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Manipal Hospital Vijayawada

Andhra Pradesh, India







Languages Spoken

  • English

  • Français

  • عربي

  • বাঙ্গালি

Top Specialties

  • Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  • Asthma

  • Chemotherapy

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Bone fracture treatment

  • Cerebrovascular surgery

Contact Information

Near, Kanakadurga Varadhi, Sundharayya Nagar, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 522501, India


Manipal Hospital as an entity came into existence in 1991 at Old Airport Road, Bangalore. Manipal Hospitals are among India’s foremost multi-specialty healthcare providers caring for both India and foreigners. Through the network of hospitals and a dedicated team of professionals, this group of hospitals provides quality and affordable healthcare to everyone. Manipal Hospitals are devoted to clinical excellence, patient safety, and ethical practices. Its nursing staff and paramedical professionals are highly competent and provide full support to doctors. Every hospital is equipped with the latest technology to provide state-of-the-art facilities for every patient. Manipal Hospitals provides cutting-edge service in treating all types of conditions from simple to complex. Manipal Hospital has 5000 operational beds to provide every possible facility to patients. This group of hospitals serves thousands of patients per day. Manipal Hospitals are human health experts and go above and beyond the call of duty to give maximum attention and care to the patients. This group consists of 15 hospitals with its international branch in Malaysia. Among them, some hospitals are listed below: · Manipal Hospital Jaipur · Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, Bangalore · Manipal Hospital Salem · Manipal Hospital Vijayawada · Manipal Northside Hospital WHY CHOOSE MANIPAL HOSPITALS? · The dynamic team of medical and non-medical staff provides comprehensive treatment and world-class facilities to both national and international patients. · Manipal Hospitals provides ambulance service, which is highly equipped with life-saving equipment like ECG machines and ventilators. TheIR basic life support (BLS) emergency team gives first aid to the patient in the ambulance. · The emergency unit of Manipal Hospital works 24 hours a day and seven days a week to provide care to critical patients. · Manipal Hospitals provides the service of online payment so patients and their families can deposit the payment from anywhere at any time. · This group of hospitals provides cutting edge care to every patient through a stellar team of doctors and theIR latest technology equipment include: Ultrasound Machine Mammography 1.5 Tesla MRI Scanner 3 Tesla MRI Scanner PET CT Scanner 128 Slice CT Scanner · Manipal Hospital creates a peaceful and supportive environment for the patients and healthcare providers to get good treatment outcomes. TOP MEDICAL SPECIALITIES OFFERED BY MANIPAL HOSPITALS · Kidney transplant · Total knee replacement · Asthma · Teeth whitening · Laparoscopic urology • KIDNEY TRANSPLANT When the kidneys of the human body fail to do its function, then it is transplanted with the kidney of another person. The kidney is the vital organ of the human body which filtrates the blood and excrete waste materials. If the kidney does not excrete waste material, it accumulates in the body and causes many chronic conditions. End-stage kidney disease occurs when 90% of the kidney is not functioning. Kidney diseases are mostly caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, and polycystic kidney. People with end-stage kidney disease require dialysis regularly, and when dialysis also fails to work, then doctors opt for the transplant of the kidney. The surgeons at the center of organ transplants in Manipal Hospitals are notched above in this niche. Their professionals try their best to reduce the pain and minimize the time of hospitalization. Manipal Hospitals provides quality care according to the needs of every individual. This hospital gives new hope to people who want to live a new life through a multi-organ transplant. • TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT Total knee replacement is the surgery performed after the loss of function of the knee joint due to arthritis. When the mobility of the knee joint decreases and it causes pain during movement, doctors recommend total knee replacement. In this procedure, the knee joint and cartilage are removed and replaced by an artificial joint made up of metal alloy, plastic, or polymers. This surgery is done to aid people in walking and help relieve the pain. Some factors like motility, strength, and stability of the knee joint are also considered before going for total knee replacement. At Manipal Hospitals, the robust team of orthopedic surgeons is skilled to treat the toughest bone and spine-related problems. All the bone-related conditions from simple to complex are treated with great delicacy. Their ultra-modern facilities and latest technology bring the best outcomes. Their dedicated surgeons put all efforts into ensuring that patients are up and mobile as soon as possible. • ASTHMA Asthma is a condition in which human lungs produce more mucus, which then narrows the airways. Minor asthma doesn’t cause much harm and annoyance, but extreme cases can even cause death. There are many triggers of asthma that can make the situation worse, like pollens, dust particles, perfumes, and exercise. There is no permanent cure for asthma, but symptoms of asthma can be treated. Symptoms of asthma vary from person to person, but some common symptoms are: · Difficulty in breathing · Pressure in chest · Coughing · Wheezing · Difficulty in sleep due to shortness of breath • TEETH WHITENING Teeth whitening is the process of cleaning human teeth and making them white and bright. Whitening is often desirable when teeth become yellow over time. Teeth whitening is a form of dentistry and is carried out by highly trained professionals. The dental department at Manipal Hospitals provides a complete range of dental services from routine dental cleaning to advanced orthopedics. Their team consists of skilled orthopedics and practitioners that are well versed in multi-dental disciplines. • LAPAROSCOPIC UROLOGY Urologic surgeries require a large incision, pain, and recovery time. With the advancement in technology, a new less invasive method, laparoscopic urology, is invented. In this method, a small tube is inserted into the human body by a small incision with a camera on its tip. The professionals then perform the surgery through this minimally invasive method. Laparoscopic urology can treat many urinary system-related problems. Manipal Hospital offers both therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopic urologic surgery. Offering both traditional laparoscopic procedures and robotic-assisted procedures, Manipal Hospital surgeons have been at the forefront in adopting new technologies to provide comfortable, painless, and accurate diagnosis and treatment. Manipal Hospitals provides its world-class services in 55 plus specialties. This hospital is well known for treating international patients with the same passion and enthusiasm. It has a well-experienced team of doctors, surgeons, nurses, and paramedical staff. All the staff members are dedicated to providing quality healthcare to every individual.