Forehead Implant

Last updated date: 17-Jul-2023

Originally Written in English

Forehead Implant

Forehead refers to the most visible region of the face, where nearly one-third is the face. Some individuals are born with a smooth, fine-looking skull and forehead. However, others have a flat and irregular-shaped skull and forehead as a result of certain underlying reasons. 

Women's foreheads are typically curved, rounded, and well-contoured, with arching brows and little or no brow bones protruding. Men's foreheads, on the other hand, are typically wider and higher, with a receding hairline. Men's brow bones are typically thicker and located lower on the forehead.

Different proportions of the face anatomy can have a significant impact on how a person appears. It is critical to have adequate face volume, as well as the form and size of the eyes and nose. The forehead, chin, and cheeks are crucial regions that define the overall contour of the face. This is why some people in Korea see face implants as a viable option.

If you want to improve the curves of your forehead, chin, and cheeks with filler injections, you may be interested in facial implants as well.

In certain circumstances, the treatment can make the entire face appear smaller and more attractive since wrinkles and other surface defects are eliminated when the volume is given to the forehead.


Forehead implant

A forehead augmentation or implant is a surgical operation that uses a fat graft or implant to improve the contour and volume of the forehead. Even if you have a slender and tiny face, a lack of volume can make your facial features appear bland.

It is thus a suitable procedure that helps correct such defects. It gives personalized prosthetics to the patient’s forehead. It can include the chin and the smile line areas, the distance between the eyes, and the shape of the nose. 

A forehead implant involves injecting an implant via the incision created inside the hairline to hide scars. The procedure does not only give you a good permanent outcome but also helps maintain the original shape. 


Surgical Advantages

  1. Surgical results are stable and persistent.
  2. Different sizes and thicknesses of forehead implants are implanted based on the patient's needs, and they are extremely customizable.
  3. A concurrent forehead lift or brow augmentation is possible.
  4. Because the scar is concealed in the scalp, it is unlikely to be detected.


Ideal Candidates for Forehead Implant Procedure 

Not everyone is eligible to undergo a forehead implant procedure. However, your doctor may recommend the procedure if you have one or more of the following criteria

  • A narrow forehead caused by a low hairline 
  • People with tilted foreheads
  • A congenitally concave or flat forehead 
  • An abnormal depression located between the eyebrow bone or prominence and the forehead 
  • A flat forehead, low hairline, and a parallel forehead skin looseness. The additional volume can restrict the lower portion of the face, which is advantageous for those who wish to appear thinner.
  • If you subjectively feel or think that your forehead is not plump enough


It is important to mention that this technique is only appropriate for persons who are physically healthy and have no confirmed illness or medical condition.

Forehead augmentation, which has a high satisfaction rate, usually takes around an hour. However, patients may need to return to their doctors for multiple follow-up sessions to have the stitches removed and the results evaluated. After a few days, they may resume normal daily activities, and full recovery is predicted in one to two weeks.


Types of Forehead Implants 

To give you the best authentic look, doctors and surgeons can use various materials to improve the forehead. The common types of forehead implants include; 

Fat injection

This involves extracting fat tissues from other healthy parts of the body. It can be from the stomach, underarms, or thighs. The surgeon will then inject the fat tissues directly into the forehead region in order to give you the desired appearance. 

Usually, surgeons perform fat injection procedures under local anesthesia. However, you should note that there are chances of the injected fat reabsorption after one to two years. This could alter the appearance of the forehead. On the other hand, using excess fat may result in a puffy, bulging, and unnatural appearance. 

The disadvantage of this method is that the injected fat will very likely be reabsorbed within 1-2 years.


Forehead silicone implants

Silicone implants are mostly used to enable patients to achieve their perfect look. The surgeons usually design them before the surgical procedure. They can also create the desired shape and thickness depending on your preference. Besides, silicone implants can be reversed whenever necessary. 

The silicone implant is usually placed into the forehead via the small incision created near the hairline. Once the procedure is done, the incision is stitched up and covered to prevent risks such as complications. You should, however, note that silicone implants can rupture or cause fluid accumulation within the region. 


Forehead augmentation bone cement

This procedure involves the use of a material referred to as osteobond. Surgeons usually insert this material via the incision created on the hairline when it’s still spongy and easy to manipulate. It's then shaped carefully to create the ideal appearance that suits the patient’s desires. Once in the appropriate location, the material hardens, and the surgeon closes the incision to facilitate a quick recovery. 

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is a material that does not irritate or harm the body. This is the recommended material for this procedure since it is stable, long-lasting, and easily formed. This operation takes about 2-3 hours.


Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) Gore-Tex

E-PFTE refers to a synthetic type of material that usually triggers a slight immune reaction in the body. Doctors can sometimes place this material inside the patient’s body to serve as a vascular graft. It enables the tissues to bond and grow after a surgical procedure. As such, the e-PFTE implant is suitable for enhancing forehead appearance. Besides, it’s flexible, soft, reliable, and easy to handle. 


Customized polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) implant 

This type of implant is specially designed to help correct the size and shape of the forehead. It's an advanced technique that provides improved anatomic contour and fit. Hence, results in an outstanding cosmetic outcome that satisfies the patient’s needs. 

Unlike other methods, the PMMA implant procedure is relatively short. Moreover, the size and the shape are specially designed for every patient. This is to reduce the risks of asymmetry significantly. 

Given the volume of material required, PMMA is the bone cement of choice for forehead augmentation. (Usually 60 to 90 grams) An almost full coronal incision is required to properly form it. It is critical to keep the cement material between the anterior temporal lines and away from the temporal muscle/fascia to the sides of the brow.


The advantages of 3D Customized Silicone Implant

  • The result of Forehead Augmentation surgery is permanent.
  • There are no restrictions in selecting the silicone sheet, such as the size or form of the silicone that can be utilized to match the patient's face.
  • Because the silicone sheet is built from the patient's bone structure, it is accurate and suited for patients.
  • By inserting silicone into the forehead areas, wrinkles on the forehead can be reduced.
  • Forehead augmentation surgery employs a silicone sheet design for each unique patient, which adds dimension to the forehead while also making it appear smaller and younger.


Non-Surgical Options

Forehead Implant Non-Surgical

Not every patient is courageous enough to undergo the surgical procedure. Therefore, if you find yourself in such a situation, then you can consider non-surgical options. 

The most common non-surgical treatment involves the use of hyaluronic acids to help manage soft tissue augmentation. This method is both safe and effective. With just one simple injection, it makes it easier for the surgeon to shape the forehead to achieve the desired look. 

Other substances that can be used for this purpose include Restylane and Juvederm. They are fillers that doctors use to enhance the forehead and achieve a flawless look. However, it’s essential to note that these techniques do not usually last for an extended period. As such, the procedure should be repeated from time to time to maintain the appearance and shape you want. 


How to Prepare For the Procedure?

There are several things to consider before undergoing the forehead implant procedure. It can include the following; 

  • Informing the surgeon about your health state. This can include your previous medical history, the health condition you have, prescribed medications, and food or drug allergy, if any. 
  • Discuss the surgery goals, any existing medical issues, risks, potential complications, and treatments with a highly competent and experienced plastic surgeon.
  • It’s essential to state if you are at a high risk of immune deficiency and medical conditions. It could be health concerns that could interfere with the healing process and cause infection. This helps avoid serious complications during or after the procedure. 
  • In case you are taking drugs such as blood thinner or any other medication that can affect blood coagulation, your doctor should absolutely know. 
  • A few days or some hours before the procedure, you should avoid taking supplements and vitamins. It can be vitamin E, ginseng extract, grapeseed oil, and fish oil. Also, it would help if you keep off these for at least one month after the treatment. 
  • Avoid using alcohol and other substances 1 to 2 days before the procedure and 5 to seven days after surgery. 
  • It’s also essential to avoid smoking for at least two weeks before and after the operation. This is because cigarettes contain chemicals that might alter the level of oxygen in the blood. Hence, causing infections and a slower healing process. 
  • For at least two weeks, avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements because they can worsen bleeding and bruising.
  • Avoid eating and drinking for at least 6 hours before surgery.
  • Ensure that you thoroughly wash your hair before undergoing surgery.
  • Ensure that there is no makeup, contact lens, polish, and other accessories that might interfere with the procedure. 
  • If you are 45 years of age and above, you may be required to undergo a complete health examination before the procedure. This is essential to prevent various risks associated with age. 


Forehead Implant Procedure 

Forehead Implant Procedure 

The procedure used for forehead transplantation is mostly determined by the quantity of volume required to produce the desired result and the projected longevity. Those who only require a tiny quantity of volume to contour their forehead can opt for fat transplantation.

Surgeons often perform forehead implant surgery under local or general anesthesia. This, however, depends on the nature of the procedure and the desired objectives. General anesthesia involves a combination of gases and intravenous (IV) drugs that make you sleep deeply. This means that you won’t be aware of what is happening or feel any pain. 

On the other hand, local anesthesia involves injecting anesthetic drugs into the surgical area. With this, you will be awake during the procedure but won’t feel any pain. The surgeon can also administer sedatives to keep you calm and comfortable. 

After administering anesthesia, the surgeon will create an incision line of approximately 1 to 2 cm at the back of the hairline. Via this incision, space is created for the implant and carefully placed to fit over the forehead bones. 

The entire forehead implant procedure takes approximately one hour to complete. Once it’s done, the surgeon sutures the incision and covers the forehead using a compression bandage. This is to allow a successful recovery. 

Those with little volume in their foreheads, particularly those with hollowed parts, may benefit from silicone implants. The implants are sculpted for this procedure a few days before the surgery.

The implant is inserted and strategically placed through an incision made behind the hairline by the surgeon. When the surgeon is pleased with the volume and position of the implant, the incision is closed with sutures, and bandages are applied.

A forehead implant usually takes around an hour to complete. The incision will be sutured after surgery, and the forehead will be wrapped in a compression bandage.


Postoperative Recovery: 

  • Pain that is readily controlled by medicine usually subsides in a day or two after surgery.
  • For three to four weeks, avoid heavy activities.
  • Throughout the first few days after recuperation, apply cold compresses to your forehead for 20 minutes at a time to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • To decrease postoperative swelling, keep the head elevated for 1-2 weeks after surgery.
  • Forehead firmness may persist for several weeks after surgery.
  • Swelling, bruising, or systemic problems on the forehead, upper eyelids, or under the eyes may occur after surgery. These symptoms may appear in varying degrees depending on the individual. The majority of the time, the symptoms will go away within 2-4 weeks.
  • Following the operation, the nurse will put a headband over the patient's head, which must be wrapped approximately 3 days following surgery.
  • After surgery, patients can wash their faces normally, but they must be careful not to get the surgical wound wet with water for the first three days. After three days, the patient can gently wash his or her hair.
  • It is advisable to apply a cold compress to the forehead and eyes for 24 hours over the first three days to alleviate the swelling. If the edema persists, the patient should continue to apply cold compresses to the affected area. Typically, the edema will subside over 2-4 weeks.
  • When sleeping, it is recommended that the head be lifted high. It is preferable if you can sleep in a semi-lying, semi-sitting position, but if you are unable to sleep, it is recommended that you place 2-3 pillows to support your head. This will aid in the reduction of bruising.
  • To avoid irritating the scalp, keep a range of button-up shirts on hand during recovery.
  • To reduce swelling, we will give you a compression garment that you should wear as much as possible for at least two weeks.


What to Expect After the Procedure?

Surgeons can perform forehead implant procedures on an outpatient basis. This means that you can only remain in the hospital overnight, after which you can go back home. 

Typically, the forehead implant procedure is relatively quick and takes approximately one hour. Whether performed under general or local anesthesia, you can sometimes experience a negative reaction to anesthesia. 


Risk and Complication:

When performed by a highly qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon, forehead augmentation is associated with extremely few issues. Potential hazards include:

  • Implant shifting, which might require another procedure to reposition 
  • Formation of blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis 
  • Acute to chronic pain 
  • Poor healing of the wound 
  • Numbness or changes in sensation around the forehead and scalp 
  • Damages of the blood vessels, nerves, muscles, teeth, or gum 
  • Unfavorable scarring on the hairline 
  • Uneven firmness or contours on the implant 
  • Hematoma
  • Asymmetry on the forehead 
  • Infection of the incision area

Fortunately, these risks are minor and manageable. Besides, you can completely heal after 5 to 10 days and resume your normal day-to-day activities. During the healing process, you may notice some bruising and swelling around the eyelids. Although this might not be a serious issue, the surgeon can recommend removing stitches to ease the condition. 


How much are hairline implants?

Due to the high number of plastic surgeries performed each year, the price for a facial implant in Korea is quite competitive. As a result, pricing competition has increased, resulting in a large number of experienced surgeons with extensive knowledge while keeping the cost to the patient relatively reasonable.

In Korea, the cost of this purchase starts at roughly 2500$ and goes up from there.



A forehead implant refers to a cosmetic surgical procedure. It aims at altering the size and shape of the forehead to achieve the desired structure. When depression or unevenness generates an unappealing appearance, this prosthetic surgery inserts a silicone forehead implant beneath the skin to increase the area. The implant provides a long-lasting, reliable augmentation.

In order to produce a youthful appearance, this surgery contours not just your forehead but also your entire face, taking into account facial lines from the forehead, cheekbones, nose, and chin. In other situations, the operation can make the entire face appear smaller and more attractive since wrinkles and other surface imperfections are erased when the volume is supplied to the forehead.

There are several ways one can achieve an ideal forehead appearance. Most people prefer surgery, which is usually done using various techniques. However, others opt for non-surgical procedures. 

Small irregularities in the forehead are frequently repaired using bone cement. The most often utilized materials for this purpose are PMMA (acrylic) and HA (hydroxyapatite cement). Implants are utilized for greater augmentations. These might be either standard implants or patient-specific implants.

If you smoke, you must abstain for two weeks prior to surgery and for one week afterward. Smoking lowers blood flow to the skin and might obstruct recovery. You will want the assistance of someone to drive you home following your surgery and to assist you for a few days at home.

Following forehead surgery, mild swelling and bruising are usual. To help with this, you will be nursed sitting up following surgery and asked to sleep with 2 or 3 pillows for the first few days. 

During the first week, avoid straining and bending down because this tends to aggravate the swelling. After one week, the stitches or staples used to close the incisions are removed.

Complications are uncommon and typically mild, but they must be considered. Although they are less painful, the results are not permanent and must be maintained.

CloudHospital specializes in helping you achieve the ideal look you desire. It works with several skilled and experienced professional experts who are committed to conducting successful forehead implant procedures.