Anxiety Disorder Counseling

Anxiety Disorder Counseling

Last updated date: 14-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English

Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are a form of mental health problem. People who have an anxiety condition may experience fear and dread in response to particular things and circumstances. They can also have physical symptoms of anxiety, including a racing heart or sweating. This makes it challenging to get through the day. 

It's natural to experience some anxiousness. If you have to deal with a problem at work, attend an interview, take an exam, or make a major decision, you might feel anxious or tense. Anxiety, on the other hand, can be good. For example, it aids in recognizing dangerous circumstances and focusing attention, allowing us to remain safe. 

Anxiety disorders, however, go beyond the normal worry and fear you might experience occasionally. Anxiety disorders occur if anxiety makes it difficult for you to function. It can also arise when something provokes your emotions making you overreact and having little control over your reaction to things.