Brow Lift

Last updated date: 14-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English

Brow Lift

A brow lift is sometimes referred to as forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation. It’s typically a cosmetic treatment that lifts the brows by raising the soft tissue as well as the skin around the brow and forehead. Furthermore, this procedure enhances the overall look of the forehead, brow, and the region near the eyes. 

If you have a low, saggy brow or asymmetrical brow, you may benefit from a brow lift. A brow lift may also help you feel more confident. Usually, the procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with other facial approaches, including blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or a facelift.


Reasons for Brow Lift 

The brows tend to shift downwards as a person ages. Also, the gap between the brows and eyelashes shortens as the soft tissues and skin lose flexibility. Such a low position of the brows might give you an exhausted, melancholy, or angry appearance. Therefore, a brow lift procedure can help lift the eyebrows, giving them a more youthful and appealing look. 

If your brow is low or saggy and contributes to drooping upper eyelids, you may want to opt for a brow lift. You might be a suitable candidate for a brow lift surgical treatment if; 

  • You are non-smoker 
  • You are physically fit and healthy 
  • You have realistic objectives and an optimistic outlook


How to Prepare For Brow Lift 

Once you decide to undergo a brow lift, you will first discuss a brow lift with your facial plastic surgeon or a cosmetic surgeon. On your initial consultation, the surgeon will most likely conduct the following; 

  • Look at your medical background: Prepare for detailed questioning regarding your present and previous medical issues. Tell your provider about any drugs you are using, including any surgical procedures you have had. Also, state whether you have an allergy to any medication. 
  • Perform a physical examination: The surgeon will inspect and measure various sections of the face while your eyes are both open and closed. This helps assess your treatment alternatives. The surgeon can also take several pictures for medical record purposes. 
  • Talk about your expectations: Discuss the reasons you need a brow lift and whatever you wish to get out of it in terms of aesthetics. Ensure that you're aware of all the advantages and risks associated with the procedure. 

In addition, you may need to do the following before getting a brow lift;

  • Quit smoking: Normally, smoking reduces blood supply towards the skin and might slow down the recovery process. If you are a smoker, the doctor will advise you to quit before the procedure and during the healing period. 
  • Refrain from certain drugs: You should probably avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and other herbal supplements, as these can cause excessive bleeding.
  • Make arrangements for assistance during the recovery: Make arrangements to have someone drive you home from the hospital and even remain with you during the first night following the surgery. 


Brow Lift Procedure 

Brow Lift Procedure

The surgeon can perform a brow lift in either a medical facility or an outpatient surgery center. You will receive general anesthesia to make you unconscious and more comfortable while undergoing a brow lift.

Depending on what you intend to achieve, different techniques are used to elevate your brows. The approach that your surgeon uses determines the nature and position of the incisions as well as the associated scars. 

The surgeon can recommend either of the following surgical methods; 

  • An endoscopic brow lift 

An endoscopic brow lift involves the creation of several minute incisions at the back of the hairline. After that, the surgeon will put an endoscope, a long tiny illuminated tube attached to a small camera on one end, via one of the cuts. This helps examine the underlying tissues and muscles. 

The surgeon will raise the forehead tissues with an instrument placed via one of the incisions. He or she will fasten them in place using stitches, tiny screws, or another procedure. Small clips or stitches are used to cover up the incisions. 

  • A coronal brow lift 

During this procedure, the surgeon will create a cut at the back of the hairline, running from ear to ear across the top of the head. He or she will reposition the forehead such that the scalp at the front part of the cut overlaps the scalp at the back.

The scalp that remains is stitched together after removing the overlapping scalp. People with high hairlines, thinner hair, or those who are at risk of losing their hair should avoid this procedure.

  • A hairline brow lift 

This method involves creating a small cut between the top of the forehead and the edge of the hairline. Instead of the scalp, the surgeon will take out a small quantity of tissue and skin from the top of the forehead. Your hairline will not be dragged back due to this. 

If you have a higher receding hairline, you may benefit from a hairline brow lift. On the other hand, brow lift scars may appear alongside the hairline based on how well the wound heals.


What Happens After a Brow Lift Procedure? 

Depending on the type of brow lift you undergo, your expectation, and the nature of the procedure, your recovery time will vary. The entire surgical operation generally takes nearly one to two hours to complete.

Regardless of the type of procedure, you will get staples or stitches, and they'll have to be removed after one week. For temporary fixation screws, the surgeon will remove them in about two weeks. To keep the lifted brow in position, these fittings are placed underneath the hairline.

Swelling and bruising are likely to occur in areas of the face that were not operated on, such as the eyes and cheeks. In approximately a week, the swelling should have resolved. You need to maintain your head in an elevated posture for two days following surgery to help with swelling. Besides, you can gently put ice packs on the affected area. 

You may as well experience tingling or numbness. However, this will resolve with time. During the recovery period, refrain from vigorous activities, heavy lifting, and exercises for a few weeks after the brow lift procedure. 


Brow Lift Results 

Brow Lift Results

The outcome of the brow lift surgery might be seen right away. Swelling from the surgery will subside over time, and incision lines will vanish. As you get better from the operation, your satisfaction with the new appearance should improve. Over the next few weeks or months, the ultimate results of your procedure will be visible.

Even though positive outcomes are anticipated from your operation, there is no way to know for sure. Sun protection that lasts a lifetime will help you preserve your youthful appearance by reducing sun damage. Also, maintaining a healthy lifestyle could help you get the most out of your brow lift operation.


Risks of a Brow Lift 

A brow lift carries a number of risks and complications, such as;

  • Scarring: Following a brow lift, scarring may be noticeable.
  • The position of the eyebrows is asymmetric: Asymmetry can develop from a brow lift, with one or the two brows looking overly high. Asymmetry, on the other hand, can even out throughout the recovery process. In addition, surgery can help resolve constant issues with brow shape or position.
  • Skin sensations changes: A brow lift might result in numbness on the forehead or top of the scalp, which can be short-term or permanent.
  • Problems with your hair: A raised hairline or hair loss around the incision area might result from a brow lift. Hair grafting or scar excision can be used to address hair loss that does not resolve with time. 

As with any other form of major surgical procedure, a brow lift carries the risk of infection, bleeding, and a negative response to anesthesia.


Botox Brow Lift 

A brow lift Botox is a surgical procedure that reduces the appearance of frown lines between the eyebrows. Botox Cosmetic or botulinum toxin type A injections also raise the height of the brows. These shots relax the underlying muscles and the muscles between the eyebrows to smooth the skin on the exterior. This makes the forehead muscles pull up the relaxed muscles of the brows, lifting the brows and opening up your eyes. 

More Botox injections can also help relax the muscles at the ends of the brows. The forehead muscles can now pull up on that location as well. The amount of raise you get depends on your age and the muscles tone that remains active, pulling up the relaxed muscles.

This technique is suitable for smoothening out deep wrinkles between the brows without surgery for intractable frown lines. 



A brow lift surgery aims to correct the forehead's saggy skin between the brows and the upper eyelids. The procedure can also make the eyebrows appear higher. In other cases, the plastic surgeon can combine a brow lift with other treatments like blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).

Remember that brow lift results and recovery period vary depending on your age, goals, and the type of procedure. Good skincare measures might help you maintain a youthful look for longer. Consult your doctor concerning all of your brow-lifting alternatives.