
Last updated date: 14-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English


Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty or body contouring, refers to a surgical procedure that eliminates fat from particular parts of the body using a suction method. The most common areas include the belly, thighs, hips, buttocks, neck, and arms. In addition, liposuction contours (shapes) these areas. 

Typically, liposuction is not a weight-loss method. However, it may be recommended if alternatives such as exercise or diet fail to remove the fatty deposits. Consult your medical provider to determine if liposuction is the right approach for you. 


Reasons for Liposuction 

Liposuction is primarily done to improve one's appearance instead of only improving physical health. Most individuals will probably get similar or even better outcomes if they live a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and a good night's sleep. 

In most cases, your medical provider can only recommend liposuction when lifestyle adjustments fail to produce the desired outcomes. It’s also suitable for addressing fat deposits resistant to both diet and exercise. 

Every fat cell grows in size as well as volume as a person adds weight. With liposuction, the amount of fatty cells reduces in the restricted areas.  

If you are considering a liposuction method, you should first talk to your provider about the benefits and limitations. This is because liposuction should only be performed after considerable thought. You should also note that the outcomes are subtle instead of spectacular.

The liposuction procedure is widely used to treat various parts of the body, including; 

  • Upper arms 
  • Abdomen 
  • Buttocks 
  • Chest and back 
  • Calves and ankles 
  • Thighs and hips 
  • Neck and chin 
  • Inner knees 


Good Candidates for Liposuction 

You need to have realistic goals for you to be an ideal candidate for liposuction. Keep in mind that you won't be able to eliminate cellulite through liposuction. Therefore, if you thought the procedure would get rid of them, you are out of luck. 

In addition, liposuction is a surgical technique associated with several risks. Hence, you must be in good health in order to undergo it. Your plastic surgeon will most likely conclude that you are suitable for the procedure if; 

  • You maintain a weight that is within 30% of your optimum.
  • You have skin that is firm and elastic.
  • You do not smoke 

If you have blood flow problems, diabetes, heart disease, or have a compromised immune system; then your plastic surgeon will not recommend liposuction. 


What Happens Before Liposuction?

You may be subjected to a series of health tests before surgery to make sure that you are healthy enough. Depending on the nature of your liposuction, your plastic surgeon can make the following suggestions; 

  • Avoid regular use of aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medicines for at least two weeks before undergoing surgery. 
  • You may be asked to stop using the contraceptive pill for a few weeks or days to surgery if you are a woman. 
  • Anemia patients may be advised to take iron supplements.

You may have to sign a consent document before undergoing liposuction. This is to confirm that you are completely informed about the procedure's risks, advantages, and other available alternatives. 


Liposuction Procedure (What to Expect)

Liposuction Procedure

Your plastic surgeon can administer general anesthesia before the surgery begins. This can last anywhere from one to four hours. For lower body treatments, an epidural can be used. The anesthesia is injected into the epidural region near the dura, which is a fluid-filled sac surrounding the spine. As a result, the legs and abdomen get partly numb. 

When liposuction is performed on a smaller area, a local anesthetic may be used. In a situation where only a local anesthetic is used, you may be instructed to stand during the surgery to ensure the appropriate removal of fat. 

The plastic surgeon can perform liposuction in a variety of ways, including; 

  • Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is the most common liposuction procedure. During this procedure, the surgeon pumps a few liters of the saline content containing a local anesthetic (lidocaine) and a vessel-constrictor (epinephrine) beneath the skin in the target suctioned area. The fat is carefully sucked out (suctioned) using tiny suction tubes. 

  • Dry liposuction 

With dry liposuction, injection of fluid before fat removal is not necessary. But today, this strategy is rarely employed. Bruising and bleeding are more likely to occur after this procedure. 

  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)

This procedure also referred to as ultrasonic liposuction, involves energizing the cannula using an ultrasound. This causes the fat to melt away when it comes in touch with it. The fat cells' walls also rupture due to ultrasonic vibrations. As a result, it emulsifies (liquefies) the fat deposits, making suctioning it out simpler. 

UAL procedure is appropriate for fibrous regions like the back, the male breast, and places where liposuction has previously been performed. At times, suction-assisted liposuction is used to eliminate the emulsified fat following ultrasonic liposuction. 

  • Power-assisted liposuction (PAS)

This procedure can also be referred to as powered liposuction. It employs a customized cannula and a mechanical system that moves back and forth fast. This enables the surgeon to extract fat more efficiently.

  • Laser-Assisted Lipolysis (LAL)

This method, also known as laser-guided lipo, necessitates the use of tumescent fluid. Generally, it’s a less invasive and bloody treatment for fat removal, unlike conventional liposuction. A tiny tube is placed via a small incision to transmit heat and the laser energy into the fat beneath the skin.

The surgeon can keep the surgical cuts open after the procedure to let extra fluid and blood drain from the body. 


Recovery after Liposuction 

Liposuction recovery time can vary from one person to another. After the liposuction procedure, you should expect swelling, pain, and bruising. The provider can give pain relievers as well as antibiotics to help limit the chance of infection. 

Also, the surgeon can leave the surgical wounds open and insert temporary drains to help with fluid drainage after the operation. For a few weeks, you'll have to put on tight compression clothes to assist in minimizing the swelling.

You may have to wait for several days to return to work and several weeks to resume your regular activities, including work out. Expect minor contour inconsistencies during this period as the residual fat settles into place.


Liposuction Results 

Liposuction Results 

Liposuction outcomes won't be noticeable till the inflammation subsides. This could take a few months in some circumstances. After around four weeks, most of the swelling will have subsided, and the part where fat was taken out should lose less bulky. 

Individuals who keep a steady weight may expect long-term results. If you add weight following the surgery, you might notice that your fat distribution changes. Those who earlier had fat buildup in their hips may realize that their buttocks are now the source of their problems. 


Risks of Liposuction 

Liposuction, like any other major operation, carries risks like bleeding and adverse anesthetic reaction. The following are some of the potential liposuction risks and complications include; 

  • Inconsistencies in the contour: Due to irregular removal of the fat, poor skin elasticity, and poor healing, your skin can look bumpy, withered, or wavy. These modifications could be permanent. Injury or damage under the skin caused by the thin tube (cannula) used during liposuction might leave the skin permanently spotted. 
  • A buildup of fluid: Seromas are momentary pockets of fluid that develop beneath the skin. This fluid may require draining using a needle. 
  • Numbness: Temporary or lasting numbness may occur around the affected region. You may also experience nerve irritation that is only temporary. 
  • Infection: Normally, skin infections are uncommon, although they can happen. If not treated, a chronic skin infection can be fatal. 
  • Inner puncture: Although rare, a cannula can sometimes penetrate too deep, puncturing the internal body organ. This might necessitate immediate surgical intervention. 
  • Fat embolism: Broken or loosened pieces of fat can break off and get stuck in a blood vessel or accumulate within the lungs or move towards the brain. Normally, a fat embolism is considered a medical emergency.
  • Problems with the kidneys and the heart: Fluid level tends to shifts as the fluids are injected and sucked out. This can result in potentially fatal heart, kidney, or lung disorders.
  • Toxicity of lidocaine: Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that is frequently injected along with fluids when performing liposuction to assist in regulating pain. Lidocaine toxicity can develop in rare conditions, causing significant problems in the central nervous system and heart. 

Suppose your plastic surgeon is operating on larger areas of the body or performing many surgeries at the same time; the chance of complications increases. Therefore, you should discuss with your surgeon how these liposuction dangers may affect you.



Liposuction is a procedure that can remove stubborn fatty deposits permanently. It is not a weight loss substitute, and not all people are good candidates. 

In case you have attempted options like diet and exercise but still have stubborn fat spots, discuss with your doctor about liposuction for weight loss. This technique might also help you look and even feel better by improving your body contour. It's critical to maintain your new shape after the treatment by maintaining a healthy weight.