Larynx cancer

Larynx cancer

Last updated date: 13-Mar-2023

Originally Written in English

Larynx Cancer


Larynx cancer is a kind of throat cancer that affects the larynx. Cancer develops when certain cells proliferate uncontrollably. The cells penetrate and destroy the body as they multiply. These carcinogenic (malignant) cells begin in the larynx in laryngeal cancer (voice box).

Larynx carcinoma is a kind of head and neck cancer. Larynx cancer affects around 13,000 people in the United States each year. Every year, around 3,700 people are killed by it.

Early larynx cancer may not have any symptoms at all. Small growths of the vocal cords may produce hoarseness or coughing, making glottic cancer more likely to be diagnosed early. Early cancer of the supraglottis (above the vocal cords) may produce discomfort, which may be exacerbated by swallowing, and the pain may appear to include the ear, a condition known as referred ear pain.