Breast Lifting

Last updated date: 17-Jul-2023

Originally Written in English

Breast Lifting

A woman's breasts change in size and position over time. One of the most upsetting effects of aging is the drooping and flattening of women's breast tissue. While the proper bra can support breast tissue and provide the appearance of shapeliness and perkiness, it only does so. A rewarding plastic surgery technique, breast lifting surgery reshapes the breasts by elevating and tightening the skin and tissue that support the breast mound. Many cosmetic surgery specialists do breast lifting that restores natural and beautiful proportions as they have extensive training and experience.


What is Breast Lifting?

What is Breast Lifting

Breasts affected by aging, heredity, pregnancy, and weight changes can have their young elevation and form restored through the plastic surgery treatment known as breast lifting (mastopexy). By removing extra skin and shaping the remaining tissue into firmer, better-shaped breasts that are placed higher up on the chest wall, a breast lift operation can treat sagging breasts. Additionally, the surgeon is capable of performing areola reduction and nipple relocation, which can improve cosmetic proportions and elevate the position of downward-pointing areolas and nipples. Your breast size and upper breast shape cannot be significantly altered by breast lift surgery alone (i.e., form upper pole fullness). Breast lifting surgery must be accompanied by fat grafting or breast implant insertion to provide elevated breasts with improved fullness.


Breast Lifting Benefits

Patients who have had breast lifting frequently mention the excellent benefits of this procedure. Surgeons are honored to have an impact on people’s daily life. Here are a few of the benefits below that doctors can confirm from their patients.

  • The method involves plastic surgery to contour the breast in a woman who feels that her breasts have sagged or drooped as a result of normal age changes or after childbirth and breastfeeding.
  • The procedure is frequently carried out to restore a larger, more youthful breast form.
  • Where there is an imbalance in breast size or shape, surgery might be used to improve symmetry and contour.
  • After their surgery, many patients experience a boost in self-assurance.


Breast Lifting Types

Breast Lifting Types

You can choose from a variety of breast lifting procedures to suit your needs. Sometimes using a breast implant alone to increase breast volume can help with a minor droop. The removal of loose skin and tightening can be used to address more significant drooping. In contrast to breast reduction, virtually little breast tissue is removed during this treatment.

  • Periareolar breast lifting. An isolated scar pattern around the nipples is known as a periareolar elevation. If the nipple-areola needs to be smaller, this form of breast lifting may be appropriate for treating very slight drooping. In a doughnut form, the skin around the nipple is excised.
  • Vertical scar breast lift. The scar after a vertical scar lift (referred to as a lollipop scar) wraps around the nipple and extends vertically downward toward the breast crease. Moderate breast lifts can be performed with this approach.
  • Anchor-shaped breast uplift. In practice, the most typical uplift is one that resembles an anchor. The breast crease, vertically, and around the nipple are the locations of the scars. This kind of technology enables the repair of severe breast droopiness and can produce the most reliable outcomes.
  • Combining implants with a lift. Breast lifting can be done with breast implants if you want to lift and enlarge your breasts (augmentation mastopexy). Before considering augmentation mastopexy, a thorough evaluation is necessary because the procedure is more difficult.


Breast Lifting Candidates

Breast Lifting Candidates

The ideal candidates for mastopexy are females who have sagging or drooping breasts. They can have this procedure done at any age as long as their breasts are already fully formed. Those who choose to get the treatment can still breastfeed because it does not affect the breast's regular functions. The following requirements are most frequently met by women who need a breast lifting procedure:

  • Age.  As a person gets older, their skin's elasticity starts to decline. The skin can then be unable to maintain the position of the breasts.
  • Postpartum or childbirth. Women who have given birth may feel sagging or drooping as a result of the way the breasts are squeezed during engorgement and nursing.
  • Weight gain. Gaining a lot of weight can cause a woman's skin to get accustomed to the larger weight of her breasts, which can lead to some sagging.
  • Drastic weight loss. A woman's breasts may droop if she loses a lot of weight suddenly and is left with some loose, extra skin.
  • Breast gland atrophy. Breast gland atrophy can be caused by a variety of conditions, although post-menopausal patients are more likely to have it.
  • Implant removal. Due to the quick reduction in size and weight of the breasts, which causes the skin to become floppy, patients who have had implants installed and then removed have a higher chance of developing ptosis.


Breast Lifting Preparation

An ideal recovery and long-lasting improvements can be supported by actions performed before breast lift surgery. Preoperatively, patients can anticipate receiving written instructions that cover things like taking time off of work, getting help at home, and picking up medications and supplies the day before. Additionally, patients would need to make appointments for preoperative examinations including mammography. There are also measures for getting the body ready for a recovery that will be as healthy as possible. Some suggestions are:

  • Avoid using tobacco products because they might seriously delay healing.
  • To lessen the chance of bleeding and bruising, abstain from drinking alcohol excessively.
  • Consume a diet rich in nutrients to encourage the best possible tissue recovery through vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Be active. Even before surgery, it's important to avoid rigorous exercise, but stretching exercises and light weight strengthening training that improves upper body posture can be beneficial.


Breast Lifting Procedure

Breast Lifting Procedure

You will have an initial examination and consultation with your surgeon and his staff before your procedure. The goal of this initial consultation is to determine whether you are a good candidate for mastopexy, to make sure you know the operation and are at ease with it, and to show you what your breasts will look like after the procedure.

Your breast lifting surgery is carried out either in a cutting-edge surgical suite or in a local hospital where board-certified plastic surgeons work.

Each breast will have a small incision made by your surgeon, typically near the areola, nipple, or in the crease beneath the breast. The ideal location for the incision depends on your unique anatomy. However, the surgeon makes every attempt to position the incision such that any resulting scars are as minimal as possible. There are several alternatives for where to create an incision and where the final scar will be; depending on your anatomy, some incision patterns may be more appropriate. During your first consultation, your surgeon will go over these alternatives with you.

After making the incision, the surgeon will trim any extra skin, contour your breast, and shift your nipple and areola. A breast implant will be put in a pocket of skin behind your breast or your chest wall if you are also getting a breast augmentation. The incision is closed with stitches, which often run vertically from the nipple and along the breast crease.


Breast Lift Recovery Time

Breast Lifting Recovery Time

Following surgery, you'll cover gauze dressings with an elastic bandage or a surgical bra. For a day or two, your breasts will be sore, swollen, and painful, but the pain shouldn't be unbearable. If you do have any discomfort, your surgeon's recommended medications can help you manage it. The surgical bra or bandages will be swapped out with a soft support bra within a few days. Over a layer of gauze, you must wear this bra for three to four weeks. After a few days or a week, the stitches will be taken out. You can moisturize your breast skin many times a day if it is extremely dry after surgery. Keep the moisturizer away from the suture sites and take care not to pull at your skin while doing this. The swelling after surgery may cause some loss of sensation in your nipples and breast skin. Usually, over the following six weeks, the numbness goes away as the swelling goes down. However, in some cases, it may last for a year or longer, and on rare occasions, it may be lifelong.

Healing happens gradually. Don't plan on going back to work for a week or more, depending on how you feel, even if you might be moving around in a day or two. And for three to four weeks, abstain from lifting anything over your head. Do not hesitate to call your surgeon if you experience any unexpected symptoms. You will receive comprehensive instructions from your surgeon on how to resume your regular activities. You might be told to abstain from intercourse for a week or more and physically demanding activities for around a month. You can then gradually resume these activities. Since your milk ducts and nipples will be preserved after the procedure, it shouldn't have an impact on your ability to nurse if you get pregnant.


Breast Lifting Results

The few months after your operation are when the ultimate outcomes of your breast lift will become apparent. Although permanent, incision lines will gradually disappear with time. Your breasts may continue to change over time as a result of hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, aging, and gravity. If you maintain a healthy weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, and adhere to your doctor's instructions, you'll be able to enjoy results that last longer.


Breast Lifting Risks

Breast Lifting Risks

Under general anesthesia, breast lifting surgery is performed with a one to a two-night hospital stay. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism are risks associated with general anesthesia, and we take measures to reduce these risks. Chest infection and the one in 100,000 chance of a major, life-threatening consequence are additional risks. Surgical breast lift risks include the following:

  • Bleeding. need to go back to the theater (less than 1 in 20 patients).
  • Infection. Rare and typically resolved with antibiotics.
  • Delayed wound healing. Not uncommon, particularly for little areas near the T junction of the scars.
  • Fat necrosis. It is an uncommon condition where some breast fat disintegrates, giving the appearance of an infection. It might cause a contour defect and take several weeks to resolve.
  • Changes in nipple sensation. This is a predictable result because nipples' sensitivity can fluctuate over time and can occasionally be more sensitive or less sensitive.
  • Nipple loss. Extremely uncommon side effect; risk is increased in smokers and in cases where significant volumes of breast tissue are removed.
  • Breastfeeding. Possibility of a decreased capacity for breastfeeding, even though numerous studies demonstrate that women who have undergone breast lifting surgery are equally likely to be able to do so as those who have not.
  • Asymmetry. Since breasts rarely have perfect symmetry, little residual asymmetry is not unusual.
  • Scarring. Scars are permanent and can be unexpected and red for a while. Most women don't often complain about the scarring after getting a breast lift because scars often stretch out and lose their color with time. 
  • Over-or under-correction. Whether too much or too little breast tissue is removed, the final size of the breasts can never be predicted. Patients hardly ever express concern about the amount of tissue removal.
  • Revision. A few patients might need a minor revision, which is typically possible with local anesthesia.


Breast Lifting Cost

Breast Lifting Cost

According to data from 2020 from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a breast lift is $5,000. Anesthesia, operating room equipment, and other related costs are not included in this average cost, which represents only a portion of the whole cost. For information on your final cost, contact the office of your plastic surgeon.

The cost of a breast lift procedure will depend on the surgeon's experience, the type of technique done, and the location of their facility.

Breast lift surgery and associated complications are typically not covered by health insurance, but many plastic surgeons offer patient financing options, so be sure to inquire. Costs for breast lifting could include:

  • Cost of anesthesia
  • Costs of a hospital or surgical institution
  • Medical tests
  • Post-operative clothes
  • Medication prescriptions
  • Doctor fee

Remember that the experience of the surgeon and your comfort with him or her are just as significant as the total cost of the procedure when selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon in your location for a breast lift.


Breast Lift and Reduction

The breast tissue itself is not elevated during a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, which requires more repair of the surrounding tissues.

Breast reduction, also known as a reduction mammaplasty, reduces the size and weight of big breasts by removing extra fat, skin, and glandular tissue. Liposuction and the manual tissue removal technique are frequently used in this procedure. Patients may also notice enhanced firmness, little to no sagging, and a more uniform, proportionate shape as a consequence, which leads to smaller, lighter breasts in the end. Breast reduction also lessens or eliminates the pain that comes from having large breasts in the shoulders, neck, and back, allowing women to move more freely, exercise comfortably, and dress in comfier and flattering clothing.


Breast Lifting Exercises

Breast Lifting Exercises

There are various exercises that can help keep your breast lifted and in good shape of which are the following:

  • Dumbbell chest press
  • Pushup
  • Wide pushup
  • Dumbbell fly
  • Dumbbell inner chest press
  • Standing press
  • Plank with rotation
  • Superman exercise



Breast lifting offers a variety of options for manipulating the parenchyma and designing skin incisions. Goals, level of ptosis, tissue volume, skin quality, and breast placement on the chest wall are all evaluated along with the patient. Each of the three incision options, the various parenchymal manipulation techniques, and implant placement all have essential technical details. The likelihood of complications is highest when breast augmentation and lifting are combined. Breast lifting operations have the highest rate of litigation among aesthetic breast surgeries, even though they are effective.