Fibroid Removal Hysteroscopy
Fibroids may not always create symptoms, but when they do, they can cause heavy menstrual flow, back pain, frequent urination, and pain during sex. Small fibroids may not require treatment, while bigger fibroids may require medication or surgery.
Submucous fibroids in the uterine cavity can be removed by a hysteroscopic myomectomy. Fibroids are removed using this operation utilizing a hysteroscopic resectoscope, which is passed up into the uterine cavity through the vagina and cervical canal. The fibroid is surgically removed using an electrosurgical wire loop in standard resection. Only women with submucosal fibroids are eligible for this type of myomectomy.
This procedure cannot remove fibroids lying within the uterine wall. Outpatient hysteroscopic myomectomy is a surgical treatment. Patients are discharged from the recovery room after several hours of monitoring. In most cases, recovery takes only a few days. The technique leaves no scars on the skin. Fibroids may reappear, particularly in premenopausal women.