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S. L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim

Maharashtra, India







Languages Spoken

  • English

  • हिंदी

Top Specialties

  • Asthma

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Chemotherapy

  • Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy

  • Laparoscopic Myomectomy

  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

  • Congenital craniofacial anomalies

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Infectious Disease

  • Breast Surgery

  • Hysterectomy

Contact Information

Raheja Rugnalaya Marg, Mahim West, Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400016, India


It is not always that you get sick and require admission to a hospital. However, when and if you do, it is always best to choose facilities that do not just believe in providing standard care but also care about their wellness. A hospital that conducts a comprehensive examination to rule out all diseases gives assurance to the patient and helps catch diseases in their earliest stages. These protocols are all followed at the S.L. Raheja Hospital. S.L. Raheja Hospital is located in Mumbai, in the region of Mahim and very famous for its quality treatment facilities available for all the patients admitted there. This hospital’s foundation was laid in the year 1981, and since then, it has maintained its high standards and has only improved in providing excellent healthcare services to its patients. This tertiary care facility has over 150 beds, with an excellent staff. The ICU and emergency department working at the S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim, follows all the international guidelines and works every day. S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim, has various departments which help patients get easy referrals without any difficulties. A diabetic foot clinic, oncology and a neuroscience department are a few examples of all the different departments functioning in this hospital. S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim and its blood bank have been approved by the National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers. These accreditations indicate the quality standard of S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim, due to their excellent services. Top Medical and Surgical Specialties at the S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim The top specialties at the S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim, has made this hospital one of the best hospitals in all of Delhi. Some of these specialties have been discussed below: 1. Management of Asthma 2. Breast Surgery 3. Hysterectomy 4. Kidney Transplant 5. Treatment of Infectious Diseases • Management of Asthma Asthma is a condition that involves the respiratory tract, causing problems in breathing. The airways get narrowed and get swollen. Symptoms can range from difficult breathing, dry cough, and wheezing (whistling sound while breathing). The cause of asthma is usually an allergic reaction to an allergen in the atmosphere. However, there can also be many other causes of this condition. Patients who present with asthma symptoms are evaluated to exclude any predisposing diseases, such as COPD. After a complete physical exam, lung function tests are conducted. These tests include spirometry and peak flowmetry. Other causes are then explored by allergy testing, imaging tests, sputum analysis, and methacholine tests. The best management for asthma is avoidance of allergen in allergic asthma cases. Therefore, identifying the disease’s cause is often enough to manage this condition. Additional sprays and medications are also given to dilate bronchioles in cases of a sudden anaphylactic reaction. • Breast Surgery There are many indications for performing breast surgery—the most common cause of performing this surgery to remove a mass from the breast tissue. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers that occur in females. Early detection and removal of a malignant growth are essential to decreasing morbidity and mortality rates in such patients. Surgeons at S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim screen females for any breast lumps and advise surgery after confirming a tumor. Causes other than cancer is also evaluated (e.g., Fat necrosis and benign growth) and excluded with biopsy. Any mass or lesion (nonmalignant) that causes pain is also advised to get removed; therefore, precise excision of the mass is carried, which relieves the pain. • Hysterectomy Hysterectomy is the procedure of removal of the uterus. There are many reasons which make it essential to remove this organ. Some of them include, Ectopic Pregnancy, Fibroids, Cancer of the Cervix, Uterus or Ovaries, Endometriosis, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. At S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim, the patient's condition and the benefits of the surgery are weighed before the procedure. Assessment of the intensity of pain, its pattern and other symptoms are noted. Signs pointing towards any of the diseases as mentioned above are then advised to get a hysterectomy done. Skilled gynecologists perform this procedure. Patients who have to undergo this procedure are counselled by experts since this procedure causes permanent infertility. • Kidney Transplant There are a number of pathologies that exist due to problems in the kidney. The kidney is one of the major organs that suffer the brunt due to hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes. People who visit S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim for decreased urine output and pain in the flank region are often assessed for damage in the kidneys. After multiple blood tests, X-Rays and Ultrasounds examinations, people with non-functioning kidneys are advised Kidney Transplant surgery. They are usually placed on dialysis before they can get a donor. Since this surgery involves two people, it is carried out by experienced personnel who carefully monitor both the receiver and the donor. Rh compatibility and tissue compatibility is also performed before the procedure. Many people have gone through the transplant with an excellent recovery rate. • Treatment of Infectious Diseases Many different organisms harbor inside our bodies. However, when some pathogens enter, they end up causing infections. It is essential to treat these infections and let the body get rid of these organisms; otherwise, and there can be severe consequences for the patient’s health. Signs and symptoms of any infection usually present with fever, lethargy and weakness. Baseline tests conducted at the S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim shows a deranged profile. A high leukocyte count is an indication of a bacterial infection, whereas an elevated eosinophil count indicates a parasitic infection. A blood culture is then sent to recognize the organism, which can then be killed by specific antibiotics or antiparasitic drugs. A lumbar puncture is often advised to patients who show symptoms of meningitis. Decreased platelet counts indicate infections such as dengue fever which requires constant monitoring and hospital admission. Viral infections are usually treated symptomatically at S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mahim, if they just present symptoms of cold and flu. However, in cases of suspected encephalitis, antiviral drugs are prescribed to such patients.