Full face (PRP included)

Last updated date: 17-Jul-2023

Originally Written in English

Full Face (PRP Included)

Cosmetics and facial skin care can either help or worsen facial dermatoses. A healing biofilm can be re-established and facial redness can be reduced with the use of skin care products that are properly chosen. However, before the red face goes away, skin care products that vigorously remove intercellular lipids or irritate the skin must be avoided. Cosmetics can either help or hurt the health of the skin on your face. Full face can be achieved by a variety of procedures including platelet-rich plasma.


What is Face Primer?

Face Primer

Before wearing makeup, you should apply a transparent base to the skin called a face primer to balance out the complexion. It's not a concealer; it's just a basic, lightweight product that gives you the ideal base for applying makeup.

Try perfecting your face base in mini-stick format if you're searching for a useful item to bring on your journeys: In just one step, it conceals skin flaws and gives your skin a flawless makeup basis.

There are different kinds of primers, and they might differ in format, texture, and color. Several primers are slightly colored, such as green, pink, or orange, which are ideal for camouflaging and concealment even though they are typically almost undetectable once applied.


What is Platelet-Rich Plasma Facial Rejuvenation?

With very little downtime, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is considered a natural filler procedure that gives the skin a more youthful appearance. Since PRP is made from your blood, there are almost no chances of allergies or intolerance. PRP is blood plasma with high platelet concentrations that activate stem cells and contribute to the body's rapid regeneration and healing. PRP helps to smooth up the texture of the skin overall, reduces the visibility of small lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, and fills in hollow areas like the cheeks, temples, and tears through grooves. PRP can also help in the reduction of surgical and acne scars.


PRP Facial Advantages

PRP Facial Advantages

Numerous advantages of this treatment have been noted by its clients. It can essentially eliminate wrinkles, acne scars, lines, stretch marks, and other kinds of scars in addition to facilitating the body in producing new elastin and collagen. Additionally, a PRP facial might produce noticeable results by improving skin tone and texture.

Different micro-needling tools are employed by PRP facial professionals. It enables them to complete the entire treatment quickly and with little discomfort. The micro-needling tool simply uses very tiny needles to stamp the skin. The body's inherent mechanisms are activated by this unique therapy. In response to the needling, the skin starts to create more collagen and elastin. The body simultaneously reacts to the platelet-rich plasma and uses it to produce more collagen and elastin.


PRP Facial Benefits

PRP Facial Benefits

  • Increased production of collagen. Your body starts to produce significantly less collagen at the age of 25. Unless you do action to increase its production rate, it will continue to fall significantly for the remainder of your life. In addition, collagen production's quality declines. The end consequence is skin that is unhealthy. There's a good probability that a PRP facial will improve the texture of your skin through improved collagen production, regardless of whether you're depressed by fine lines, moderate wrinkles, severe folds, or other apparent skin problems. When skin cells are damaged, collagen production is triggered. This happens during a PRP facial when the tiny needles used for the microneedling part of the procedure penetrate the top layers of your skin. Once your skin has been penetrated, the underlying collagen begins to repair the skin. Your body begins to produce fresh, stronger, and healthier collagen at the same time. It takes a few weeks for this higher-quality collagen to develop. However, you'll see skin tightening right away. Just keep in mind that your treatment's effects will keep getting better for a few weeks after it.
  • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines. One of the most popular causes of getting a PRP facial is lines and wrinkles. Cellular turnover is stimulated as these normal aging signs are treated. New skin cells, collagen, and elastin are produced as old skin cells are destroyed. Your facial skin spontaneously tightens in reaction to the micro-injuries caused by treatment, which helps to partially remove fine lines and wrinkles. As hollow areas of your face are filled in, the appearance of deeper creases is also lessened.
  • Firmer and tighter skin. As previously mentioned, collagen is also necessary for taut, firm skin. Although your skin begins to sag as you get older, wrinkles and lines don't always appear. With aging, facial skin tends to thin, and some areas of the face, such as the lips and cheeks, are prone to looking noticeably long and thin. The skin is stretched by collagen. Some people might get a PRP facial to give their lips more volume. Others use it to shape their cheeks without invasive surgical procedures. Whatever your skin problems, be sure to find out how a PRP facial may help you look your best.
  • Enhanced moisture retention. The deeper layers of your skin are more shielded from external irritants the stronger and thicker your skin is. A powerful skin barrier also aids in moisture retention. Additionally, it aids in a pore clearing, which makes your skin more receptive to prescribed moisturizers. Because the procedure can lessen the appearance of pores, the benefits of a PRP facial on pores are a little unclear. The ability to absorb prescribed medications for the aim of enhancing your beauty is facilitated by the reduced appearance of pores and unclogged pores.
  • Improved skin texture and tone. A facial enhancement with PRP can help if you have stretch marks, discoloration, acne scars, surgery scars, scars from trauma, scars from the operation, or any other type of poor skin tone or texture. You will be surprised by the mind-blowing difference in the appearance of your skin just a few days after one PRP facial, as old skin cells give birth to new, healthy ones.
  • It is not painful. Your facial skin is cleansed completely yet gently before your PRP facial begins. By doing this, you can make sure your skin is free of any contaminants that can interfere with the treatment, such as dirt, dust, pollen, pollution, cosmetics, or other imperfections. Your skin care specialist will first clean your face before applying a local anesthetic to the treatment area. Indeed, the incredibly sensitive skin around your mouth, hairline, and eyes is thin and delicate. However, even though you might feel the treatment being done, you won't experience any pain or discomfort. Even better, you can safely take aspirin before or after therapy to lessen the possibility of any post-treatment discomfort. To hasten the process of cellular renewal, you can also apply ice to the treatment locations.
  • Treatment Is over quickly. It would appear like the PRP procedure would take some time. Blood must first be drawn into syringes. It needs to be processed after being inserted into a centrifuge. To prepare the blood for transfer and injection, it must first be cleaned. Next, the blood's mass-based components must be separated. The process of drawing your blood is rather quick. Your blood will next be spun in a centrifuge for three to five minutes. Finally, depending on the size and volume of the areas you are seeking to treat, the treatment itself only lasts 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Lasting results. Some anti-aging treatments are only effective for a week or two before they need to be repeated. In contrast, you can maintain your youthful appearance by getting a PRP facial just once every two years or so. Even better, compared to conventional microneedling, a PRP facial requires fewer sessions to reach your perfect look. With a PRP facial, you will only require one-half the number of treatments to achieve the same results as you would with four 30-minute microneedling sessions, each of which includes a 30-minutes wait while the anesthetic takes effect. Four treatments are normally required for skin renewal, with each session needing to be separated by four to eight weeks. You just need five sessions of PRP-enhanced microneedling to significantly improve the look of keloid scars. In two to four treatment sessions, acne scars can be cured.
  • No downtime Is required. We don't have time to look less than our best at all times, just as we all want to appear younger and want to avoid appearing tired. You may experience noticeable redness for five to seven days after conventional microneedling. You can get rid of this downtime by incorporating platelet-rich plasma into your treatment. The micro-injuries brought on by the microneedling are practically healed as soon as they are formed thanks to PRP.
  • Not much preparation is required. Another amazing aspect of the PRP facial is how little effort is required to prepare for the procedure. There are generally only three easy tasks you need to prepare for. First, for seven days before your treatment, wear sunscreen whenever you are outside. Second, for the three days previous to your treatment, consume at least 64 ounces of water each day. And lastly, show up bare-faced to your appointment. Use no moisturizer, makeup, or other skincare products. Keep in mind that before treatment, your face will be wiped.


PRP Facial Candidates

PRP Facial Candidates

The fact that a vampire facial is suitable for almost everyone is one of the most underestimated advantages. Depending on your skin type, allergies, and other factors, prescription anti-aging ointments, creams, and lotions can have unpleasant side effects. On the other side, a PRP facial uses your own blood. An allergic reaction is not possible. It's a natural substance, therefore there's no risk that your body will refuse it as a foreign object. You could benefit from a PRP facial if you:

  • Have acne scars
  • Suffer from hyperpigmentation
  • Want to get rid of the wrinkles and fine lines
  • Desire stronger and tighter skin
  • Have asymmetric skin tone
  • Not ready for a facelift
  • Have dry skin
  • Feel like your skin is more aging than it should be

However, keep in mind that a PRP facial is not recommended for those with specific coagulation issues that necessitate the constant use of blood thinners or other blood-related illnesses. Furthermore, if you expect the same outcomes as a facelift, you could not be the ideal candidate. To reverse the consequences of severe sun exposure, extensive measures are required.


PRP Facial Preparation

PRP Facial Preparation

  • For at least a week before the surgery, avoid taking the aspirin unless advised. Please abstain from all over-the-counter blood thinners and herbal supplements for 1 week before your consultation for best results and to reduce the possibility of bruising at the drawing site. Fish oil, aspirin, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen, should not be taken without a prescription. If you are taking warfarin, clopidogrel, or any other blood thinners for a medical problem, let your doctor know.
  • The day before your procedure, stay away from alcoholic beverages because they can dry you more quickly and increase your risk of bruising.
  • Diet before Procedure. Have a small meal before going to the office, and stay away from caffeine.
  • Drink water. At least eight glasses of water should be consumed 24 hours before your treatment, and at least 12 ounces of water should be consumed the morning of your treatment. A poor blood draw could happen if you don't arrive hydrated. Your appointment may need to be rescheduled and there may be cancellation if doctors are unable to take your blood because you did not adequately hydrate.
  • One week before your procedure, stay away from cosmetics, retinoids, glycolic acids, and vitamin C preparations.


PRP Facial Procedure

PRP Facial Procedure

The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial stimulates collagen formation by combining microneedling or microdermabrasion with the growth factors found in PRP. The main protein that makes up the body's connective tissues is collagen. PRP is said to be able to improve skin tone, texture, and fine wrinkles by promoting the body to make collagen and healthy skin cells, though additional research is required.

PRP facials are currently offered by several providers. There are typically three primary steps in a standard treatment:

  • Preparation. Your doctor will need to separate PRP from your blood before the facial can start. They will take a tiny bit of blood from your arm using a needle. The platelet-rich plasma will subsequently be separated from the remainder of the blood by spinning the blood sample in a centrifuge. Your healthcare practitioner will also apply a topical anesthetic at this time if your treatment involves micro-needling or microdermabrasion.
  • Microneedling. After the anesthesia has taken effect, your healthcare professional will irritate your skin with a specialized roller or instrument. This increases the synthesis of collagen and makes tiny holes so that PRP may enter the skin.
  • Application. Your healthcare professional will then massage the concentrated PRP into the skin over the treatment area.

To experience the benefits of a platelet-rich plasma facial, you might require several sessions. The emergence of tangible benefits could take several weeks.


PRP Facial Results

PRP Facial Results

Your body's natural collagen synthesis is stimulated by PRP face rejuvenation, and it takes roughly three months for the most significant collagen regeneration to take place. In the first month following therapy, the majority of patients report an improvement in the texture of their skin. It is advised to receive two to three treatments spaced out by six to eight weeks. The effects of PRP rejuvenation are long-lasting, and the majority of patients receive follow-up treatments after a year to prolong collagen production and facial renewal. We can combine the benefits of PRP facial rejuvenation with Botox injection, fillers, microneedling, and laser skin resurfacing for more rapid results.


PRP Facial Risks

Because PRP Facial Rejuvenation involves injecting a substance derived from your own body, it is one of the lowest risk procedures. Mild bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site is possible; however, these side effects often go away 3 to 7 days after the treatment, at which point they can be securely covered up with makeup. Infection and discomfort at injection sites are additional concerns. Patients are advised to begin taking Arnica, a homeopathic drug that naturally lessens swelling and bruising after treatments.



PRP facial rejuvenation is a promising and non-invasive procedure, with the best effects seen in reducing periorbital wrinkles and dark circles.