Nose wings reduction

Last updated date: 11-May-2023

Originally Written in English

Nose wings reduction


The nose is the focal point of the face and one of the elements that can improve the overall attractiveness of the face. However, a large nose does not always imply a lovely face. It is a matter of balancing height and nose size.

A nicely formed nose features nostrils that are the proper size in relation to the overall contour of the nose. Rhinoplasty, sometimes known as a nose job, is one of the most popular plastic operations. However, it is an umbrella word for any aesthetic surgical treatment performed on the nose.


What is Nasal Wing Reduction? 

Nasal wing reduction

Nasal wing reduction is a procedure for those who are self-conscious about their nose shape. This procedure is appropriate for patients who have broad nostrils, a wide nose, or a flat nose. When the nasal wing is reduced, the nose appears sharper, elevated, and narrower, with smaller nostrils.

Nasal wing reduction is the narrowing of the nose's lateral cartilage. Some people have very broad and large nasal wings. Breathing is the warning of nasal wing decrease. Surgeons are constantly concerned with the patient's respiration to ensure that there is nothing obstructing breathing after the nose has been cut. Nasal wing reduction can be performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty.

The essential structure of nasal wings is cartilage. If there is a cartilage issue, the form of the nasal wings will be affected. Surgery is required to fix it. This treatment is used to repair unfavorable nasal anatomy, such as big nasal wings and wide nostrils. "Nasal wing reduction" is a rhinoplasty technique that reduces the size of the nostrils to match the proportion of the face.

The nose wings are important, especially in the front aspect of the human face. They contribute significantly to the contour of the lower nose, and their placement on both sides of the tip of the nose accentuates this while also providing a transition from the tip of the nose to the cheeks. The delicate balance of the facial features can be ruined by nose wings that are clearly too large, too curved, or raised with flaring nostrils. 


Nose Anatomy

Nose Anatomy

The lower lateral cartilages, the anterior nasal spine, the caudal septum, the maxilla, the upper lip, and the skin and soft tissue envelope of the nose all contribute to the overall look when examining the nostril form from the base view. Variations or alterations in any of these structural components, or their relationships to one another, can alter the look and attractiveness of the nostril shape, and so impact nasal function.

Lower lateral cartilages (LLCs) play an important role in establishing the nasal tip and nostril shape. Each LLC is made up of three crura: medial, middle, and lateral crura. Each of these sections is made up of two segments. 

The medial crus is separated into two segments: the footplate and the columellar. The foot-plate segment angulates medially to laterally and anteriorly to posteriorly. The columellar segment, which is principally responsible for nostril length and nasal tip projection, is ideally positioned vertically.

The middle crus starts at the columellar and lobular junction and finishes at the lateral crus." It is made up of two parts: the lobule and domal segments. The lobular segments may be quite variable, which accounts for most of the variance and diversity in tip morphology. Notching of the cartilage at its caudal side is a distinguishing characteristic of the domal segment that influences the look of the nasal tip and nostril shape. This notching correlates to the lobule's soft tissue triangle. The nasal ala's fundamental component is the lateral crus. It starts at the nasal domal junction and travels laterally and cephalad. A chain of auxiliary cartilages connects the lateral crus.


What is Alarplasty


Alarplasty is a cosmetic operation that modifies the shape and breadth of your nostrils. It is also known as alar trimming and alar or nostril reduction surgery. The alae, which means "wings of the nostrils," is the part of your nose where the nostrils curve out and extend to your cheeks. Cosmetic surgeons believe that the nose should be the same width as your eyes, or one-fifth the breadth of your total face. If your alae exceed certain proportions, you may notice that your face is less balanced and attractive.

Alarplasty is most typically used to shorten excessively large nostrils. It does, however, encompass any reconfiguration of this region. It might be to narrow or widen your nostrils, or it could be to address functional issues. Alarplasty is a sub-branch of rhinoplasty that can be performed alone or as part of a larger rhinoplasty operation.


Benefits of the Alarplasty Procedure

Flared nostrils can make them a prominent part of your face, which isn't always a good thing. This has an impact on your overall face attractiveness and can be both mentally and physically taxing. Wide nostrils may wreak havoc on your self-esteem and self-worth, as well as your personal and social interactions.

The Alarplasty or alar base reduction surgery can correct the form of the nostrils so that they do not seem flared all of the time. Furthermore, the surgery dramatically minimizes the size of your nostrils, giving in an improved nasal and facial look. The smaller size and improved form of the nose improve facial aesthetics by making the face more symmetrical.

All of these nose structure aesthetic improvements might raise your confidence and even improve your mental health.


Who Needs Nasal Wing Reduction?

Nasal Wing Reduction

Wide nostrils may be a distraction, drawing attention away from other facial characteristics such as the eyes, lips, and cheeks. The form of your nose base is more or less triangular when viewed from below. The ideal nostrils should softly curve outward from the tip of your nose to the alar crease (the area where your alae meet the cheeks). Excessive outward curvature can throw off your overall aesthetic balance and facial harmony.

Certain ethnicities are more likely to do alar clipping. However, anyone who believes their nostrils are excessively large and are affecting their face look and self-image is an excellent candidate for alarplasty.


Evaluation of nose before surgery

Nose surgery evaluation

With this in mind, it is critical to recognize that considerable individual, racial, and ethnic differences occur within the anatomical components of the nasal tip. These anatomic variations are characterized by significant disparities in nasal tip size, shape, and nostril layout.

In general, the nose can be described as being:

  • Platyrrhine (African), 
  • Mesorrhine (Asian), or 
  • Leptorrhine (Caucasian).

When compared to the leptorrhine nose, the African and Asian noses have several similar traits, including being less projecting and having a shorter columella, greater nasal flare, higher interalar width, and more horizontally oriented nostrils. Some of the anatomical changes that account for the variation include a poorly defined anterior nasal spine, less vertical projection of the columellar segment, thinner and less stiff lower lateral cartilages, and thicker skin with higher subcutaneous fat.

In individuals with a converging axis, alar base reduction should be avoided.' The nasal tip may be separated into seven parts when seen from the bottom. The various components correspond to the previously stated portions of the lower lateral cartilages. Furthermore, nasal breadth, tip projection, nostril shape, and symmetry are best evaluated from the base view.

The rhinoplastic surgeon must distinguish between alar flare and alar base width when selecting whether base reduction approaches will yield the desired outcome. ' The maximal degree of convex bending of the alar base over the alar crease is defined as alar flare. Interalar width, on the other hand, is the distance between one alar fold and the next. Increased nasal width can be caused by alar flare and increased alar width.

Specific solutions for dealing with these abnormalities are covered in the section on surgical procedures. The breadth of the nose should not extend over the imaginary line that extends inferiorly from the medial canthus while evaluating the nasal tip from the frontal perspective.

The easiest way to examine tip projection from the base view is to use ratios and proportions. In general, the nostril width should be equal to the nostril height measured from the subnasale to the nasal tip defining point, measured from alar crease to alar crease. The nostril-to-infralobule ratio should be around 2: 1. 


What to avoid before surgery?

One week prior to the surgery:

  • No smoking is permitted.
  • There is no alcohol consumption.
  • Food supplements may have to be discontinued.
  • It is possible that anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning drugs will need to be discontinued.
  • Avoid consuming unwholesome foods such as canned foods and fizzy drinks.
  • Consume no seafood.
  • A thorough medical examination may be necessary.


On the day of surgery:

  • Fasting for at least 8 hours before to surgery is required.
  • No makeup; carefully wash and clean the face and nose.


Surgical procedure 

Nose wings reduction Surgical procedure 

Surgical incisions are made inside the nasal wings to disguise the wound. Nasal wing reduction alters the form of the nasal wings to match the patient's face. A local anesthetic will be injected into the nasal wings by the surgeon. The doctor will suggest and explain the form of the suitable nasal wing to the patient. In other circumstances, the patient has broad nasal wings, yet the nostrils appear normal and do not obstruct breathing.

Only nasal wings reduction surgery will be performed by the doctor. Doctors must discover additional tissue to fill the nostrils of patients who have narrow nostrils. Because the wound will be hidden inside the wing, the doctor will conduct an inside incision. The surgery lasts no more than one hour. After the procedure, the doctor will schedule the patient for stitch removal. There is no requirement for the patient to stay at the clinic.


What to Expect During Recovery After nose wings reduction?

Recovery After nose surgery

Nostril reduction is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure performed under local anaesthetic or general anesthesia when combined with rhinoplasty. The operation should take no more than 60 minutes on average. Your care team will shortly release you to return home.

Pain, bruising, and swelling are to be expected in the days following your alar reduction operation. They hit their height on day three and then begin to fade. Minor bleeding from your incisional sites is typical and should stop within two to three days.

Sutures, nasal packing, and bandages will be removed at your one-week follow-up. You'll find that your discomfort, bruising, and the most of your swelling have gone away or have been greatly decreased.

Alar reduction surgery, unlike a nose operation, does not entail bone contouring. This not only reduces the degree of your pain, bruising, and swelling, but it also shortens the time it takes to heal completely. The typical recovery time is two weeks, with the majority of patients returning to work one week following their Alarplasty.

The nose, more than any other tissue, tends to hold swelling for a longer period of time. Any remaining swelling, even if undetectable, may take up to three to six months to diminish entirely. Scarring, on the other hand, is not visible due to its placement, even after your Alarplasty. Your scar will go away with time and proper scar care.


Complications of Nose wings reduction

Nose wings reduction surgery is a surgical operation, and like with any other surgical procedure, there are risks and consequences involved. Some of the probable negative effects are as follows:

  • Infection at the surgical site
  • Incisional drainage or pus leaking
  • Bleeding
  • Nasal skin bruising and discoloration
  • Anaesthesia side effects
  • Scarring that is visible and noticeable
  • Although only transitory, nasal skin numbness
  • Asymmetry of the nose
  • Breathing issues are caused by structural abnormalities.


How Much Does nose wings reduction cost?

A cosmetic operation, such as Alarplasty, is difficult to quantify. The ultimate cost of nostril reduction surgery is determined by a number of criteria, including the plastic surgeon chosen, your nasal architecture, the scope of the treatment, and others. However, Alarplasty is less expensive than a full-fledged nose job treatment.

The cost will include the surgeon's fee, as well as the costs of the care team and the hospital. Whatever the expense, this life-changing operation is absolutely worth it. The majority of individuals who had Alarplasty were overjoyed with the outcomes. They claimed that the money spent on the operation was well worth it.



An excellent nose is one that blends well with the other attractive characteristics of the face. The cartilage that makes up the lower part of the nose is known as the alar wings, which translates as "nose wings." A perfect alar should not be longer than a vertical line drawn from the inner canthus of the eye downwards. Meanwhile, a broadened or flared alar creates the appearance of a bulbous nasal tip.

Nasal alae are the two "wings" of the nose that surround the nostrils. An Alarplasty is a surgical treatment used to restructure and, in most cases, decrease these "wings." If you believe your nostrils are overly wide or big, you may benefit from an Alarplasty. Drawing a vertical line down from the inner corner of your eye is one method for estimating. If the side of your nose extends far beyond this line, your alae are most likely broad.