Curved nose

Last updated date: 12-May-2023

Originally Written in English

Curved Nose


If the tip of your nose is dropping or pointing downwards like a "arrow," Curved Nose Rhinoplasty is the surgery for you. A curved nose causes both cosmetic and functional imbalance; you may notice an imbalance in your face symmetry and, in rare cases, nasal obstruction owing to excessive cartilage deviation.

Curved noses, like individuals, come in many forms and sizes. A curved nose is one that does not have a straight, vertical line running down the middle of your face. Depending on the reason, the degree of curvedness might be minor or extreme. While curved noses are typically simply an aesthetic issue, they can sometimes interfere with your breathing.

Before going into treatment alternatives, it's critical to understand what causes a curved nose in the first place. Curved noses are classified into two types. One variety is caused by a problem with your nose's complex structure of bones, cartilage, and tissue.

This may be the result of several things, including: birth defects, injuries, such as a broken nose, surgery on your nose, severe infections, polyp or tumors.

Rhinoplasty is classified into two types: cosmetic rhinoplasty and functional rhinoplasty. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is purely concerned with looks. Functional rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is performed to address breathing issues.

A 2015 study demonstrated that rhinoplasty successfully corrected curved noses in people with and without facial symmetry, regardless of the kind of rhinoplasty. Facial symmetry refers to the appearance of both parts of your face.


What is a Curved Nose?

curved nose procedure

Some people are self-conscious because their nose does not follow a vertical, straight line down the center of their face. Curved noses will have varying degrees of curvedness depending on the etiology, which can range from mild to spectacular.

While a curved nose may impair your breathing, it is typically mainly a cosmetic issue. However, if it is harming your self-esteem and you avoid having your picture taken, you may be asking how to cope with a curved nose to boost your confidence.

The good news is that you don't have to live with these problems, and a curved nose procedure may be something you want to think about.

The most frequent surgery option is nose contouring (which adjusts the form of the nose and can alleviate any breathing difficulties), but there are non-surgical alternatives that may help you, such as dermal fillers. 


How Can Rhinoplasty Correct Your Curved Nose?

Rhinoplasty surgery

Rhinoplasty surgery, usually known as nose reshaping or a "nose job," is classified into four types:

  • Open rhinoplasty: an incision is made across the skin between the nostrils during this surgery. You will have a thin scar that will eventually vanish.
  • Closed rhinoplasty: involves making microscopic cuts inside the nostrils, resulting in little, mostly internal scarring.
  • Rhinoplasty-tip: the tip of the nose is decreased by removing cartilage, which may leave noticeable scarring.
  • Nose reshaping: It requires microscopic incisions with minimum scarring, which are generally buried in the nostril crease.

Rhinoplasty can deliver the following results: 

  • Nose size reduction.
  • Nose length reduction.
  • Bride/hump removed or reduced.
  • Nostril size and shape adjustment.
  • Asymmetry amended.
  • The tip of the nose reshaped.
  • Breathing difficulties improved.


Types of Curved Nose

Types of Curved Nose

Following the preoperative evaluation, each patient's nasal deviation can be classified into one of five major kinds. This allows the surgeon to select the most appropriate operative intervention and then personalize the surgery to the specific needs of each patient.

  • Caudal Septal Deviation (Septal Tilt): This is the most prevalent nasal deviation that results in a curved nose. The patient's septal cartilage is moved to one side of the nose internally and the other side externally in this condition. Because they influence the antero-inferior portion of the external nares, caudal septal abnormalities can considerably impair the airway.
  • Anteroposterior C-Shaped Deviation: This sort of septonasal deviation is the second most prevalent. Internal deviation's inverse is external deviation.
  • Cephalocaudal C-Shaped Deviation: This deformity externally presents as a visible “C” shape.
  • Anteroposterior S-Shaped Deviation: Anteroposterior S-deviations are externally visible as a shift to one side of the nose.
  • Cephalocaudal S-Shaped Deviation: This deformity, which is difficult to correct, is visible externally as an “S” shape to the nose.


What Causes Curved Nose?

Curved Nose Causes

  • Nasal Trauma:

Nasal bones are the most usually broken bones in the face, and they are a major cause of asymmetric nose. Nasal fractures that are ignored or inadequately repaired frequently result in a curved nose with surface depressions and abnormalities. These individuals frequently come without find possible medical assistance previously, and many have a history of gradual nasal alterations following a traumatic event. Many of the people who do obtain therapy as a result of the occurrence are unsuccessful.

External nasal abnormalities are commonly associated with developing nasal obstruction. The offending trauma causes septal deviation as well as disruption of typical nasal support systems. Internal and external nasal valve collapse may occur if nasal support is lost.

A curved nose might be caused by a recent accident or by years of scarring and contracture from earlier trauma. Many people assume they were born with a deviated nose or that the problem is hereditary; however, both patients and doctors commonly neglect childhood trauma as a prevalent cause of curved nose. Children are frequently victims of trauma, which leads to gradual deviation. Children's noses are mostly made of cartilage. The nasal bones are smaller, softer, more flexible, and capable of absorbing trauma energy.

Nasal septal deviation can be caused by birth trauma. It is estimated that 23 % of babies have nasal septal abnormalities. Although forceps-assisted or breech birth is usually reported as the cause of injury, intrauterine forces may also be to blame for newborn cartilage abnormalities. Fortunately, these deviations are easily remedied throughout the early neonatal period. A displaced septum is frequently corrected at the bedside using blunt forceps.

Nasal fractures are frequently caused by lateral forces. The nose may look deviated with this type of injury, although it is not. The depression of a unilateral bone fragment causes this appearance. Unilateral trauma, for example, may in-fracture one nasal sidewall, generating the appearance of nasal dorsum deviation to the opposite side. This sort of damage has an excellent prognosis for function restoration.

A truly deviated nasal fracture has a higher frontal force and a lower lateral force. Frontal impact requires more energy to cause nasal fracture because nasal bones are buttressed by the frontal process of the maxilla, nasal spine, and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. The nasal bones are fractured and splayed as a result of direct frontal damage. The septum, the nose's stress absorber, can fracture and get displaced from its pedestal. Nasal damage caused by a septal fracture necessitates a more comprehensive repair procedure.


  • Nose & Septum Diseases:

Diseases of the septum and internal nose can induce resorption of supporting components, resulting in nasal valve collapse and deviation. Autoimmune or immunologic conditions are well-known types of conditions that cause septal damage. While forming a differential diagnosis of asymmetric nose etiology, physicians may ignore this category of disorders. In otolaryngology, connective-tissue disorders play an essential role. Many symptoms and anatomic defects will return or develop despite surgical repair unless an accurate diagnosis is obtained.

Drug abuse and neoplastic processes are two further diagnostic factors. Cocaine inhalation in the nose causes nasal mucosal ulcers. Mucosal atrophy and septal perforation may result with continued usage. A close examination of the nose reveals mucosal alterations in situations of neoplastic or polypoid disease. Nasal bones and cartilage can lateralize, causing asymmetries in the middle and upper thirds of the nose. These less visible reasons of a deviated nose must be evaluated by the nasal surgeon.


Can Curved Nose Fixed Without Surgery?

Curved Nose Fixed Without Surgery

Whatever non-surgical remedies you find online, the fact is that you cannot permanently modify the form of your nose without surgery. Some people may think about filling up the soft tissue regions of their nose with injectable material, such as soft tissue fillers, to hide the asymmetrical look of the bones and cartilage. Because these fillers may have adverse effects, consult with your doctor before choosing if it is the best solution for you.


How Should I prepare For Curved Nose Plastic Surgery?

Nose Plastic Surgery

In preparing for rhinoplasty surgery, you may be asked to:

  • Get a lab test (e.g. CBC).
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

Your plastic surgeon will also discuss the location of your procedure. Rhinoplasty can be performed at a hospital, an approved office-based surgical facility, or a licensed ambulatory surgery center. Make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from surgery, as well as to stay with you for at least the first night after surgery.


Surgical Options

Nose Surgical Options

While fillers can help to slightly improve curved noses, surgery is typically required for more severe cases.

1. Rhinoplasty:

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that alters the form of the nose. There are two types of rhinoplasty: functional rhinoplasty, which is used to alleviate breathing and sinus issues caused by an injury or a birth abnormality, and cosmetic rhinoplasty, which is used to change the form of the nose for cosmetic purposes.

Both procedures can be done under general or local anesthesia and can range from minimally invasive to more extensive depending on the extent of correction necessary.

Small cuts between or inside your nostrils will be made by your surgeon, and your skin will be separated from your cartilage or bone. Following that, the nose is reshaped by adding or subtracting skin, cartilage, bone, or all three.

Rhinoplasty is a difficult procedure. As with any major surgery, there are risks to the operation, including:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Anaesthesia-related adverse reaction.
  • Breathing via the nose is difficult.
  • Numbness in and around the nose that is permanent.
  • Scarring, pain, discolouration, or swelling.
  • A deformed nose and the need for more surgery.
  • A hole in the septum.

Slight alterations to the anatomy of your nose can make a significant difference in its look. Most of the time, a rhinoplasty will provide you and your surgeon with satisfactory results. However, in rare circumstances, a second operation may be required to get greater results.

A good rhinoplasty would fix structural defects in your nose, relieve breathing issues, and allow you to sleep better and even increase your confidence.


2. Septoplasty:

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that straightens the septum, which is the bone and cartilage that divides the area between your two nostrils. It is performed to alleviate breathing issues caused by a significantly curved septum. When just the septum has to be straightened and no outward alteration in the look of the nose is necessary, it can be performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty or as a stand-alone treatment.

The surgery is often performed under general anesthesia. Incisions are made within your nose on the cartilage or bones to trim, reposition, or replace them. Sutures that dissolve are used to seal the incisions. Packing the nose with gauze and nasal tampons is no longer necessary, and patients can avoid having to stay in the hospital for many days to have their packs removed.

Your nasal tissues will be stabilized in 2 to 4 months after surgery. For up to a year or longer following surgery, the cartilage and tissue may continue to shift or reshape gradually.

The great majority of patients see an improvement in their symptoms after having a septoplasty. On rare circumstances, a second operation to improve the nose and septum may be required. For many individuals who have lived with an obstructed nasal passage for a long period, the alteration in the airway can be life-changing.

Risks from a septoplasty surgery include the following:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Adverse reaction to the anaesthesia.
  • A change in the shape of the nose.
  • Decreased sense of smell.
  • A hole in the septum.
  • Blood clots in the nasal space requiring drainage.


When to See Your Doctor?

Nose Bleeding

Curved noses might not always cause medical problems. However, you may also experience functional concerns, such as breathing difficulty.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor who can advise you on the best treatment choice for you:

  • Swelling, discomfort, and redness.
  • Bleeding.
  • When you touch your nose, you may hear a crackling or crunching sound.
  • Having difficulty breathing through your nose.
  • Feeling as if your nose is blocked.


What is Recovery Like?

nose surgery Recovery period

Recovery period varies depending on the patient, but it is normally around 8 days. Rhinoplasty is not a difficult process, however it may cause discomfort for a few days thereafter. After surgery, you may experience minor bruising or swelling around the eyes, which should diminish by day 8. After nose surgery, herbal remedies and cold Swiss therapy gel masks can help reduce this.

On the sixth postoperative day, your cast and sutures will be removed, and your nose will be retaped. On day 8, he removes the tape as well as all of the sutures. You've become friendly at this moment! By then, most, if not all, of your bruises should be gone. At this time, the nose will be enlarged but not visible to others. After 2 weeks, you may resume your normal workout program.

Your swelling will subside as the months pass. At three weeks, 20-30% of the edema has subsided. At 6 weeks, 50-60% of the edema has subsided. It will take a year for all of the swelling to go down.

While recovering over the next 2 weeks, avoid:

  • Blowing your nose.
  • Excessive chewing.
  • Facial expressions that require excessive movement (laughing).
  • Painkillers containing ibuprofen or aspirin.
  • Physical contact with your nose.
  • Smoking.
  • Strenuous physical activities.
  • Swimming.


Will the Insurance Cover this Procedure?

Insurance Coverage

In general, insurance companies cover rhinoplasty procedures if there is a functional problem with the nose, such as breathing problems caused by a deviated septum. Because of the position of the deviation, a curved nose can often lead to respiratory problems. Furthermore, insurance companies usually pay nose operations if the problem is caused by nasal trauma, such as a broken nose. However, for purely aesthetic reasons to improve look and confidence, your insurance may not cover the procedure.



Curved Nose

Facial symmetry has a significant impact on how the mind perceives beauty. While 97 percent of the population has some degree of facial asymmetry, excessive asymmetry can affect the overall beauty of the face.

Because of its prominence, the nose is essential in creating how symmetrical the face appears. As a result, a curved nose has a negative influence on the overall look of the face.

A curved nose has some curvature rather than following a straight vertical line down the center of the face. Curved noses can range in severity from hardly apparent to quite noticeable. While some curvatures are simply cosmetic in nature, many cases of a curved nose can cause respiratory problems.

Curved noses are categorised as C-shaped, I-shaped, or S-shaped based on their appearance.

A curved nose might be the consequence of an underlying problem with the bones, cartilage, and tissue inside your nose.

Some of these may have been trigged by previous events, but typically include: 

  • Injuries or trauma (e.g. a broken nose that has healed curved).
  • Birth defects.
  • Tumours.
  • Severe infections.
  • A previous nose surgery.

There are various effective therapeutic methods for a curved nose, both surgical and non-surgical. Understanding the specific reasons of the curved nose is the most significant component in choosing the best treatment method. A qualified surgeon will examine the nose to evaluate and advise on the best course of therapy. Rhinoplasty and septoplasty are surgical options.