Nipple and Areola Surgery

Last updated date: 15-May-2023

Originally Written in English

Nipple and Areola Surgery

Plastic surgery entails altering or reshaping tissues to improve function, attractiveness, or both. Cosmetic plastic surgery frequently entails substantial surgeries on the face, breasts, or body that provide considerable effects. The nipple and areola (the round, pigmented skin around the nipple) can grab the most attention when it comes to the chest and breasts because they are the tiniest and most central anatomical parts. Some physical properties are congenital, meaning they are present from birth, while others are acquired and evolve as a result of developmental, hormonal, or medical conditions.

Many patients who are unhappy with certain features of their nipples or areolas may be unaware of cosmetic procedures that can help them look better. Although there are alternative reconstructive operations that build a new nipple and areola in cases of nipple loss, this study will focus solely on aesthetic procedures of the nipple and areola (whether due to removal for malignancy or following severe trauma).


Nipple Inversion

Nipple Inversion

A condition in which the nipple ducts are shorter than normal is known as an inverted nipple. When the nipples are forced inwards, the nipple flattens against the breast. It affects roughly 3% of women and a small percentage of men. A congenital defect is the most common reason for an inverted nipple, but it can also be caused by scarring from breastfeeding, infection in the ducts, or past breast surgery. Inflammation, rashes, and pain are all common symptoms of inverted nipples. It may also make it impossible to nurse in rare situations.


Inverted Nipple Surgery

inverted Nipple Surgery

Inverted nipples are fairly frequent, even though most women's nipples are normally protruding. They happen when the nipple does not protrude normally due to extremely tight ducts leading to the nipple. The nipple is dragged into the surrounding areola as a result of this. There may also be a hollow in the center of the areola in serious situations. They can appear during adolescence or after pregnancy, and they can make breastfeeding difficult or impossible since the nursing baby is unable to latch onto the breast. This problem can also affect men in rare situations. Inverted nipple surgery is performed by the doctor to correct the "drawn in" appearance of inverted nipples.


Before Inverted Nipple Surgery

The doctor will assess your level of inversion before scheduling surgery to repair your inverted nipples to determine if surgery is even warranted. There are three stages of inversion:

  • Level one. The nipple is inverted, but it responds normally to cold and touch, and it protrudes normally. The protrusion is only for a short time. This condition is also known as shy nipples.
  • Level two. The nipple is always inverted, but suction can bring it out for a short time. Again, as long as the suction is functioning, the protrusion is only momentary.
  • Level three. The nipple will not protrude at this stage, even when stimulated or suctioned. This is due to severely restricted tissue beneath the skin's surface, which will almost certainly necessitate surgery to correct.

The doctor will assess your specific condition to help you choose the best possible treatment for you. If surgical intervention appears to be the best option, she will perform a surgery that will maintain your nipple sensation.


Inverted Nipple Surgery Indications

Inverted Nipple Surgery Indications

If you meet the following criteria, you are a good candidate for inverted nipple repair surgery:

  • You are in good physical condition.
  • You have a consistent weight.
  • You set realistic goals for yourself.
  • Your breasts have reached their full size.
  • The protrusion of your nipples is significantly different.
  • You have a congenital nipple deformity.
  • Because of nipple inversion, your capacity to breastfeed has been compromised.
  • You're dissatisfied with the way your nipples look.
  • Your last procedure resulted in an unfavorable outcome.
  • You are either a nonsmoker or willing to quit smoking.


Inverted Nipple Surgery Results

The following are some of the benefits of nipple correction:

  • Improving the look of the nipple.
  • Reduce nipple irritation and infections.
  • Increasing the quality of your sexual life.
  • Self-esteem has improved.
  • Enhances one's quality of life.


Reconstructive Nipple Surgery

Reconstructive Nipple Surgery

Inverted nipple surgery can be performed using one of two methods. It can be accomplished by two methods: leaving the milk ducts intact or dividing the milk ducts.


Leaving the Milk Ducts Intact

The parachute flap technique is another name for this technique. A local anesthetic is applied to the dark-skinned part of the breast known as the areola, and an incision is produced. The nipple and areola tissues are gently raised while remaining attached to the breast and sewn into a new, projecting shape with purse-string stitches. Because of the circular form of the scar around the nipple, it will probably boost rather than reduce nipple projection.

Because tethering the milk duct is a common cause of inverted nipples, this surgery has a much greater probability of recurrence and relapse. Because some milk ducts will stay linked and you should not experience a change in nipple sensation, it is quite likely that women following this treatment will be able to nurse.

It normally takes around an hour to finish the surgery if it is not accompanied by additional breast surgeries.


Dividing the Milk Ducts

This method is far more preferable, and it may be required in more complicated circumstances. Before making an incision, a local anesthetic will be administered to the nipple base. All of the milk ducts will be removed, allowing the nipples to be reshaped for a more natural projection. Sutures are used to close the incision, and therapeutic gauze is put to the wound.

Unless it is accompanied by other cosmetic breast surgical procedures, this surgery usually takes only an hour to finish, and you should be able to go home within a few hours.

You shouldn't notice a difference in nipple sensation, but you won't be able to nurse because the milk ducts have been removed completely.


Inverted Nipple Surgery Recovery

Inverted Nipple Surgery Recovery

The speed with which you recover differs from person to person and is largely determined by your health and the healing process of your body. Inversion nipple surgery usually has a quick recovery time. Because the procedure causes little discomfort or swelling, you can come back to work and most activities within a few hours of the procedure. The sensation of the breasts and nipples will start to recover either immediately after the treatment or after a few days. Stitches will be removed after 14-21 days and impermeable dressings will be used to keep the wounds clean and dry. Showering will be allowed the day following surgery. To reduce the chance of your freshly everted nipples re-flattening, you will be expected to wear a protective dressing containing foam for up to four weeks.

You should expect to see the results of the surgery anywhere from two to four weeks after the surgery.


Inverted Nipple Surgery Risks

Inverted Nipple Surgery Risks

Every surgical procedure carries some risk, and you must be aware of these risks as well as any potential problems before determining whether or not the procedure is good for you.

Before undergoing the surgery, you will be properly informed about the potential issues to ensure that you are fully aware of the dangers involved. The following are some of the risks and complications related to inverted nipple surgery:

  • Bleeding from the point of the cut
  • Infection
  • Allergic reactions that may occur
  • Pain and swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the wound area
  • Healing is generally slow in smokers and diabetics.
  • Sickness, deep venous thrombosis, and cardiac and pulmonary problems are all possible side effects of anesthesia.
  • The breast and nipple have different sensations.
  • Sensitivity loss around the handled site, either temporary or permanent
  • Scar formation.
  • Breastfeeding difficulties as well as a decrease in milk production due to injury to the milk ducts. Even losing the ability to nurse is a possibility in some situations.
  • The size or protrusion of the nipples differs significantly.
  • Unfavorable outcome
  • Nipple re-flattening.
  • If there are any faults, additional surgery may be necessary.


Areola Surgery

The typical width of a female areola is roughly 4.5 cm, although many women (and males) have areolas that are significantly larger and may decide for areola reduction surgery as a result. Patients may also decide for areola correction surgery if their areolas are larger, domed, non-circular, or otherwise discolored or irregular in appearance.


What is an Areola Reduction Surgery?

Areola Reduction Surgery

The dark brown or dark pink circle of skin encircling the nipple, which should be in the center of the breast, is known as the areola. Areola reduction surgery, often known as nipple reduction surgery, is performed for a variety of reasons. It is not frequently suitable for treatment on its own.

Areola reduction surgery can benefit both men and women, with the goal of enhancing self-confidence and self-esteem. Many people now believe it is the answer to their self-doubt about the size and form of their areola because it is a reasonably quick and straightforward procedure. It's frequently combined with other breast procedures like a breast lift.


Areola Reduction Surgery Indications

Areola Reduction Surgery Indications

The following are some of the most common causes of areola reduction or nipple correction surgery:

  • Large, wide, and noticeable areolas. most women prefer areolas that are smaller than 5 cm wide. You may feel self-conscious if your areola is significantly larger than this. Moreover, the areolas must appear proportionate to the size of the breasts as a whole.
  • Elevated or swollen-looking areolas. Some people have areolas that appear swollen or puffy over time, sometimes even as early as puberty. There may be an underlying cause, such as tubular breast malformation, but whatever the cause, it can make you feel self-conscious and out of position among other women.
  • Irregular Areolas. The areola is usually shaped like a complete circle. This may grow elongated into an oval shape over time, or it may not appear symmetrical. The shape of the areola will be corrected with an areola reduction.
  • Areola irregularities. The areola areas modify over time, particularly during gestation and lactation. Due to small glands, the color and feel of the skin may fluctuate, as well as the appearance of tiny bumps. Areola reduction can fix these issues, giving you newfound confidence in your breasts.


Areola Reduction Surgery Recovery

Areola Reduction Surgery Recovery

One of the quickest recovery durations for breast surgery is areola reduction surgery, often known as nipple corrective surgery. With good self-care and no difficulties, you should be able to recover in less than a fortnight. The facility you pick to perform the procedure will walk you through the healing process and provide aftercare instructions, but having a general sense of what to expect can be useful.

At the wound sites, pain and mild swelling are common. As a result, the main goal of recovery is to strengthen the breasts and give them the best chance of recovery possible. This will necessitate the use of a well-fitting bra that is both comfortable and supportive. This can be worn both day and night. You shouldn't perform any sports or hard lifting till your surgeon says so, but if you do, make sure you're wearing the sports bra for help. In addition, if directed by your doctor, use pain relievers regularly.

To reduce swelling of the breast tissue while it recovers, you may be recommended to avoid sex and sexual excitement for about a week after surgery. Similarly, you may notice that the first period after the areola reduction causes you to have greater breast discomfort and swelling than typical.

Depending on your line of work, you may need to take a couple of weeks off to avoid overworking yourself. Your surgeon will talk to you about it in the context of your specific situation.

The areola and nipples will constantly change for the first six months after surgery. Scar tissue will diminish from red to pink over time, integrating almost seamlessly with the breast's main structure.


Areola Reduction Surgery Benefits

Areola Reduction surgery Benefits include the following:

  • The total size of the areola is decreased.
  • Because of the scarring around the areola's edge, it merges in with the breast.
  • It is frequently possible to do this procedure under local anesthesia.
  • In comparison to other breast procedures, it has a quick recovery time.
  • The nipple is tightened and lifted, giving the breast a curvier appearance.
  • Increased self-confidence in your appearance.


Areola Reduction Surgery Risks

Areola Reduction Surgery Risks

When compared to other procedures, and because areola reduction can normally be done under local anesthesia, the risks associated with this treatment are modest.

With proper care, the dangers of nipple correction surgery are minor. Infection in the wound area is the most serious risk. If you notice an increase in soreness, heat, discharge, or increased discomfort at the wound site or surroundings, seek medical help from your clinic or physician. A fever could also be an indication of infection. A short round of antibiotics will typically be sufficient in these cases. Furthermore, even if there is no infection, some fluid leaking from the wound site may occur in the early days following surgery.

If your areola reduction is done under general anesthesia, or as part of a more complex operation that necessitates general anesthesia, there are some additional dangers that you should be aware of. The most significant of these dangers is a blood clot, which can result in serious problems. To lessen the danger of clots, you should follow your surgeon's instructions.

The nipple section of the breast is a very sensitive area with numerous nerves. Following areola reduction operations, it's fairly uncommon to notice a change in nipple sensation. The sensation typically returns after recovery; however, this is not always the truth.

Finally, after nipple correction surgery, some women notice a change in the color or pigmentation of their areola. This is a very unusual occurrence.


Areola Reduction Surgery Cost

Areola Reduction Surgery Cost

When looking at the cost of areola reduction, it's important to think about all of your choices. Areola reduction is frequently combined with other breast surgeries, such as a breast lift, augmentation, or reduction. The cost of the areola reduction will be included in the entire cost of your breast surgery in these cases, making it more cost-effective than having the operations handled independently.

However, some women believe that simply having the areola reduction surgery will be enough to increase their self-esteem and restore their confidence in their body image. You should expect to pay between $2,150 to $3,800 for an areola reduction surgery alone. The cost will be determined by the clinic you choose, the type of anesthesia utilized, and the surgeon you select.

You have the option of paying for your areola reduction surgery upfront or paying for it over time. Many clinics provide finance alternatives in these situations, allowing you to pay a deposit (typically at least 10% of the surgical cost) and then make monthly payments after that. Normally, you have the option of paying over one, two, three, four, or five years. The level of interest you pay will be determined by the length of time you spread your payments out.


Nipple Lift for Low Nipple

When the position of a woman's nipples is too low, a condition known clinically as ptosis it is one of the most common cosmetic issues she has about her breasts. This appearance is common in women who have bigger breasts, but it can also develop over time as the people age and the nipples appear to droop lower or point downward. Nipple ptosis repair, which raises the nipples into a more attractive position, can also relocate nipples that are too far apart or too close together. Both breast lift and breast reduction surgery include a nipple lift, which corrects sagging breasts and oversized breasts, respectively. Increased breast fullness with implants often produces a reasonable degree of nipple lift in patients with tiny breasts and only a little degree of ptosis, and does not require a separate treatment.

A scar around the perimeter of the areola will result from any surgical operation that involves relocating the nipple. The nerves and blood vessels that feed the nipples must be preserved after surgery to maintain nipple feeling and breastfeeding capacity. Nipple lift surgery can be performed on either one or both breasts, produces immediate effects, and improves symmetry in individuals with asymmetric nipples.


Nipple Reduction For Enlarged Nipple

Enlarged, sagging, downward-pointing nipples are common in women after nursing as a result of the baby's recurrent suction, but they could also be a natural variety of breast development independent of overall breast size. Patients seeking nipple reduction for hypertrophic nipples, or abnormally large nipples, are typically concerned about the protrusion of the nipples, which can make them overly visible or unattractive under clothing. Furthermore, nipple hypertrophy can produce chafing and irritation from continuous rubbing against clothing, which can be uncomfortable.

Nipple hypertrophy can be treated surgically using a variety of ways, resulting in a nipple that is smaller, less pedunculated, and more appealing. Nipple reduction of the larger nipple can enhance nipple symmetry in circumstances where just one nipple is enlarged. Furthermore, unevenly formed nipples can be surgically adjusted to make them appear rounder and more symmetrical. Nipple reduction surgery can be done as a stand-alone procedure with minimal downtime under local anesthesia, or in conjunction with other cosmetic breast procedures such as breast enhancement, breast lift, and breast reduction.


Accessory Breast and Supernumerary Nipples

Supernumerary Nipples

In both men and women, the development of additional breast tissue with accompanying nipples or pigmented areolas can occur. The mammalian milk line, which creates a wide V-shape from in front of the underarm along the sides of the chest and abdomen, is where these findings, also known as accessory breast tissue and supernumerary nipples, frequently develop. They may mimic moles or other benign skin pigmentation when they appear as tiny, round, pigmented skin lesions. Alternatively, because of the effect of hormones, such as during gestation or nursing, they may form as more apparent masses under the skin. Even though they normally do not require treatment, they can be unattractive and cause discomfort for patients, especially if the accessory nipples discharge. The most common treatment is surgical excision, which involves the permanent removal of breast tissue as well as the total removal of extra nipples or areolas.


Improvement of Areola Irregularity or Asymmetry

It's natural for the breasts to have some asymmetry, such as varied shapes or sizes. Only the pigmented areolas are affected in mild cases of breast asymmetry. Most areolas have a little variance in diameter or shape, such as an elliptical or droplet shape rather than a round shape. Surgical repair of the areola entails suturing and removing a portion of the skin next to or within the pigmented areola to achieve a better aesthetic outcome and symmetry. Centered circles can be used to outline the areola at the appropriate circumference for patients seeking areola reduction or augmentation.

Repositioning the nipples to a more visually attractive level, which is part of the surgical treatment, will help women who have a breast lift or breast reduction. The incision utilized to raise the nipples in these procedures may also be used to alter the diameter and appearance of the areola.

The areolas appear greatly enlarged and deformed relative to the amount of breast tissue and breast skin in women with tuberous breasts, a condition in which the breast tissue is constricted. In these patients, surgery to get the greatest aesthetic result entails the reduction of the areola in conjunction with a breast lift or breast enhancement with a breast lift, depending on the characteristics of the abnormality and degree of symmetry.



Nipple and areola surgery involves procedures that address inverted nipples and other deformed shapes of the nipple-areola complex. The candidates for these procedures vary and are determined by a few factors. Nipple and areola surgery have very promising and good outcomes that increase the client’s self-esteem and self-confidence in her body appearance.