Dimple one-side

Last updated date: 22-May-2023

Originally Written in English

Dimple one-side


A dimple is a depression that occurs at the base of the cheek when a person smiles. Chin dimples are prevalent in most people; however, not everyone is born with such a facial feature. While dimples are often considered a permanent or temporary sign of facial beauty, medical remedies to create have gradually increased. 

In most cases, dimples are inheritable; hence they develop naturally. Alternatively, you can acquire dimples via a surgical procedure, dimple one-side. This gives you better facial features, including a beautiful smile, since dimples are usually associated with attractiveness and youthful appearance. 


What is Dimple One-Side? 

Dimple one-side, also known as dimpleplasty, is a procedure to create a dimple on one part of the chin or cheek. Sometimes, it involves dimples creation on both sides. It’s basically a type of plastic surgery characterized by limited risks of complications and a relatively quick process. 

Normally, the dimples develop as a result of face muscle known as Zygomaticus Major becoming smaller than the usual size. If an individual with a small Zygomaticus Major muscle laughs or smiles, the muscle pulls the other muscles inwards. This causes the formation of a dimple or a depression on the cheek area. Nevertheless, the chin dimples occur due to incomplete linking of the right and left jawbones. 

Nearly every healthy person is eligible for this treatment procedure. But regardless, your medical provider will first conduct an examination to determine if you are an ideal candidate. People with bleeding disorders and health conditions such as anemia or diabetes mellitus are not good candidates. This is because such medical issues can affect blood count and impact the entire operation. 


Types of Dimples 

The common types of dimples in both males and females include; 

  • Cheek dimple

Cheek dimple is the commonly known dimple that is situated on the cheeks. It can also be located on various sections of the cheek. Besides, some individuals have a single dimple rather than two. 

  • Chin dimple

Chin dimple is also known as the cleft chin. Unlike the cheek dimple, this is less prevalent on the face and usually occurs due to the underlying jaw structure connection. If one parent has a chin dimple, then the chances of inheriting it are high. 

  • Back dimple

Back dimple is sometimes known as the dimple of Venus, and it’s not common compared to cheek and chin dimples. It’s usually found in the lower back area and is more prevalent in women, unlike men. 


How to Prepare For the Dimple Creation Procedure 

Dimple Creation Procedure 

When opting for a dimple one-side procedure, the first essential thing is to find a skilled, professional facial plastic surgeon. After finding a reliable one, you should consider making an appointment before the treatment procedure. This will allow you to talk about the benefits and the associated risks of this surgery. 

Furthermore, through consultation, you can determine if you are an ideal candidate to undergo cosmetic surgery. It will also help you figure out the suitable area to place the dimple. 

Dimple creation surgery is an outpatient operation; hence you don’t necessarily have to carry changing clothes. Instead, the surgeon will recommend putting on a loose and more comfortable outfit. Also, you should not wear any jewelry during surgery, as this can impact the procedure. For a patient with mouth jewelry, the medical provider will suggest removing them before surgery and some days following surgery. 

For food and drinks, the surgeon will recommend the necessary adjustment. In most cases, it’s advisable to avoid taking alcohol a day before the procedure to prevent any complications. It’s always recommendable to inform the healthcare provider of any over-the-counter drugs and medication you are taking. This can also include the supplements and herbs you are currently using. Medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and blood-thinning drugs impact the surgical procedure and cause additional complications. 


How Dimple Creation Surgery is done

Dimple one-side procedure involves a relatively short process; hence it’s mostly done on an outpatient basis. Therefore, one can receive the treatment at the surgeon’s or doctor’s office without necessarily visiting the hospital. 

Before performing the operation, the plastic surgeon will first administer general anesthesia. They can as well use a topical anesthetic on the surgical area. This is to prevent you from experiencing any pain and discomfort while undergoing surgery. Usually, it takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes before the anesthetic drugs become effective. 

After that, the surgeon will start by creating a hole in the skin using a biopsy tool to make the dimple manually. In most cases, the surgeons use a small scalpel to create minute incisions in the mucous membrane within the mouth. With surgical scissors, a small amount of fat and muscle is taken out from the skin to facilitate dimple creation. Usually, the area ranges from two to three millimeters in length. 

Once a space for the dimple is made, the surgeon will then place a suture. This is from one part of the check muscle to the other side. Finally, he or she ties the suture to position the dimple in place permanently. 

The entire dimple surgerytakes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete depending on the patient’s general aims. As the surgical area heals, the skin and muscles stick together; hence the dimple forms on the skin permanently. It can take one to two weeks for the skin to recover fully, and the scarring gradually vanishes over time. 


What to Expect After the Procedure 

The dimple creation surgery is quick and straightforward. As such, the surgeon will immediately discharge you to return home once the anesthesia wears off and you are stable. For the first few days following the procedure, you are likely to experience pain and discomfort. This will, however, reduce after a few days. Also, the cheek or chin muscles recover fast; hence there is little to no chance of developing an infection. 

At first, the dimples will be noticeable and visible even without a smile. However, after several days or weeks, the dimple becomes dynamic and settles in. Therefore, they will now appear every time you smile or laugh, just like the natural dimples. Since the procedures don’t involve creating incisions outside, there won’t be any visible scars. This means that the new dimple will appear entirely natural. 

Overall, proper recovery and healing of the surgical areas are important to ensure a successful dimple formation. You should thus consider the following during the healing process; 

Pain relief: Usually, soreness and pain are common after surgery, particularly the first five days to one week. To manage the condition, the medical provider will prescribe or recommend certain pain-relieving medications. 

Hygiene: Always ensure that you maintain proper hygiene on the face and mouth to prevent infections. When cleaning the face, ensure that you pat the cheeks, particularly the dimples and the nearby regions, lightly without scrubbing. Lastly, it’s essential to take the necessary safety measure when brushing the teeth to avoid interfering with the healing process. 

Icing: During the recovery process, some people can experience redness and swelling of the face. Although this is rare, using ice can help ease the swelling and facilitate healing. 

After Dimple one-side Surgery

Potential Future/Additional Surgeries 

Typically, a dimple one-side procedure results in a permanent outcome. But in other cases, the effects can gradually face away and may even disappear completely with time. This causes uneven results, and an additional procedure may be necessary. Examples of other dimple surgery include; 

  • Dimple reduction to correct too large or deep dimples 
  • Revision surgery to restore uneven dimples 


Risks and Side Effects of Dimple One-Side Procedure

As with any other treatment procedure, the dimple one-side also carries a few risks and complications. The most common side effect includes temporary swelling and pain that can last for days or weeks. At times, a post-surgical procedure might be necessary in case of unexpected outcomes or complications. 

Another common complication of this procedure is infection. This usually occurs due to the presence of bacteria in the mouth that comes into contact with the surgical site. It can also happen if the procedure is not well completed and can worsen if appropriate antibiotics are not administered. 

In addition, pus can form on the incision area, especially if the surgical equipment used is not well sterilized. This can also arise if one fails to adhere to the post-operative care guidelines regarding proper hygiene maintenance. 

Other possible side effects associated with dimple one-side surgery include; 

  • Scarring 
  • Redness around the cheek 
  • Damage to the facial nerve 
  • Hematoma or bruising 

You should, however, note that the possibilities of these side effects are lower. This is because the procedure involves a simple process and the creation of few incisions. Also, one can avoid such side effects if the dimple surgery has been correctly performed. Alternatively, you can prevent this by following post-treatment guidelines regarding oral hygiene. 



Dimples usually occur due to differences in one of the muscle structures in the face. Most cases are genetic hence can be passed on from one family member to another. Most people find dimples attractive and associated with beauty. Luckily, one can now undergo plastic surgery, dimple one-side to have the desired dimples. 

In case you are considering a dimple creation procedure, you can also opt for the CloudHospital medical platform. Here, you will receive help and guidance on facial plastic surgery. Furthermore, you will be recommended to the best plastic surgeon with experience in such treatment options.