Check Up

Last updated date: 30-Aug-2023

Originally Written in English

Doctors are not magicians. It is clearly visible in this COVID-19 crisis. Physicians are human, and everything that has to do with healthcare is a process. Cures for diseases have come from in-depth research. Some people had died because of malaria but now we all benefit from widely available malaria prophylactic treatment worldwide.

Illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, and cancer are notorious killers. But, any of these three and more are powerless when discovered early. Just a tree growing just after germination can easily be stepped over, diseases found early have a better prognosis and treatment. Early prognosis of most diseases is quite good, but most are missed. This makes people suffer immensely from an already developed infection, ailment, malignancy, or malady.

This why a health check-up in a hospital are essential. A good medical centre is equipped with excellent laboratories and investigative tools. This will help you get tested efficiently. And if there is an underlying disease it will be detected early. This will help doctors start treating you early and will likely help provide a positive treatment result compared to when worrying symptoms have already begun.


Benefits of a Regular Health Check-Up

doctor for medical check-up

There are lots of advantages from going to a doctor for medical check-up. Any of the numerous medical tests will show your health status promptly. Apart from helping a physician diagnose a disease during its early stages, there are few more reasons to go for a medical check-up below:

Cheap and affordable: Doing a health check-up does not have to be exorbitantly expensive. Measuring your blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer is so affordable that it is close to nothing. However, it can expose underlying high blood pressure which can save you from several medical conditions that are devastating such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Stroke
  • Vision loss

Enhanced Health Monitoring: A major reason to choose medical check-up as a routine practice is how it can help the doctors keep a watchful eye on your health. If any of the parameters of the investigations are getting out of hand, you can be quickly be advised to make lifestyle adjustments. Some tests can even reveal the presence of DNA mutations with tests from companies such as Illumina or Bionano Genomics. Discovering such a phenomenon can help in preventing specific forms of cancer among other serious diseases.

Curbs self-medication hazards: You need to be aware that times have changed. Coronavirus has affected the world in a unique and ravaging manner. Not all diseases are caused by germs or toxins. 50% of the world’s population was impacted negatively by COVID-19. However, without a routine general medical check-up, mental health illnesses causing physical symptoms may be missed. Avoiding self-misdiagnosis can save you from the possible side effects of unnecessary drugs as well as metabolic stress when you prioritize a health check-up.


How does a health check-up work?

Health check-up is not a surgical procedure or a dangerous process. Some of them are minimally invasive to your body. Some just needs a few drops of blood. Others may need a radiological scan to take images for review. Examples of essential tests and screenings are:

  • Blood pressure measurements
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Breast and cervical cancer early detection
  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Computed tomography scan
  • Fasting blood sugar and random blood sugar after meals
  • Full/complete blood count
  • HIV/AIDS screening
  • Lipid profile test
  • Magnetic resonance scan
  • Oral Health check-up
  • Pap smear
  • Prostate-specific antigen and prostate acid phosphate cancer screening
  • Skin cancer histology
  • Ultrasound scan
  • Viral markers of hepatitis

Most of the above tests only need you to walk into a clinic. Not only will the examinations be carried out, but they will also be review and a report given on each. You may have to pay, or your insurance may cover a part or fully for them. It is a systematic process. Once you go through it once, you would have a hang of it.


What to expect from this procedure?

Check-up instrument

Your expectations should be focused on an enlightenment and health talk you deserve. Imagine having answers to health questions and dilemma plaguing your mind all this while. Whenever a test result is being reviewed by a doctor, ample clarification and explanation should follow.

Ultimately, you will get your money’s worth. And if unfortunately, there’s an undesirable result, it will be managed by the healthcare professional in the facility immediately. In fact, if you need a specialist, you will be promptly directed to the appropriate provider.

So, if you are ever found to have a stage 1 cancer, your chances to be free of it increases when discovered in a full health check-up early on. But for someone with a Stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, if the prognosis is bad, it may be at a malignant stage already. It is for reasons like this that one should do a regular check-up. It can be quite difficult to do that during this COVID era, but with technological innovation, it can be done.

CloudHospital is a comprehensive online portal that helps patients globally locate the right services for their conditions independent of their current location. CloudHospital delivers the finest medical services internationally, with well-respected physicians in their area of expertise. In situations whereby you will benefit from a health check-up abroad, CloudHospital will ensure to direct you to the appropriate medical check-up facilities anywhere in the world.