Cerec inlay

Last updated date: 13-Mar-2023

Originally Written in English



CEREC (Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics) technology enables dental restorations to be completed in a single visit. This technique may be used by your dentist to produce same-day crowns, onlays, and inlays. Learn more about your options before scheduling a treatment. You can then obtain your crown, inlay, or onlay.

As recurring decay generates stress fractures on the enamel, patients with amalgam fillings frequently demonstrate amalgam breakdowns and tooth structural damage. Unlike most laboratory-created crowns, CEREC inlay restorations maintain the tooth's integrity. 

CEREC materials offer optimal bond strength and beauty, resulting in the smile of your dreams. CEREC inlay restorations are a tooth-coloured, smooth replacement for dental material lost due to cavities. The CEREC inlays perfectly mimic the colour and structure of your teeth using cutting-edge CAD/CAM technology.


What are CEREC Inlays & Onlays?

What Are CEREC Inlays & Onlays?

Porcelain, gold, or composite resin can be used for inlays and onlays. These parts are attached to the tooth's affected region. An inlay, which is comparable to a filling, is placed into the tooth's cusp tips. An onlay is a more significant restoration that, like an inlay, extends out over one or more of the tooth's cusps.

Gold has always been the material of choice for inlays and onlays. However, porcelain has grown in popularity in recent years because to its strength and colour, which might potentially match the natural colour of your teeth.


What is CEREC?

What Is CEREC?

Advanced dental technology called CEREC is used to repair decayed, fractured, or chipped teeth. CEREC is capable of producing complete crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers. The CEREC machine creates a restoration in minutes. 

CEREC restorations are constructed from compressed porcelain. As a result, they are more durable than laboratory restorations made of multilayer porcelain. The most advantageous aspect of obtaining a CEREC restoration is that it is completed in one visit. Aside from the advantages of a one-visit repair, there is no painful impression material to bite on or temporary wear.


What is the CEREC System Comprised Of?

CEREC System Comprise

The CEREC System is also known as a CAD-CAM system. CAD-CAM stands for Computer Aided Design and Computer Assisted Milling. The CEREC system is made up of three primary components:

  1. Device for data acquisition: This device contains a high-quality camera as well as a medical-grade computer. This unit's purpose is to photograph the prepared tooth. On the screen, three-dimensional pictures of the tooth are produced, which the dentist utilizes to construct the exact ceramic repair.
  2. CAD software for three dimensions: The dentist may inspect the tooth from any angle with this program. It's the next best thing to holding the tooth in your hands and turning it.
  3. Milling device: This unit creates the custom restoration based on the requirements supplied into the computer. The device is fitted with a ceramic block that best matches the current tooth color. The milling device creates the restoration that the dentist planned in minutes.


Advantages of CEREC

Advantages of CEREC

  • Conserve more natural tooth structure.
  • Protect the tooth against recurring decay.
  • No need for any temporary restorations.
  • Look and function like natural teeth.
  • Technology provides as exact fit.
  • Fewer in office visits.
  • Long lasting restorations.


What are the Most Common Uses for CEREC Restoration?

CEREC Restoration

A typical crown can take 2-3 weeks to complete, making it a time-consuming and stressful process for patients. CEREC crowns may be finished in the same visit and have the appearance and feel of natural teeth.

CEREC allows individuals who want to be fitted for veneers to avoid the several visits to the dentist which the traditional approach requires in favour of one dental appointment. Some fittings can be completed in as little as an hour.

  • Inlays

A dental inlay is a pre-molded filling that fits into the tooth grooves but does not extend to the cusps. Traditionally, a dentist drills into the damaged or decaying region of the tooth before forming a cast of the area to send to a laboratory. The inlay will be created in the laboratory from porcelain or resin before being returned to be installed. CEREC scans the tooth and creates the inlay in the dentist's office while you wait.

  • Onlays

An onlay, like an inlay, is usually made using a mold that is submitted to a laboratory. Onlays are used for more significant damage and extend past the tooth's cusps. With CEREC technology, onlays can also be created during your dental appointment.

How Can CEREC Inlays Help?

CEREC Inlays Help

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic) inlays are the popular choice on Dentist Street. Inlays that are more efficient and technologically advanced have become the favoured alternative.

A typical dental crown can take weeks to complete, but a CEREC inlay employs Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) to build the needed material in a single session. Not only that, but they help patients to have a superior bite and more natural teeth.

  1. No more waiting – Dentists may use the CEREC technology to design, produce, and fit a dental crown, for example, in as little as 90 minutes from start to finish. This means that patients can come in with their current teeth and leave the clinic a few hours later with a fully restored smile. Patients who select traditional crowns, on the other hand, will have to wait several days or even weeks before their restoration is ready to be fitted. A single-day visit for a crown is wonderful news for individuals with a busy schedule, since it can be difficult to take time off for many appointments or to recover from a dental surgery.
  2. No more ‘temporaries’ – Traditionally, a temporary crown is given to patients while they wait for their permanent crown to be produced. While they protect the prepared tooth and improve its appearance, they do have a few disadvantages. For example, it's quite simple to damage a temporary crown if you consume chewy or sticky foods. When a temporary crown is removed and replaced with a permanent crown, some patients report pain. Patients can bypass this stage of treatment with CEREC dental restoration since their permanent inlays are fitted immediately.
  3. Accurate Restorations – Dentist can use modern CEREC technology to design a dental crown that is an exact match for the patient's gums and teeth. Furthermore, the technique enables an exact colour match to the patient's natural teeth, ensuring that the crown fits seamlessly into their smile.
  4. Less sensitivity – Because of the exact fit of a CEREC crown, there is less risk of sensitivity than with conventional crowns. Most cases of sensitivity are caused by a crown that is not a good fit for the patient's mouth, which seldom occurs when the CEREC system is employed. Some people may suffer discomfort when wearing a temporary crown, but because CEREC does not need this, the technology eliminates that source of sensitivity.
  5. Reliability – When people hear about crowns that can be fitted in record speed, they typically ask what the catch is? Can CEREC inlays truly survive as long as lab-made crowns? Absolutely! A CEREC inlay has the potential to last between 10 and 15 years if a patient takes care of it by brushing and flossing every day and visiting their dentist for frequent check-ups to ensure there are no abnormalities arising.
  6. Natural appearance – CEREC restorations are molded from a single block of ceramic, making them very strong and long-lasting. Furthermore, because they are free of metal, there is no black core to interfere with light reflection. Because porcelain has transparent characteristics comparable to tooth enamel, CEREC restorations appear incredibly lifelike – so much so that your friends will not notice you have a dental crown.


Disadvantages of CEREC Inlays

Disadvantages of CEREC Inlays

While CEREC has many benefits (who wouldn't prefer one visit over two?), no one choice is ideal for everyone. Some patients may discover that their dental practice does not provide this type of therapy, that it is effective for their tooth condition, or that it is too expensive.

Potential disadvantages of CEREC:

  • Many dental offices do not provide this form of restoration because it needs specific equipment and expertise.
  • The costs of this method of restoration may be greater than those of treatments that need repeated visits or sending impressions to laboratories.
  • Because of the production process, selecting this style of restoration may limit your material options.
  • CEREC has numerous exciting advantages, particularly for people who want to reduce the number of dental sessions they have. Remember that only a dental expert can determine if this technology is appropriate for your requirements. You now have a good idea of what CEREC is and what it can achieve for you.


How Does CEREC Work?

CEREC Procedure

The CEREC procedure begins with an oral examination and X-rays to determine that CEREC is a good fit for you. You'll be relieved to learn that any unpleasant-tasting gooey impressions you may have had in the past are no longer essential.

You get to skip this step, making the procedure faster and easier. When it is established that CEREC is a viable option, the following steps are taken:

  • The dentist will prepare the tooth for an inlay in the same manner that a standard crown is prepared. This entails grinding it down and molding it to fit the crown.
  • The CEREC intraoral camera scans your gums and teeth to create a digital imprint.
  • These photographs are sent into a computer, which generates a 3-D model of your teeth and gums. This allows the dentist to create your inlay on the computer screen. After that, the data is wirelessly sent to the milling machine.
  • A block of ceramic that is a near match to your natural teeth is chosen and placed in the grinding machine. The CEREC device then sculpts the inlay planned by the dentist, which you may observe if you choose. The entire procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Once completed, the dentist applies any finishing touches and promptly sets the inlay on your tooth. There should be minimal to no bite adjustment required.
  • Your CEREC inlay is perfectly proportioned, shaped, and coloured to complement your unique smile for optimal form and function.


What You Need to Know About the Cost of CEREC Inlays?

Cost of CEREC Inlays

CEREC is an abbreviation that stands for chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramics. That's a mouthful, but in a word, this is an all-digital dental repair technology that allows us to create unique, high-quality ceramic dental crowns and other restorations directly in our clinic. 

This means you obtain precisely made, natural-looking restorations without having to make several appointments to the dentist. Many patients are concerned that the cost would be greater, yet the majority of patients notice just a minor increase in the cost of their CEREC restoration.

1. CEREC Restorations Are Made from High Quality Materials

The material is one of the most important elements influencing the cost of any dental inlays. A restoration can be made of a variety of metals, porcelain fused to metal, zirconia, or entirely ceramic. Each of these options has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. High grade all ceramic restorations, on the other hand, are always the way to go when it comes to giving perfect, aesthetic outcomes. 

2. CEREC Restorations Are Made Right in Your Dentist’s Office

When a dental restoration is made in a lab, any modifications to the final product require you to wait while we ship the restoration back to the lab for alterations. Without the need for extra visits, CEREC restorations may be precisely fitted and minutely altered to guarantee perfect fit and performance.

3. CEREC Restorations Are All Digital

Traditional restorations necessitate the use of goopy physical bite molds that must be delivered to a dental lab. These impressions are frequently obtained several more time to assure precision, and it can be impossible to verify total accuracy until the final dental crown is returned to the clinic. The entire CEREC procedure, including the impressions, is digital. That implies your restoration design, crafting, and placement will be properly suited to individual needs.

4. CEREC Restorations Don’t Typically Cost Much More

Finally, your CEREC dental inlays, bridge, or other treatment will most likely cost only a few hundred dollars more than a conventional dental crown. A typical dental crown can cost between $300 and $1,000 out of pocket for the average patient with insurance, depending on the material. CEREC inlays generally cost $500 to $1,500. When you consider the time saved, it's certainly a deal.

How Long Do CEREC Inlays Last?

CEREC Inlays Last

If you have a damaged or injured tooth that needs to be repaired, you may have been suggested for a CEREC inlays. CEREC inlays, or Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, are made from a block of ceramic or resin. They are bonded to your teeth and are resistant to plaque, making them a popular option for individuals in need of a crown.

This type of crown may be finished in a single appointment, and no temporary crown is required, as with other crown choices. CEREC inlays are precisely made and sized to match your existing teeth. They appear natural and provide patients with the smile they have always desired.

CEREC inlays generally have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. To assist extend the life of their CEREC inlays, patients should avoid biting down or grinding their teeth. To maintain your inlays healthy and feeling fantastic in your mouth, we recommend practicing basic oral hygiene routines including as brushing and flossing every day.


Cerec Inlay

Today's dental professionals have access to advanced technology that makes the use current computer and manufacturing processes. CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic) is a method of making dental restorations in your dentist's office. These restorations are often utilized to restore decay or injury damage to your tooth (or teeth). Some dental practices have sophisticated technology that allows them to design and manufacture restorations with the assistance of a computer.

Restorations, in particular, are designed and constructed using CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing). Designs are created from impressions using computer software and then sent to a device that fabricates ceramic repair.

When you choose a CEREC inlay to restore your tooth, you'll discover that the advantages of this modern technology are many. Some of the most significant benefits include: 

  • Skipping the second appointment to the dentist and the time spent waiting in between when your dental inlays is manufactured and placed in the same visit. That means you'll be spending less time away from work and life and more time admiring your strong, healthy grin.
  • CEREC inlays require less dental preparation, which means that more of your original tooth is preserved.
  • CEREC inlays are biocompatible as well.
  • CEREC technology utilizes digital impressions instead of the sticky, bad-tasting goop that your dentist has traditionally used. These digital impressions also improve accuracy, so you'll never have to struggle with an ill-fitting crown again.
  • Aside from being easy and pleasant, studies have shown that CEREC restorations survive longer than standard dental laboratory crowns.