Body liposuction

Last updated date: 16-May-2023

Originally Written in English

Body Liposuction

One of the most common plastic surgery procedures in America is liposuction. It is known as liposculpture when it is applied to contour and reshape. Liposuction can be a fantastic answer for the millions of people trying to enhance their bodies and appearance because it can get rid of the fat that diet and exercise can't. Everyone has areas that are first on, last off.  Sometimes the fat is still there no matter how many kilometers, sit-ups, weights, or laps you complete. Large hips, buttocks, thighs, bellies, and love handles are suitable candidates for liposuction, as are fat deposits on the arms, legs, knees, ankles, above the knees, above the breasts, and under the chin. Multiple locations can frequently be addressed during a single procedure. Unwanted fat is suctioned out using a cannula through a half-inch incision.


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is intended to remove excess fat that is resistant to diet and exercise, giving the treated areas a leaner and more defined contour. This strategy provides a straightforward and largely predictable way to selectively reduce fat in practically any location of the body by reducing fat pockets and smoothing out fat bulges. With its small incisions and quicker recovery time compared to other cosmetic operations, liposuction from a board-certified plastic surgeon can be a great treatment for many individuals to tone areas of the body that are unchanged by diet and exercise. However, liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure and is not recommended as a method of treating obesity. The best liposuction candidates have strong skin elasticity and are at or close to their target body weight.


Body Liposuction Benefits

Body Liposuction Benefits

In contrast to other methods of fat reduction, liposuction can sculpt a variety of locations and larger treatment areas in a single procedure. In comparison to other non-surgical options, your doctor should have more control over shaping the targeted areas, enabling him to reshape the area in accordance with your aesthetic goals. The benefits of liposuction for body contouring include:

  • Ability to eliminate a lot of fat from a certain area.
  • Compared to other cosmetic procedures, the recovery period is short.
  • Can be carried out on a variety of body parts.
  • Lasting result.

The results are visible immediately, and they get better once the bruising and swelling go away completely. As long as you lead a healthy lifestyle, the results should last a lifetime because once the fat cells are eliminated, they cannot grow.


Areas Treated with Body Liposuction

Bra rolls, love handles, and muffin tops are a few body parts that are frequently prone to the excess fat deposition that can be reduced with liposuction. Although these bulges are frequently resistant to diets and exercise, liposuction methods can simply smooth them out. The following are common locations for liposuction treatments:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Flanks
  • Back
  • Upper Arms
  • Medial knees

Your doctor can use liposuction to target body fat deposits as well as to trim and shape a double chin to enhance the appearance of the entire facial profile. This can provide many patients with a better shape over the chin and jawline. If your goals include jawline contouring, many experts might additionally advise combining liposuction to the neck with a face implant to completely sculpt the submental area.


Body Liposuction Types

Body Liposuction Types

  • Tumescent liposuction. tumescent liposuction is a procedure to reduce patient discomfort both during and after treatment. The incisions produced during the operation are smaller than those made during standard liposuction and may result in less obvious scars because thinner cannulas are used to suction away extra fat cells. Excess fat is gently suctioned out to produce a more symmetrical contour while anesthetics are administered into the targeted areas to numb the area and reduce blood loss. In comparison to other methods, tumescent liposuction often provides a smoother recovery process with less swelling and bruises. It is frequently carried out in conjunction with other liposuction methods.
  • Body-Jet liposuction. Body Jet Liposuction is currently available at several cosmetic surgery facilities. With less bruising and a faster recovery period, this innovative new technology enables smoother contouring. The technology aids the plastic surgeon and makes fat breakdown and suction easier while causing less tissue injury by a gently pulsating saline solution to help remove fat.


Body Liposuction Preparation

You will meet with your surgeon to discuss your goals and the reasons you want surgery. Any ailments you currently have or have had in the past will be documented by the surgeon. In addition, they will note any medications you are taking, including herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications.

You will be examined by your surgeon, who may also take some pictures of your medical files. You will be required to sign a consent form authorizing the taking, storing, and use of photographs after being asked if you want someone to accompany you during the examination. To make sure it is safe to perform a procedure, the surgeon will measure your height and weight. Your surgeon might advise postponing surgery if you are obese or intend to get pregnant.


Body Liposuction Procedure

Body Liposuction Procedure

The anesthetic can be used for local or general anesthesia during liposuction. Patients can quickly go home following treatment because it is an outpatient surgery with the assistance of a friend or family member. A half-inch incision is made close to the location or areas that will be treated during surgery. Whenever feasible, the surgeon makes incisions that match in with the body's natural contours. Through the incision, a small cannula is inserted to rapidly move back and forth to break fat cells, making it simpler to remove the fatty tissue. After achieving the desired look, your doctor will sew up your incisions. Liposuction normally takes one to two hours, depending on your needs.


Body Liposuction Recovery

Body Liposuction Recovery

Typically, a general anesthetic (which would put you to sleep) or a local anesthetic (where an area is numbed with injections) are used during liposuction. If the procedure is for a lower body area, you could get an epidural (a back injection that numbs the entire area's nerves), although this is only appropriate for tiny areas. Depending on the extent of the treatment area, the procedure typically lasts one to three hours. Antibiotics may be administered to you to keep the wound sterile. You might leave the hospital the same day as the liposuction or you might spend the night there. If you do return home the same day, a responsible adult needs to spend the night with you. Simple pain relievers should be adequate to keep you at ease. Additionally, compression stockings might be prescribed to you to lower your chance of developing a blood clot in your lung or leg.

The incisions that were made will have a few tiny dressings. Tight bandages or compression clothing will minimize edema and aid in the body's adaptation. For at least two weeks, compression clothing should be worn day and night, except when showering, and then just during the day for an additional four to six weeks.

On the day of your procedure, you will get out of bed. Rest for a few days to allow the fluid you treated to be absorbed in the affected area.

You should be able to go back to work in a few days if the fat removal was minimal. If the liposuction was more extensive, you might require additional time off. In three to four weeks, you should be able to resume your regular work. For 10 to 12 weeks, avoid any heavy activities. Start all activities slowly. Don't go behind the wheel until you feel secure and at ease with a seatbelt.

You should prepare yourself for considerable, occasionally uncomfortable, and painful bruising. The pain will increase with the size of the treated region. The puffiness and swelling of deep bruising can take up to six months to go away, especially if your belly or ankles have been treated. The bruising will often be noticeable for around a month. You might not see the full benefits of the liposuction for up to six months as swelling might take a while to go down. Rarely, a greyish line can cause the skin to look discolored for several months. When the ankles have been treated, this occurs more frequently. You might need to take iron supplements for a month if you tend to be anemic or if you had a significant area treated.


Body Liposuction Risks

Body Liposuction Risks

Liposuction carries risks, just like any surgical procedure. Despite being unlikely, the risks must be weighed against any potential advantages of the surgery. With your plastic surgeon, go over each one so you are aware of any potential issues and negative effects.

  • Scars. Small surgical scars will appear, mainly in areas where they are not normally visible. These often start out being red, then purple, and then over 12 to 18 months, fade to become paler. On rare occasions, scars may enlarge, thicken, turn red, or become painful, necessitating surgery to remove them.
  • Friction burns. Friction burns can be brought on by the cannula rubbing against the skin. They normally go away on their own with time and are mild.
  • Bleeding and bruising. After liposuction, bruising is pretty typical although severe bleeding is uncommon. Any bleeding typically occurs right away or shortly after surgery. Managing high blood pressure is vital, as will your surgeon go over any medications that raise your risk of bleeding before the procedure.
  • Seroma. In the parts where the liposuction has been done is where the fluid accumulates. It could be necessary to drain it by inserting a needle under the skin or by performing another procedure. This can affect the outcomes.
  • Swelling and infection. Although it is uncommon for the wounds to become infected, you could need medications if they do. If these sites have been treated, thrombophlebitis (vein inflammation) can develop around the inner knee and inner portion of the upper thigh. It takes a few weeks for it to subside gradually. In treated areas, fine thread veins could show up.
  • Pain, bruising, and swelling. The sites where liposuction was performed would swell and bruise severely after the procedure. Weeks may pass before this subsides. It may take weeks for the swelling and bruising to go down depending on how much of the targeted area is treated. Although it is uncommon, there may be chronic pain. Your ankles may swell for a few weeks if you are receiving therapy for your legs. After receiving treatment, your ankles may continue to swell for a few months.
  • Asymmetry. The areas where the liposuction was done are not uniform in this area. If a lot of fat has been extracted, the contours of the treated areas can occasionally be uneven, but these abnormalities are often minor. You may require more liposuction or fat grafting (in which fat is injected from another site) to correct uneven shapes where liposuction has been performed. On occasion, it seems as though the deep tissues are attached to the skin. This is a portion of the bruise and will fade over time.
  • Increased or diminished sensation. Areas that are numb or more sensitive than usual are frequent after liposuction. Within a few months, this normally subsides. Although uncommon, the sensory loss may be irreversible.
  • Alteration of the skin's color. Your skin's color in the treated areas may change due to bleeding or the compression garments you must wear after liposuction. This change may last forever.
  • Deeper structures damage. Even though it is uncommon, the procedure can harm deeper structures like the colon (the portion of the intestine below the stomach), nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and other organs. This harm could be either transient or long-lasting. If you have scars in the area being treated, there is a greater chance that this will occur.
  • Unsatisfactory outcomes. Patients can express dissatisfaction with the results of their liposuction if the new shapes or the amount of fat removed fall short of what they had anticipated. You must realize that liposuction is not a cure for obesity. What is safe determines how much fat can be removed from a certain region (no more than three liters). Therefore, it might not be possible to reduce space as much as you would like. After six months, a second liposuction procedure may be performed in the same location. Sometimes the treated area's skin is loose and has lost its elasticity. Skin that has undergone liposuction in these regions will be loose. To fix this, the surgeon might advise having the loose skin removed, either concurrently with the liposuction or as a separate treatment. This is most likely to occur after pregnancy and after reducing weight in the abdomen, buttocks, and neck. No amount of liposuction will reduce cellulite (dimples and wrinkles of the skin). You must discuss the size and form you desire with your surgeon before the procedure to determine whether it can be done safely and successfully.
  • Change over time. Aging, pregnancy, or other factors unrelated to your surgery, such as gaining or losing weight, will affect the appearance of the areas where you had liposuction. To maintain the effects of the liposuction, you could require additional surgery or other treatments.
  • Allergic reaction. Rarely have allergic reactions to dressings, sutures, or medications been documented. You might require extra care if you experience an allergic reaction.


Body Liposuction Results

Body Liposuction Results

Long-lasting outcomes from liposuction are possible if you keep your weight constant and stay physically fit. After the swelling and fluid retentions that are frequently experienced after liposuction go down, your enhanced body contour will become apparent. Although it is normal for your body to lose some firmness as you get older, most of your improvement should be quite long-lasting.

Although positive outcomes from your operation are anticipated, there is no assurance. In some cases, a single surgical treatment might not be sufficient to produce the best results, and a second surgery can be required. With liposuction, a loose skin tone cannot be improved. The outcome of your surgery depends on you following your doctor's instructions. During the healing process, it's crucial that the surgical incisions not be subjected to excessive strain, swelling, abrasion, or motion. You'll receive detailed instructions from your doctor on how to take care of yourself.


Body Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck

Body Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck

Patients frequently have liposuction and tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty), two body sculpting operations, to achieve a firmer, tighter, and slimmer abdomen. There are important differences between a tummy tuck and liposuction in abdominal contouring, even though both cosmetic operations can shape the belly and produce stunning results that look natural. Liposuction is intended to shape the body only by removing fat, and it can get rid of any persistent pockets of fat that might be hindering a smooth contour. Since lax muscles and extra skin are not the main targets of this procedure, liposuction patients should have minimal to no skin laxity in the targeted region.

On the other hand, in addition to treating excess fat, a tummy tuck can address loose skin and separated muscles. Patients who have some degree of excess skin or stretched abdominal muscles can usually benefit from tummy tuck surgery. People who have recently given birth, lost weight, or want to correct a bulging or hanging abdomen are typical candidates. To attain the best results, liposuction and abdominoplasty are sometimes performed simultaneously, either as a mommy makeover or in a single procedure.



One of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures is body liposuction. The whole healthcare team involved benefits from having a solid understanding of the procedure's fundamental core principles. Understanding the processes at work will improve one's ability to manage these surgical patients, enhance the aesthetic results, and, more crucially, deal with any issues that may arise during their care and recovery.