Chin Reduction

Last updated date: 13-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English

Chin Reduction

Chin reduction, also known as genioplasty, seeks to restore facial harmony and give the patient a more natural-looking appearance. In normal circumstances, the chin is usually in proportion to the forehead and nose. Each section of the face must be in balance with the others in order to achieve facial aesthetics. 

Having a huge chin (macrogenia) can thus detract from the rest of the features. A big chin might as well make it look like your nose is extremely small. 

In such circumstances, chin reduction is required to restore facial balance. Such an imbalance can have a significant effect on a person's psychological wellbeing. Others may have poor self-esteem and even retreat. 


Benefits of Chin Reduction 

The following are the advantages of undergoing a chin reduction; 

  • Giving your chin a tapered look 
  • Giving your chin a shorter appearance and an improved form via a simple surgical approach.
  • Making a woman's face look more feminine and appealing. 
  • Helping in achieving balance with the rest of the face.
  • Assisting in improving one's self-esteem and confidence


Ideal Candidates for Chin Reduction 

Chin surgery is an intervention that is tailored to the patient's specific needs. For individuals who are self-conscious about their chin, this might be a life-changing approach. However, the procedure should be carried out for oneself and not for the benefit of others or to meet some ideal look. 

Chin reduction may thus be a suitable procedure for you if; 

  • You have a huge and prominent chin that detracts from the attractiveness of your face and takes attention away from the rest of the features. 
  • You are at least 20 years old.
  • You wish to make your chin look more feminine and tapered.
  • You are realistic regarding the procedure's outcome.
  • You are in good physical health. 
  • You don’t have any anesthetic-related adverse effects.

Take some time to look at chin reduction photographs and learn more about what to expect while recovering if you wish to undergo the procedure. Most people usually have more realistic expectations and even a faster recovery if they prepare beforehand. 


How to Prepare for Chin Reduction Operation 

Once you decide to undergo the procedure, your plastic surgeon will set up an appointment. He or she will explain to you the process of contouring your chin to create a more symmetrical facial profile. 

A few weeks before the treatment, the surgeon will ask you to stop using any blood thinners. This is because they can cause excessive bleeding and other difficulties during and even after the procedure. 

Also, you'll be guided through numerous alternatives for achieving the best outcomes. If need be, the provider will go over every element of the operation with you while explaining any concerns you might have. 


What Happens During Chin Reduction?

Chin Reduction Procedure

The surgeon will start by administering general anesthesia on the surgical site. After that, he or she will create an incision on the inner region of the mouth along the lower lip or under the chin. The skin is then separated from the chin bone, after which the chin structure reshaping process begins. 

The extra tissue and bone are taken out while the chin's tip can be relocated to appear less prominent. Metal wires and plates will then be used to fix the tip of the chin. To smooth out the pointed outlines, an implant might be inserted in the chin. 

The incision is sutured immediately after the chin has been repositioned and shaven. The incisions created beneath the chin leave minor scars, while incisions made inside the mouth would be totally concealed. 

A plastic surgeon may recommend neck lift surgery, neck liposuction, or a combination of the two if you have a double chin reduction and want to eliminate it. There is no single procedure for removing extra fat and tightening neck skin to form a more defined, firmer chin and neck region. However, a combination of procedures that get rid of excess fat and constrict neck skin can help achieve the best outcome. 


Chin Reduction Recovery 

To guarantee the best possible result, the plastic surgeon will give you a complete post-operative program. The program will involve everything you should expect after surgery, including recovery time estimates, garments and dressings, pain management, and expected levels of activity.  

The physicians often recommend having someone stay with you for at least the first 24 hours after surgery for safety purposes. If necessary, he or she should also drive you to your next follow-up appointment. 

Most facial operations may require you to limit your activity at least one or two weeks after the procedure. This may include limits on driving, long-distance travel, and even flying. Furthermore, you may be asked to stop exercising until you are cleared, normally four weeks after the procedure. For a minimum of two weeks, you must also avoid smoking. The physician may suggest a high-protein diet to help you heal faster. 

Like any other surgery, you should expect some bruising and swelling. You can use light make-up to hide bruises a week following surgery. Scar creams are available to help you achieve the best outcomes. 


Chin Reduction Results 

Primarily, the outcomes of chin reduction are naturally looking. The purpose of chin reduction surgery is to restore an aesthetically satisfying face structure that is in proportion with the other facial features. In other words, one that appears natural and is not aberrant. Keep in mind that the final outcome could take up to 6 weeks to notice. 

The effects of chin reduction are permanent. However, you should know that your chin will gradually fluctuate as you get older. The tissues within the chin, for instance, will constantly get affected due to aging as well as gravity. 


Risks and Complications of Chin Reduction 

Even though chin reduction surgery is generally a simple operation, it may be associated with fewer risks and complications. They can include; 

Swelling: While the bone recovers after the surgery, you may experience swelling for several weeks or even months. 

Infection: The chance of contracting an infection is low. Ensure that you follow the doctor's guidelines, keep the wound clean, and, if necessary, take antibiotics. In case you develop a fever or pus forms around the incision site, see your doctor right away. 

Nerve damage: During the chin reduction procedure, nerve injury may cause numbness in the chin and lower lip. 

Anesthetic reaction: Some people have an adverse reaction to anesthesia. This can cause respiratory difficulties. 

Other possible risks and complications of chin reduction surgery include; 

  • Asymmetrical facial features 
  • Severe bleeding 
  • Pain and discomfort 
  • Reduced skin sensitivity 
  • Scarring 

Some chin reduction risks are major hence worth consideration. However, the possibility of complications can considerably decrease when a skilled physician does chin reduction surgery. In the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon, the surgical procedure can improve the overall appearance of the chin and even boost your self-esteem. 

A chin reduction might help you achieve a better harmonious balance between the chin and the nose by bringing their proportions closer together. When combined with a facelift and rhinoplasty, the procedure can be the ultimate step in achieving an attractive, exquisite appearance.


Choosing a Qualified Plastic Surgeon 

Qualified Plastic Surgeon

If you are considering chin reduction surgery, be sure that you choose a qualified professional plastic surgeon. First, start by selecting an American Board of Plastic Surgery certified surgeon. The following credentials are required of certified plastic surgeons; 

  • Having completed at least six years of plastic surgery training after medical school, as well as a minimum of about three years of nationality training
  • Conduct surgery in a facility that is accredited or state-licensed.

The surgeon should also show you chin reduction surgery before and after images that they have performed before. If possible, choose a specialist who has treated various patients with similar cases as yours and got the outcomes you want. 


Chin Reduction Cost 

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons' 2020 figures, the average cost of chin reduction is approximately $3,000. This is only a portion of the entire cost which excludes anesthesia, surgery room facilities, and other associated costs. To establish your final charge, contact the office of the plastic surgeon. 

The surgeon's experience usually determines the cost of chin reduction surgery, the procedure performed, and the location of the clinic. Although the majority of the health insurance plans don’t cover chin reduction or related complications, most plastic surgeons provide patient financing arrangements. Therefore, ensure that you inquire in advance.

The following may be included in the cost of chin reduction surgery; 

  • Fees for anesthesia
  • Costs of a hospital or surgical clinic
  • Medical examinations
  • Garments to wear after surgery
  • Medication prescriptions
  • Fee for the surgeon



Chin reduction helps improve the face profile of people with imbalanced facial features. This technique can be used to minimize the appearance of a prominent chin.

Chin reduction surgery is generally a simple procedure that takes about an hour. It can also give individuals who are discontented with the size or form of their chin remarkable benefits, hence increasing their self-esteem and confidence. To obtain the best results, consider choosing a certified plastic surgeon with surgical experience. 

Chin reduction, also known as genioplasty, seeks to restore facial harmony and give the patient a more natural-looking appearance. In normal circumstances, the chin is usually in proportion to the forehead and nose. Each section of the face must be in balance with the others in order to achieve facial aesthetics.