
Last updated date: 21-Aug-2023

Originally Written in English

The structure and the system of any mammal, including human beings, is very complex. It involves a series of activities and significant functions that continuously take place to keeps us alive. One of the vital systems in the body is the endocrine system that plays a major vital role. 

Sometimes, this endocrine system is altered, and various life-threatening conditions and complications may result. Luckily, endocrinology is a branch concerned with the system functions and treating conditions that affect the overall functions. 


What is Endocrinology in Mammals? 

Endocrinology refers to the scientific study of the endocrine system, related disorders, and hormone productions. 

Hormones play a significant role in the day to day survival. They are responsible for regulating body temperature, mood, growth, stress, sleep, movement, and many other activities. 

Endocrinology is, therefore, concerned with hormones as well as different tissues and glands that release them. Usually, a human body consists of more than 50 distinct hormones that exist in small amounts. Each of these hormones has a significant impact on the development and various body functions. 


What is the Endocrine System? 

The endocrine system involves several organs and glands situation throughout the human body. It’s responsible for regulating and managing various body functions and uses hormones (chemical messengers) for communication. 

The endocrine system glands create hormones, release, and store them. Each gland manufactures one or more important hormones that target certain body tissues and organs. 

The different endocrine system glands include the following; 

Hypothalamus: Manufactures and releases a number of hormones that regulate the pituitary glands and various body functions. These body functions involve respiration, appetite, temperature, heart rate, sleep, and circadian cycles. 

Pituitary gland: Produces hormones that impact the overall growth and reproductions. It also helps manages the functions of the endocrine glands. 

Thyroid gland: Secretes hormones that play a vital role in regulating metabolism, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rhythm, and body reaction to other hormones. 

Pineal gland: Produces melatonin that is essential for controlling sleeping and waking patterns as well as reproductive hormones level. 

Parathyroid glands: Maintains the control of calcium and phosphate levels within the blood and bones. The standard levels of calcium and phosphate make the nerves and the muscles to operate effectively.  

Adrenal gland: Secrete hormones (corticosteroids) that regulate body functions, including heart rate, stress response, and blood pressure. It also releases aldosterone that impacts kidney functions. 

Thymus gland: Produces important hormones that help with the development of T cells (a type of white blood cells). In the early stages, the thymus gland is usually active, after which it shrinks. It also plays a significant role in the body defense system, which involves protecting the body against various infections and diseases. 

Pancreas: The pancreas' endocrine function is to control the level of blood sugar in the body. It also releases insulin that is crucial for fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. 

Ovaries and testicles: Ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen hormones while testicles release androgens, mainly testosterone. 


Endocrinology Disorders 

Endocrinology Disorders 

In certain instances, the levels of hormones can either go up or down, causing hormonal imbalance. Whenever this happens, it alters various body functions and affects overall well-being, hence causing certain endocrinology disorders. 

The signs and the symptoms of these disorders usually depend on the imbalanced hormone. Sometimes, infants are also born with hormonal disorders that may result in various health issues that impact growth and development. 

These are, therefore, some of the common disorders that impact the endocrine system as well as hormonal level; 



Hypothyroidism is a disorder that develops when the thyroid fails to secrete sufficient thyroid hormone. Other causes are autoimmune disorder, hyperthyroidism treatment, surgery to remove the thyroid, radiation therapy, and medications. 

Some of the prevalent symptoms a person with this condition may experience include; 

  • Weight gain 
  • Fatigue 
  • Constipation 
  • Skin and hair dryness 
  • Depression 
  • Slow heart rhythm 


The most common and effective treatment of hypothyroidism is supplementing the thyroid hormone with a certain medication. 



This occurs when the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormones as required in the body. It’s usually caused by an autoimmune disorder known as grave’s disease. Other causes of hyperthyroidism are too much iodine, thyroid inflammation, or benign tumors. 

The signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism are; 

  • Weight loss
  • Sweating 
  • Increased heart rhythm 
  • Nervousness 
  • Diarrhea 


The treatment of hyperthyroidism mainly depends on the severity of the condition and other underlying causes. However, common forms of treatment include medication, endocrine therapy, and surgery. 


Addison’s disease 

Addison’s disease consists of;  

  • Primary adrenal insufficiency
  • Secondary adrenal insufficiency.

The primary adrenal insufficiency happens if the adrenal glands are damaged and fails to secrete sufficient hormones or produce hormones at all. On the other hand, secondary adrenal insufficiency develops when the brain's pituitary glands fail to release adrenocorticotropic hormone. 

The common symptoms are; 

  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue 
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Low blood sugar 
  • Irritation 
  • Craving for salty food


Addison’s disease treatment involves medication to replace the insufficient hormones in the body. 


Cushing Syndrome 

Cushing syndrome develops when the body is exposed to a high hormone cortisol level for a prolonged period. It may also be caused by too much use of cortisol medication. The symptoms include; 

  • Weight gain 
  • Stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, or arms 
  • Fatty deposits, especially on the face, shoulders, or midsection 
  • Slow healing of wounds or insect bites 
  • Easy bruising 


Cushing syndrome treatment depends on the condition’s primary cause. It can be medication, endocrine surgery, or radiation therapy. 



This is a situation where the levels of blood sugar in the body are not regulated as expected. Most people who have diabetes have a lot of glucose in the blood, a condition known as high blood sugar. 

Diabetes comprises of two types; type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The common symptoms are; 

  • Weight loss 
  • Drowsiness 
  • The urge to urinate frequently 
  • Frequent or recurring infections 
  • Increased thirst or hunger 
  • Irritation 


The common effective treatment of diabetes includes medications, insulin therapy, and monitoring blood sugar levels. Also, certain lifestyle changes, including eating a balanced diet and exercising, can be helpful. 



This is a rare endocrine disorder that results in abnormal growth among children. It’s normally detected through the child’s height. 

Gigantism develops when the pituitary gland of a child produces excess growth hormones (somatotropin). The common signs and symptoms include; 

  • Large feet and hands 
  • Prominent forehead and jaw
  • Thick fingers and toes 
  • Coarse facial features 
  • Flat nose
  • Bigger head, tongue or lips
  • Sweating 
  • Body weakness 
  • Delayed puberty
  • Chronic or recurring headaches 
  • Sleeping disorders such as insomnia 
  • Irregular periods in girls 


The role of gigantism treatment is to hinder or slow the secretion of growth hormones among children. These forms of treatments may include surgery, medication, or gamma knife radiosurgery. 


Risks and Complications Associated With Endocrine Conditions 

Most of the endocrinology disorders are minor and do not easily progress. However, some conditions may result in further life-threatening complications with time. This is because the hormonal imbalance tends to alter body functions and processes. 

These risks and complications include; 

  • Heart attack or heart diseases 
  • Depressions 
  • Anxiousness or insomnia 
  • Nerve damage 
  • Coma 
  • Organ failure or total damage 
  • Poor or low life quality


Diagnosis and Tests and Endocrine Conditions 

Endocrine Conditions

In case you suspect an endocrine disorder, the doctor can refer you to a specialized endocrinologist. This is a specialist who handles issues related to the endocrine system. He/she will conduct various tests to determine the disorder and the main cause. These tests include; 

Blood and urine tests: These are normally done to check the hormones' level and determine whether you have an endocrinology disorder. 

Imaging tests: Helps identify the location of the disorder or tumor within the body. 

Physical tests and examination: Most endocrinologists usually conduct physical tests and examinations as a way of diagnosing the disease. They can ask questions such as; 

  • Family history, especially on hormonal disorders 
  • Previous or current medications 
  • Health conditions such as allergies 
  • Diet 

The endocrinologist can as well ask about other unrelated signs and symptoms. This is because hormonal levels usually alter various body systems, and any slight change in one of the glands can affect other body parts. They can also check the blood pressure, heart rhythm, and the condition of the skin, mouth, hair, and teeth. 

After diagnosis, the specialist will administer a treatment plan. This, however, may depend on the disorder causing the signs and the symptoms. 



Endocrinology in mammals entails the study of important hormones secreted by the endocrine system in the body. It’s also concerned with the functions of hormones and disorders that may arise due to imbalance. 

CloudHospital has list of one of the largest medical facilities that have a special mammalogy and endocrinology departments. It also comprises a team of endocrinologists who work together with other specialists from various related fields to treat endocrine disorders and dysfunctions.