Ablation Therapy for Heart Rhythm Disorders

Ablation Therapy for Heart Rhythm Disorders

Last updated date: 27-Aug-2023

Originally Written in English

Ablation therapy

What is ablation therapy? This is a minimally invasive procedure, also known as radiofrequency ablation or catheter ablation. Medical providers use this technique to kill the abnormal tissue that might be present in various conditions. For instance, it can help with abnormalities associated with the electric system of the heart, causing rapid, irregular, or multiple extra heartbeats. 

The procedure, therefore, involves the destruction or ablating of a relatively small targeted part of the heart muscle. Once this area responsible for triggering abnormal heart rhythm is destroyed, ablation re-establishes the normal regular heartbeat. The ablation treatments are normally done in a special cardiac catheterization lab by professional electrophysiology cardiologists. 


What Does Ablation Therapy Involve?