
Last updated date: 11-Mar-2024

Originally Written in English

What To Eat After An Extraction Of Wisdom Teeth?


    The care after extraction of the teeth of the trial are key to help the process of recovery from surgery and prevent complications. Therefore, it is essential to follow the instructions of Wisdom Teeth Removal Dentist in this regard.

    In this sense, not all food and drinks are recommended after such an intervention. Therefore, it is convenient to know the best options regarding what to eat after the extraction of a wisdom tooth.

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that possible discomfort after surgery can make it difficult to chew and eat certain types of food. Always ask for wisdom tooth extraction cost Delhi before undergoing any treatment.

    At the same time, feeding will also be influenced by the complexity of the surgery and the total number of teeth that have been removed in the same day. However, there are some general recommendations regarding the best type of food after wisdom teeth are removed.


    What are Wisdom teeth?

    Wisdom teeth

    Wisdom teeth are the back teeth in your mouth (the third molar teeth). They usually appear (erupt) in their late teens or early twenties. Some wisdom teeth do not fully emerge and become lodged (or impacted) on neighboring teeth or bone. This frequently results in a gum flap covering your teeth. Others get very lengthy (over erupt).

    A wisdom tooth may need to be removed for one or more of the following reasons.

    • Gum infection that occurs frequently or is severe
    • Dental caries
    • When a wisdom tooth protrudes too far, it might cause injury to the face or gums.
    • It's possible that you'll require surgery to reposition your jaw forward or backward.
    • It's possible that your tooth is in a position that makes cleaning it difficult.
    • Other teeth may need to be moved rearward by an orthodontist.
    • You might have a cyst around or around your teeth, or you could have other jaw issues.
    • A jaw fracture might be threatening your teeth.


    Are there any alternatives to removing a wisdom tooth?

    Removing a wisdom tooth

    Simple pain relievers like paracetamol can assist with minor wisdom tooth discomfort. When the region around the wisdom teeth is infected, antibiotics and washing with hot, salty water or chlorhexidine mouthwash can assist.

    If a wisdom tooth has partially erupted, removing the gum that lies over it (operculectomy) may be possible. It is feasible to remove only the crown of your tooth if the root of your tooth is close to the nerve that gives feeling to your lower lip (coronectomy).


    Common Complications of Wisdom teeth removal

    Wisdom tooth extraction

    Wisdom tooth extraction is a frequent procedure with few problems provided you follow your dentist's post-operative recommendations. There are, however, exceptions, and it's vital to be aware of the most prevalent possible issues so you can alert your dentist right away if you start to notice them.

    • Pain and swelling. This is to be expected to some extent, and if it gets severe, your dentist may prescribe over-the-counter pain medicine. The majority of swelling does not appear until the day after surgery, and it does not peak until 48 to 72 hours after surgery. If the pain persists after a few days of rest and medicine, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist to have a closer look.
    • Inability to fully open your mouth. A tooth extraction, particularly wisdom teeth extraction, can cause prolonged jaw stiffness. If this happens to you, your dentist may suggest medication or physical therapy.
    • Excessive bleeding. As the wounds develop the requisite blood clot in the extraction site, some bleeding is usual for the first 12 hours following the treatment. However, if the problem persists, you should contact your dentist for more recommendations.
    • Numb lips. Nerves surrounding the extraction site might cause lip numbness in rare circumstances. While this is usually very transitory, if it persists, you should see your dentist right away.
    • Dry socket. A dry socket can occur if the blood clot that develops in the extraction site becomes dislodged. Dry socket is a painful disease that occurs when the nerves behind your gums are exposed to food and oxygen within three to five days of tooth extraction.


    You should concentrate on your food in the days following surgery to avoid many of these issues. The most essential thing to remember is that you should eat soft foods that don't need much chewing. This is because your gums will be infected, making chewing extremely painful.

     In order to keep the wound from becoming infected, you should prevent allowing germs to become caught in the open gum. Despite any difficulties you may have eating following your wisdom teeth removal, it's also a good idea to eat healthy meals.


    What to eat after Wisdom teeth extraction?

    After a wisdom tooth extraction

    You can have some difficulties eating after the dental surgery. It's common for your mouth opening to feel limited and confined. Instead, it is suggested that you eat little pieces of food.

    You can progressively include more solid meals and other typical items into your diet over the next several days (from day 3 onwards). Oatmeal, bread, and soft noodles are examples. You will be able to eat normally again in at least a week following the wisdom teeth extraction.

    Thus, the general recommendations are as follows:

    • Food can be eaten after a wisdom tooth extraction. However, wait until your mouth is no longer numb from anesthesia to avoid biting the inside of your cheek, lip, or tongue.
    • Better to take only soft food in the first 24 hours after the intervention. For example, yogurt, applesauce, vegetable creams, or purees.
    • Little by little, you can introduce semi- soft foods such as fresh cheese, banana, avocado, egg or fish. That is, those that can be easily broken with a fork.
    • Staying hydrated is important, so drink water regularly. Also, in case the food intake is limited in the first days, liquid foods will help to compensate for this situation.
    • As pain and inflammation are alleviated, new foods can be incorporated.
    • Full recovery after wisdom tooth extraction can take up to two weeks. However, it is after seven days that most people can return to their normal diet.


    After removal

    Eat after teeth removed

    The dentist may use dissolving stitches to close the gum if an incision has been made. Your dentist will inform you how long it will take for the sutures to dissolve, which is typically 7 to 10 days.

    Gauze may be placed over the tooth extraction site by your dentist. They may urge you to bite your teeth together for up to an hour to retain pressure on it. This is to allow for the formation of a blood clot in the vacant tooth socket. Avoid removing blood clots since they are an important element of the healing process.

    If you have a persistent infection, antibiotics may be administered. Avoid these foods for the first 24 hours following your wisdom teeth extraction:

    • Rinsing your mouth out with liquid
    • Drinking alcohol and smoking
    • Drinking hot liquids such as tea or soup
    • A heavy level of physical activity


    Foods you can eat after wisdom teeth are removed 

    Foods to eat after teeth removed 

    Approximately 90% of people have at least one of their third molars, often known as wisdom teeth, extracted at some time in their lives. Many people get all four teeth removed to avoid future dental issues. Knowing what to eat after surgery will help you heal faster if you have this relatively simple procedure. To help you recover from a wisdom tooth extraction, try a few of these nutritious and tasty treats.

    For 3 to 5 Days you will want to stick to liquids and soft, mushy foods such as:

    • Apple sauce
    • Ice cream and sorbets
    • Soups and Broths
    • Jell-O and puddings
    • Mashed potatoes
    • Yogurt
    • Scrambled eggs
    • Smoothies


    Apple Sauce

    Applesauce's smooth, pureed texture makes it a good soft meal to chew following wisdom teeth extraction. Applesauce is high in vitamin C and dietary fiber, both of which are important components of a balanced diet. There is very little jaw movement required, which aids in healing and prevents pain.

    Apple sauce may be made with a variety of apple cultivars, depending on the sweetness or tartness desired. Sour apples were once used to produce savory apple sauce. A skinless apple, on the other hand, is an excellent source of vitamins like vitamin C. This vitamin may assist to strengthen the immune system, which may promote wound healing.


    Ice cream and sorbets

    The origins of frozen desserts are unknown, while there are various tales of their history. Although sorbets are said to have originated in Persia, some sources claim that ice cream was developed in the Mongol Empire and spread to China during its development.

    After wisdom teeth extraction, ice cream or sorbet in your favorite flavor is a wonderful treat. Soft-serve is recommended for the first few days after surgery since it needs less effort to eat. This refreshing treat calms irritated tissue and speeds up the healing process.

    Cones should be avoided because they can overwork the jaw and cause discomfort or infection if minute fragments become caught in the extraction site. Also, wait until the surgery region has healed for 5-7 days before consuming tastes like Rocky Road and Chocolate Chip.


    Soups and broths

    Soups made with broth are an excellent source of comfort for wisdom tooth extraction patients. Although you may not feel like eating soup for 1-2 days following the operation, it can be a good source of protein and a healthy alternative to the sugary meals commonly recommended after wisdom teeth removal. After your wisdom teeth surgery, eat warm soup to receive lots of nutrients and maintain a balanced diet.

    While big chunks of meat or vegetables should be avoided in soups, certain little fragments in the broth are allowed. Chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, beef broth, or cream of celery soup are all healthy alternatives to eat after surgery.


    Foods to avoid after wisdom tooth surgery

    Crunchy foods

    So, knowing what to eat when your wisdom teeth are removed is key to promoting recovery. However, it is equally important to know what foods and drinks should not be taken after undergoing this surgery.

    • Hard, crunchy foods can get stuck in the cavity and hinder wound healing. In turn, the points could be reopened, if any. This would be the case, for example, for bread, nuts, popcorn, cookies or chips.
    • Be careful with rice, quinoa and other cereals, as they can get ‘trapped’ in the extraction area. The same goes for seeds.
    • Spicy or overly acidic foods may cause irritation to the area and more pain.
    • Sticky foods increase the risk of biting your mouth, especially after surgery.
    • Alcohol should be avoided during the recovery period after removal of the wisdom teeth. Especially in the first 24 hours. This can irritate the wound area and/or interact with the prescribed medication, in addition to increasing bleeding and delaying healing.
    • It is also not advisable to drink coffee or carbonated or hot drinks that could favor tissue irritation and hinder healing.


    Other Helpful Routines

    • For 3 to 5 Days

    For 3 to 5 days following surgery, avoid using a straw or spitting. These produce suction in your mouth, increasing your chance of developing dry socket, a painful disease in which the clot protecting the region where your tooth was extracted gets dislodged. This exposes your bones and nerves to the air, slowing healing and causing discomfort.

    For 5 days, don't smoke since the nicotine in cigarettes slows healing and lengthens recovery time. For at least a week, refrain from chewing tobacco.

    • One Week After Surgery

    Begin rinsing your extraction sites seven days after surgery to clear the area of debris and food (your dentist may provide a syringe for this). Rinse before doing this to avoid removing the healing blood clot.

    • When can I start eating normal food after wisdom teeth extraction?

    After their wisdom teeth are removed, many patients find that they may resume regular eating habits within a week. In the days and weeks following wisdom tooth removal, eating a diet rich in soft, pleasant, and healthful foods is critical to your rehabilitation. You'll feel more comfortable and lower your risk of infection if you stick to the correct diets and avoid those that might sabotage your recovery.


    Dental implant

    Dental implant

    One of the therapies for replacing lost teeth is a Dental implant. Their usage in the treatment of total and partial edentulism has become a standard dental procedure. Dental implants offer several benefits over traditional fixed partial dentures.

    1. A high success rate (above 97% for 10 years)
    2. A decreased risk of caries and endodontic problems of adjacent teeth
    3. Improved maintenance of bone in edentulous site
    4. Decreased sensitivity of adjacent teeth

    A dental implant is an alloplastic device that is put under the mucosa and/or periosteum, as well as into or through the bone, to provide retention and support for a fixed or removable dental prosthesis.

    Exodontia (oral surgery) is the oldest dental profession, and implant dentistry is the second oldest. The Mayans utilized shell fragments as implants to replace mandibular teeth around 600 AD. J. Maggiolo implanted a gold implant tube into a new extraction site in 1809. Vitallium screws were first utilized to restore lost teeth by the Strock brothers in 1930. In the 1940s, Formiggini (the pioneer of modern implantology) and Zepponi created a post-type endosseous implant. 

    Dahl, a Swedish dentist, invented the subperiosteal implant in the 1940s. Strock invented a two-stage screw implant that could be put without a permucosal post in 1946. After the implant had fully healed, the abutment post and individual crowns were inserted. Ankylosis was the term used at the time to describe the ideal implant interface. Dr. Linkow introduced blade implants, which are now known as endosseous implants, in 1967.

    After the fortuitous innovation of Dr. Branemark, who assisted in the advancement of the idea of osseointegration, dental implants became a scientific cornerstone (direct, rigid attachment of the implant to the bone without any intervening tissue in between two implants).


    Indications of Dental implants

    1. Partial edentulous patients who have intermediate gaps or free-end edentulism (Kennedy class 1).
    2. When a patient is not satisfied with the existing unstable and nonretentive conventional complete dental prosthesis.
    3. To preserve existing removable partial prostheses. 


    Contraindications of Dental implants

    • Absolute Contraindication

    Acute illness, the magnitude of defect or anomaly, uncontrolled metabolic disease, bone or soft tissue pathology/infection

    • Relative Contraindications

    Diabetes, osteoporosis, parafunctional habits, HIV, AIDS, bisphosphonate use, chemotherapy, head and neck irradiation, behavioral, neurogenic, psychosocial, and psychiatric diseases are only some of the conditions that might affect people.



    Dental implants technique

    Surgical protocols: Over the years, three surgical techniques have been used: (1) two-stage (2) one-stage (3) immediate-loading. The implant body is initially placed beneath the soft tissue until the bone begins to recover in the two-stage surgical process (usually 2 to 3 months for mandible and 3 to 6 for maxilla).

    Soft tissues are reflected during the second stage of surgery in order to connect a permucosal element or abutment. The implant body in the bone and the permucosal element above the soft tissue are both implanted concurrently in a one-stage surgical procedure until initial bone maturation has occurred. 

    The implant's abutment replaces the permucosal part, eliminating the need for further soft tissue surgery. The implant body and prosthetic abutment are placed during the first surgery, and the restoration (mainly transitional) is later joined to the abutment.



    During and after surgery, a variety of complications and issues might arise. During the process, perforated buccal or lingual plates might be visible. If possible, a broader implant can be utilized in an elliptical/eccentric preparation. If this is the case, fill the osteotomy with autogenous graft, compress it, and replace the implant. A lingual artery or facial artery damage might cause bleeding in the mouth's floor.

    As a result, extreme caution must be exercised during osteotomy preparation. Nerve injury can cause anesthesia, paresthesia, or hyperesthesia, which are all symptoms of nerve damage. As a result, the surgical landmark is frequently placed 2mm above the mandibular canal.

    Incision line opening is the most common postoperative consequence. The detachable interim prosthesis' design is involved, and it is rectified. The patient is recommended to rinse with chlorhexidine 2-3 times each day. Epithelial margin trimming can be done if the granulation process lasts longer than two weeks.

    No attempt should be made to hide implants with tissue if they become exposed during the healing process. Rather, the denture is severely eased over the implant location. The implant may move throughout the healing process, which is usually accompanied by a radiolucent zone surrounding the implant.

    The implant should be removed regardless of the cause. Horizontal mobility greater than 0.5 mm, rapid progressive bone loss, pain during percussion, uncontrolled exudate, generalized radiolucency around the implant, more than half of the bone is lost around the implant, and finally, implants inserted in poor position, rendering them useless for prosthetic support are all signs and symptoms of implant failure. Minimum success requirements include an 85 percent success rate after five years and an 80 percent success rate after ten years.



    Complications wisdom teeth

    If you feel you have an impacted wisdom teeth that has to be removed, schedule an appointment with your dentist. It's best to get impacted wisdom teeth out of the way as soon as possible. A wisdom teeth extraction is typically a safe and effective strategy to keep your problems from returning.

    Nutrition and post-operative instructions are critical in the healing process. The appropriate nutrients can help with wound healing, face swelling, and infection prevention at the extraction sites. Following such an intervention, not all foods and beverages are suggested.