning, it may be lower, and later on, in the afternoon and evening, it may be higher.

    The hypothalamus has the ability to raise body temperature in response to sickness. Complex processes are triggered as a result, increasing heat production and reducing heat loss. A person may experience shivering, which is one way the body generates heat. They are assisting their body in retaining heat when they wrap up in a blanket because they are feeling cold. Low-grade fevers from common viral diseases, including the flu, may support the immune system's ability to fight disease and are typically not dangerous.


    Some of the reasons why body temperature is elevated are:

    • Infections

    Fever can be brought on by almost any infection, including Appendicitis, skin infections, bone infections (osteomyelitis), meningitis, respiratory diseases- the common cold, ear infection and sinus infection, sore throat, mononucleosis, pneumonia, and TB, as well as infections of the urinary tract.

    • Fever with a sinus infection

    Typically, bacterial or viral infections cause sinusitis. Mucus cannot pass through one’s body normally when the lining of the sinuses is irritated. Everything from viruses to fungus and other irritants is being carried out of the body by that mucus. Once its circulation in the body slows, germs can flourish and they begin to experience a variety of annoying symptoms. Typically, a fever of 100.4 degrees or above means that the body is battling an infection. In an effort to get rid of the virus or bacteria causing the infection, the body starts to warm up.

    • Fever ear infection

    Children often visit a doctor for an ear infection, which is an infection that develops in the area beneath the eardrum. When bacteria or viruses infect the eardrum, it results in ear infections, which causes pain and swelling or bulging of the eardrum. Antibiotics, painkillers, and the insertion of ear tubes are all forms of treatment. Temperatures between 100° F (38 C) and 104° F might result from ear infections. Approximately 50% of kids with ear infections also have a fever.

    • Heat exhaustion

    Symptoms of heat exhaustion can include headaches, lightheadedness, dizziness, and blurred vision, and usually a fever of exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • Specific inflammatory medical conditions (for example, rheumatoid arthritis)

    A low-grade fever is a typical symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. It is frequently brought on by immune system dysfunction or joint inflammation. If a person has a fever that is higher than 101°F, it is essential to see a doctor.

    • Cancerous tumors

    Cancer fevers frequently peak at the same time and fluctuate throughout the day. If one has a temperature exceeding 100.5 degrees F for more than a few days, they should consult a doctor, as it may be an infection but it's also a thyroid cancer early warning sign.

    • Certain medications

    The drugs that are most frequently linked to inducing fever are quinidine, procainamide, methyldopa, phenytoin, cephalosporins, antitubercular, and penicillins. These could all be ingredients in medications.

    • Some immunizations

    One of the most frequent adverse reactions to vaccinations is fever. Parents' worries when their child gets a fever after receiving a vaccination are natural given that fevers are frequently linked to sickness. Fever, though, is a typical aspect of immunological reactions.

    But, is fever from allergies possible? The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology states that allergies don't raise the body temperature. A sinus infection is most likely to blame if a person has a fever and allergy symptoms like a runny or stuffy nose.

    • Fever with food poisoning

    Food poisoning typically manifests as symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever, although different types of pathogenic bacteria can induce various symptoms.

    • Fever and diarrhea

    The signs and symptoms of viral gastroenteritis, an intestinal infection, include watery diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, and occasionally fever.

    • Fever after surgery

    Postoperative fever is defined as a temperature of more than 102.2 °F on any day following surgery or more than 100.4 °F on any two days following surgery. Following surgery, fever is extremely typical. In most cases, it is harmless and resolve on its own.


    Taking a temperature

    Taking a temperature

    An individual can pick from a variety of thermometers in order to take their temperature, including oral, rectal, ear (tympanic), and forehead (temporal artery) thermometers. The most precise methods for determining core body temperature are often oral and rectal thermometers. Although handy, ear and forehead thermometers give less precise temperature readings. If possible, a rectal temperature measurement is a little more precise for newborns. Give your doctor both the reading and the thermometer's brand when you report a temperature.


    Fever symptoms

    Even though different people may experience fever in various ways depending on multiple factors such as the cause and fever temperature, there are a few common symptoms and indicators of fever. These may include sweating, shivering and fever chills, body aches, headaches, muscle pain, loss of appetite, general weakness, and mood changes (for example, irritability). The fever and symptoms may last for various amounts of time: from 24 hours to 4 days or 5 days or more.

    Fever can occasionally cause mental disorientation and hallucinations in sufferers. These fever hallucinations could involve hearing or seeing things that aren't there.


    When to call the doctor regarding fever?

    Call the doctor regarding fever

    • Fever for adults

    Adults are advised to consult a healthcare provider in case their temperature is 103 F (39.4 C) or higher, especially if any of the following symptoms are experienced with fever body temperature: unusually intense headaches, rashes, light-related sensitivity, recurring vomiting, difficulties in breathing and abdominal pain, as well as convulsions or seizures.

    • Fever in kids

    Even though fever in children is typically not a cause to alarm, it is essential to notice if they are still responsive to eye contact, facial expressions, and voice tone. Calling a doctor is the best option in case the child presents certain symptoms, such as not being responsive, vomiting repeatedly, experiencing severe headaches, fever sore throat. Other alarming signs are having a seizure linked to high body temperature or having a fever for 3 days or more. In unique situations, such as a kid with immune system issues or who has a prior sickness, it is recommended to ask the child's doctor for advice.

    • Fever for infants and toddlers - Fever in 6 months olds or fever with teething

    Particularly in newborns and young children (infants and toddlers), a fever is a cause for concern. When the baby is younger than 3 months old, a concerning rectal temperature is anything higher than 100.4 F (38 C). For infants between 3 and 6 months old, it is best to consult a professional in cases of body temperature of more than 102 F (38.9 C) or unusual symptoms (irritability, generally feeling uncomfortable). The same temperature applies to babies aged between 7 months old and two years old when they show no other symptoms, otherwise, it is recommended to call sooner.

    Fever from teething is not common, even if teething occasionally causes a slight increase in body temperature (a low-grade fever). A virus or illness is more likely to be to blame if the baby has a fever while teething, therefore one should get in touch with their child's doctor.


    With regards to fever medicines for kids, you should always consult with your child’s doctor before hand. Therefore, whether you should give your kid for fever Advil or Tylenol or ibuprofen, should always be the recommandation of your pediatrician. 

    Generally, regarding fever medicine for babies, acetaminophen (Tylenol) is recommended by medical professionals. In case the child is older than 6 months, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and others) is a good option as well, yet it is important to read the label very carefully or consult a specialist regarding the proper dosage of medicine.


    Fever levels- What fever is too high? What fever temperature is dangerous?

    As mentioned before, the average body temperature is between 36.4°C and 37.2°C, or 97.5°F and 98.9°F. Fevers 99, 99.1, 99.5, 99.6 or 99.8 are usually not concerning, yet the severity of the medical state also depends on the experienced symptoms. It typically varies between a lower morning value and a greater evening value.

    Most medical professionals define a fever as one that is 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. For a fever of 100 or fever of 101, it is recommended to drink many fluids and try to get some rest, as well as optionally take fever-reducing medications. If an adult develops a fever of 105°F (40.5°C) or higher and it does not go away with treatment, it is a medical emergency that poses a risk to life, and they should immediately dial 911.


    What is a Fever chart?

    A graph that depicts how a variable fever changes over time is called a fever chart. For data that is constantly changing, such as stock prices, fever charts are employed. They provide the visual display of a change in a single variable over a predetermined period of time.


    Treatments for Fever

    Treatments for fever

    Fever reducer medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used to treat a fever at the amounts recommended by a healthcare professional. Giving ibuprofen and acetaminophen alternately can result in medication mistakes and unwanted effects. It is important to ever administer aspirin to a youngster or adolescent who is feverish. A warm bath could bring down the temperature, while rubdowns with alcohol are no longer advised. However, the best option is to call a healthcare provider in case the symptoms are concerning, as well as if the temperature rises suddenly or the fever is not going down with fever medicine.


    Home remedies

    There are also a few fever home remedies for fever that might be significantly effective.

    • Echinacea- According to several studies, consuming an echinacea-based tea when one first experiences a fever helps strengthen the immune system. They'll be able to fight the illness and lower their fever more quickly as a result. Most health food stores carry echinacea-containing beverages.
    • Ginger- Ginger can also be used as a treatment for mild fevers. Fever, cough, and other typical symptoms can all be treated with ginger thanks to its antibacterial characteristics.
    • Fluids- Fluids are crucial for cleaning away harmful bacteria, regulating body temperature, and maintaining proper bodily function.
    • Sleep- Getting enough rest may be the greatest cure for a low fever. The human body is trying its hardest to prevent getting ill, and it lets one know by raising their temperature. Sleeping will therefore offer the body the strength and time it needs to fend off the oncoming germs.
    • Wearing light pajamas, taking a warm shower, and avoiding too many blankets in order to keep the body cool may also help.
    • Fever patches  - What are fever patches? Cooling patches function by redistributing heat away from the forehead.The special hydrogel component guarantees that the cooling effect lasts for up to eight hours and offers constant relief. This eliminates the requirement to use a washcloth that must be periodically wet in order to function, which is why it is a very good option for those developing fever only at night.


    Fever complications

    Children between the ages of six months old and five years old are more likely to experience seizures during a fever (febrile seizure). A third of kids who experience one febrile seizure go on to experience another one, usually within the next 12 months.

    A febrile seizure may cause body rigidity, eyes rolling back, loss of consciousness and limb trembling on both sides of the body. The vast majority of fever seizures have no long-term consequences, despite being concerning for parents.

    In case a fever occurs, the following practices may be helpful for recovery:

    • Laying the child on the side or stomach on a flat surface
    • Removing any sharp objects around the child
    • Removing or loosening tight clothes
    • Trying to prevent injuries

    If a seizure lasts longer than five minutes or the child doesn't seem to be recovering well after the seizure, the parent or any adult or guardian must call 911 or your local emergency number. Further evaluation from a healthcare provider might be needed as well.


    Prevention of fever

    One can reduce exposure to infectious diseases by following a few hygiene and medical practices, such as:

    • Getting vaccinated as medical professionals strongly recommend
    • Wearing masks and social distancing according to public health guidelines
    • Often washing hands properly, especially in certain situations such as right before having a meal or a snack, after using the toilet and petting animals, as well as during using public transportation or being in crowded places; a good option is carrying a hand sanitizer.
    • Avoiding touching the nose, mouth or eyes
    • Not sharing cups or water bottles with other people around


    Fever during pregnancy- is fever a sign of pregnancy? Fever early pregnancy

    Fever during pregnancy

    Having a fever while pregnant should be closely monitored. A fever of 38.5°C or higher or one with a low-grade duration of more than 24 hours may be detrimental to the pregnancy as they may be signs of an infection. Preterm births are frequently caused by infections.

    Numerous studies have found a connection between pregnant fever and an increased risk of birth abnormalities, particularly in the first trimester. However, because other studies have produced disparate findings, the current level of study prevents us from concluding that the two are genuinely connected.

    Additionally, it's unclear if the risk of birth abnormalities is brought on by the mother's body temperature rising or by the underlying infection.

    Even though some women have a little increase in body temperature in addition to the rise in progesterone that occurs in early pregnancy, fever is not an indicator of pregnancy.


    What is a Fever dream? 

    Fever dreams are vivid, frequently strange, or unpleasant dreams experienced by people while asleep. The majority of vivid dreams take place during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, while they can happen at any stage of sleep.

    Fever dreams' precise origin is uncertain. According to some experts, the "overheated" brain10 has an impact on cognitive processing, which renders fever dreams stranger than regular dreams. Fevers can also affect REM sleep, which can cause other sleep-related abnormalities, like strange nightmares.


    Is Fever contagious?

    Infection, like that from a cold or flu virus, is one of the most frequent causes of fever. Viral infections that cause fever are frequently very contagious and pass from person to person by hand-to-hand contact or airborne respiratory droplets.


    What is a Fever Blister? 

    Fever blister

    Fever blisters, commonly known as cold sores, are a typical viral illness. On and around your lips, these are little blisters filled with fluid. These blisters frequently occur in patches. A scab that can last several days forms when the blisters rupture. Cold sores typically disappear without a scar after two to three weeks.

    Cold sores cannot be cured, although treatment can help control outbreaks. Sores can heal more quickly with the use of fever blister medicine, such as prescription antiviral tablets or lotions. Additionally, they could lessen the incidence, duration, and intensity of upcoming outbreaks.

    Depending on whether this is one’s first outbreak or a recurrence, the signs and symptoms will change. After being exposed to the virus for the first time, symptoms of a cold sore may not appear for up to 20 days. The blisters can take two to three weeks to fully heal, and the sores can persist for many days. Recurrences frequently occur at the same location every time and are typically less severe than the initial epidemic.


    Can fever cause rash?

    After a fever, toddlers can get a rash. Even if this is rarely serious, it's crucial to visit a doctor right away. Three to five days after infection, the rash usually consists of flat pink or red patches that are accompanied by swelling. It can have flat to slightly raised lumps and be flesh-colored to somewhat purplish-gray on darker skin. The immune system picks up the virus as it moves through the bloodstream, causing the rash to appear.


    What is yellow fever?

    A virus that is carried by mosquito bites is what causes yellow fever. Fever, chills, headaches, backaches, and muscle aches are among the symptoms that take 3-6 days to manifest. Yellow fever can cause a serious sickness that can cause bleeding, shock, organ failure, and occasionally even death in about 15% of patients.

    Nowadays, yellow fever is endemic throughout Africa and South America's tropical and subtropical regions. Although the creation of a yellow fever vaccine has helped save many lives over the years, the disease still has a significant global impact.



    Body temperature

    The internal "thermostat" of the body causes a fever when it raises the body temperature above normal. The hypothalamus, a region of the brain, houses this thermostat. The hypothalamus will communicate with the rest of the body in order to keep it at the proper temperature, which is typically around 98.6°F/37°C. The majority of people's body temperatures fluctuate throughout the day; they are typically lower in the fist part of the day and in the evening, and they can shift as children play, run around, and exercise.

    It is essential to remember that fevers may have serious complications if left without appropriate treatment, meaning that an individual whose fever doesn’t go down with medication must contact a healthcare provider.