PRP Micro Fat Graft

Last updated date: 15-May-2023

Originally Written in English

PRP Micro Fat Graft


Except for extremely minor or superficial wounds, all wounds leave scars; depressed facial scars not only cause physical issues but also psychological ones including emotional deterioration, embarrassment, low self-esteem, and social isolation.

Many treatments for the repair of depressed facial scars are available, including subcision, dermabrasion, chemical peeling, laser technology, fat grafting, and the use of fillers; however, these techniques have had different degrees of effectiveness and associated adverse effects.

Micro-fat injection has been shown to help with the remodeling of atophic facial scar tissue, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can help with wound healing. Researchers anticipated that PRP might improve micro-fat graft survival and that the combination could improve scar appearance.


What is Micro Fat Graft?

Micro Fat Graft

Micro fat grafting is a minimally invasive cosmetic technique intended to restore facial volume and youthful appearance. This technique is done under local anesthetic and can be utilized to address a variety of issues. As fat is extracted from one part of the body, it may be collected and replaced in another. Because the cells utilized are completely from the patient's own body, there is no chance of an allergic response, and the results are natural and attractive.


What is PRP?


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a natural filler technique that provides the skin a more youthful appearance with less downtime. Because PRP is derived from your blood, there is essentially little risk of allergies or intolerance. PRP is blood plasma with high platelet concentrations that activate stem cells and help the body regenerate and repair quickly. 

PRP improves general skin texture, minimizes the visibility of minor lines and wrinkles around the lips and eyes, and fills in hollow regions such as the cheeks, temples, and tears through grooves. PRP can also be used to reduce surgical and acne scars.

Clients have reported several benefits from this procedure. It may effectively remove wrinkles, acne scars, lines, stretch marks, and other types of scars while also assisting the body in the production of new elastin and collagen. A facial PRP may also generate obvious benefits by enhancing skin tone and texture.

PRP face experts use a variety of microneedling tools. It enables them to perform the full therapy fast and pleasantly. The micro-needling equipment simply stamps the skin with extremely little needles. This one-of-a-kind therapy stimulates the body's natural systems. The skin begins to produce more collagen and elastin in response to the needling. The platelet-rich plasma is reacted to by the body and used to make more collagen and elastin.


PRP Micro Fat Grafting Candidates

PRP Micro Fat Grafting Candidates

Fat grafting can be performed on both men and women who have noticed a reduction of facial volume in certain regions of the face. Most commonly, fat loss starts in the cheeks and temples and this is when gravity begins to take effect, pulling everything else downwards. Restoring fat to these regions can help to pull the lower face back up into place. 

The most common regions treated with micro fat grafting are as follows:

  • Enhancement of the cheeks, lips, and chin to reduce wrinkles and restore volume.
  • Deep wrinkles around the lips and nose.
  • Shallow scars from acne or chicken pox. 
  • Hand backs for a more youthful appearance.
  • Hollows under the eye.
  • Lack of definition around the jawline.
  • “Smokers’ lines” around the lips
  • Nasolabial folds.

Larger fat injections can also be utilized to shape the body around the buttocks and breasts. To improve outcomes, micro fat injection can be performed alone or in conjunction with other treatments such as a facelift, brow lift, or eyelid surgery.


Who is Not a Good Candidate?

  • Little to no overall body fat.
  • Multiple medical problems and/or poorly controlled medical problems.  
  • Use of tobacco or tobacco products.
  • Unrealistic expectations.


Why Combine Fat Grafting with PRP?

Combine Fat Grafting with PRP

When you have a fat transfer, there is always the potential that part of the fat will be lost. Including PRP in your fat grafting treatment will allow you to see more dramatic outcomes. As you work to improve the appearance of your features, you will tap into the strength of your own body.

Nothing artificial will enter your system. You'll get rid of fat where it's not wanted. The transfer of fat will benefit another portion of the body, giving you a new sense of fullness you never believed possible. The PRP in your blood is quite potent. You'll appreciate the effects of concentrated injections of platelet-rich plasma injected into your skin following a fat transfer.


How Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Enhance Face Micro Fat Grafting?

Face Micro Fat Grafting

  • Increased production of collagen. Your body starts to produce significantly less collagen at the age of 25. Unless you do action to increase its production rate, it will continue to fall significantly for the remainder of your life. In addition, collagen production's quality declines. The end consequence is skin that is unhealthy. 

There's a good probability that a PRP facial will improve the texture of your skin through improved collagen production, regardless of whether you're depressed by fine lines, moderate wrinkles, severe folds, or other apparent skin problems. When skin cells are damaged, collagen production is triggered. This happens during a PRP facial when the tiny needles used for the microneedling part of the procedure penetrate the top layers of your skin. 

Once your skin has been penetrated, the underlying collagen begins to repair the skin. Your body begins to produce fresh, stronger, and healthier collagen at the same time. It takes a few weeks for this higher-quality collagen to develop. However, you'll see skin tightening right away. Just keep in mind that your treatment's effects will keep getting better for a few weeks after it.

  • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines. Lines and wrinkles are among the most common reasons people choose to receive a PRP facial. When these typical aging symptoms are addressed, cellular turnover is increased. As old skin cells die, new skin cells, collagen, and elastin are formed. Your face skin tightens spontaneously in response to the micro-injuries induced by therapy, which aids in the removal of fine lines and wrinkles. The look of deeper wrinkles is decreased as hollow regions of your face are filled in.
  • Firmer and tighter skin. Collagen, as previously stated, is also required for tight, firm skin. Although your skin sags as you age, wrinkles and lines do not always occur. With age, facial skin spreads, and some parts of the face, such as the lips and cheeks, can appear visibly long and thin. Collagen extends the skin. Some people may choose for a PRP facial to increase the volume of their lips. Others use it to sculpt their cheekbones without having to resort to invasive surgical treatments. Whatever your skin issues are, learn how a PRP facial may help you look your best.
  • Enhanced moisture retention. The deeper layers of your skin are better protected from external irritants as your skin becomes stronger and thicker. A strong skin barrier also helps with moisture retention. It also assists in pore clearing, making your skin more susceptible to prescription moisturizers. The advantages of a PRP facial on pores are a bit uncertain because the process might reduce the appearance of pores. The capacity to absorb prescribed drugs for the purpose of improving your beauty is helped by the appearance of smaller pores and unclogged pores.
  • Improved skin texture and tone. If you have stretch marks, discoloration, acne scars, surgical scars, scars from trauma, scars from the procedure, or any other sort of bad skin tone or texture, a face augmentation with PRP can assist. The mind-blowing transformation in the appearance of your skin just a few days after one PRP facial will astonish you, as old skin cells give birth to new, healthy ones.


How is Micro Fat Grafting Different to Facial Fillers?

Facial Fillers

The fat is added droplet by droplet with micro fat transfer. It is an extremely accurate art that necessitates a high level of skill. Volume is gradually increased until an ideal level is reached, avoiding an "over-filled" appearance and producing a fully natural-looking outcome.

Furthermore, the substance utilized as a filler - your own body fat - is entirely natural. It acts naturally, with the appropriate texture and movement. Rather than introducing anything foreign or synthetic into your body, it is just a matter of returning fat to regions where it already existed.

Another significant advantage of using transplanted fat versus cosmetic fillers is that it is a permanent remedy. Unlike fillers, which are absorbed by the body and must be replaced every 9-18 months, transplanted fat is permanent. It only deteriorates as a result of normal aging.


How PRP Micro Fat Graft is Changing Plastic Surgery?

PRP Micro Fat Graft

The method in which micro fat is processed is critical to its efficacy in rejuvenating skin cells. Micro fat is processed rather than filtering out all non-fat cells in order to protect stem cells. These stem cells carry essential growth factors that assist in kick-start to slow collagen synthesis. As a consequence, the final micronized fat injection can address the root cause of wrinkle growth and aging.

Aside from stimulating collagen production in certain locations, micro fat provides crucial benefits that synthetic injections or cosmetic surgery cannot.


Will I Ever Need Fillers Or Botox After Fat Grafting?

Botox After Fat Grafting

Although a fat graft will stay longer than a filler, you may need to have some fillers a few weeks following the treatment to achieve perfect symmetry.

Wrinkles on the face and neck are generated by muscular activity, and botulinum toxin will still be required to relax the muscle.

Fillers, fat, and anti-wrinkle treatments may all be combined effortlessly.


Before Your PRP Micro Fat Grafting

Before PRP Micro Fat Grafting

During your consultation, your doctor will discuss your objectives and expectations with you in order to develop the best treatment plan for you. If your concerns are connected to aging, you should bring in a close-up photo of your face from your late teens or twenties (a high school or college graduation photo or a wedding photo works well). This is a great reference for your doctor to observe how you've aged and how your face was shaped in your childhood.

Every micro fat grafting procedure is adapted to the particular demands of each patient, and your doctor will discuss his recommendations with you. He will also provide you with information on how to prepare for your treatment and what to expect throughout your recovery. You will have plenty of chances to get your questions addressed so that you are comfortable with your decision to undergo this procedure. Being prepared is the first step toward a successful outcome.

When considering elective surgery, you should always be in good health. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, and follow the recommendations of your primary care physician for managing chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

It is also imperative that you don’t smoke or be exposed to any nicotine-containing products for at least 6 weeks prior to and 6 weeks after your facelift surgery. Smoking and other forms of nicotine decrease your body’s ability to heal normally and can lead to serious complications, including loss of fat grafts and infection. Avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs: Advil, Motrin, Aleve), and vitamins/homeopathic regimens. These can increase bleeding.


What Happens During Your Procedure?

During PRP Micro Fat Graft

In most cases, your doctor will do this surgery in her office under local anesthesia and oral sedation. If you are having additional operations done at the same time, such as a facelift, a certified surgical facility may utilize deeper sedation or general anesthetic.

During the operation, fat is taken from one portion of your body, purified, and then carefully re-injected into the areas that require contouring with specially designed needles. This is often a three-step procedure that includes (1) harvesting, (2) purification, and (3) placement.

  • Harvesting

Your doctor will suggest a fat removal place and numb it with a local anesthetic injection. He will next make a tiny skin incision and introduce a sterile cannula linked to a syringe to carefully collect fat. Several syringes of fat are typically derived.

  • Purification

The fat grafts will be concentrated and purified by gently centrifuging (spinning) the syringes and emptying any fluid or oil. The fat is then put into small needles, allowing for extremely precise application.

  • Placement

The recipient site' will be set up. The region into which the grafts will be inserted will be numbed by your plastic surgeon. He will enter the specialized cannula through a tiny needle stick and implant the microfat grafts delicately through many passes and into different layers of tissue. With each withdrawal of the cannula, a line of fatty tissue packages is carefully implanted in these natural tissue planes. This is done in a three-dimensional, creative process until the appropriate correction is obtained, resulting in a structural grid of grafted fat. As a consequence, the contour is smooth, beautiful, and natural-looking.


After Your Procedure

After PRP Micro Fat Graft

Your plastic surgeon may choose to inject small quantities of botox into certain places to reduce the resorption of freshly transplanted fat. If this is the case, you may see minor changes in muscle function. However, this is just temporary, and your plastic surgeon will not over-inject, resulting in total muscle weakness.

  • Expect mild to moderate face edema.
  • It is normal to have moderate discomfort and edema in the liposuctioned region. Pain is effectively managed using over-the-counter and prescription drugs.
  • Following surgery, you will be given compression bandages. These should be worn constantly (24/7, with the exception of shower breaks) for at least two weeks.
  • Bruising at the liposuctioned location is common and normally heals within 2-3 weeks.
  • Typically, this procedure does not require a clinic visit for suture removal
  • You may return to work (desk job) after 3-7 days. This is dependent on your comfort level.
  • You may begin to gradually resume physical activity 2 weeks after surgery.


Is PRP Micro Fat Grafting Covered By Insurance?

When fat grafting is used for reconstructive purposes, it is usually covered by insurance since it is deemed medically required for face reconstruction. However, in cosmetic operations such as face rejuvenation, fat grafting is deemed cosmetic and will not be covered by your insurance.



PRP Micro Fat Graft

As we age, the fat pads in our face—which give us a soft, youthful fullness—diminish. This causes the face to look deflated and drawn when compared to the full roundness of a younger face. Especially around the eyes, hollows and contour changes leave the face looking older and more tired.

Volume loss is one of the earliest signs of aging. It starts to occur in the mid-'30s and continues to progress. Until recently, this component of facial aging was overlooked. We are now realizing what a major contribution volume makes to looking younger, healthier, and more energetic.
Facial fat grafting is a surgical rejuvenation technique that involves liposuction on an area of your body that has accessible fatty tissue. The fat is then processed and placed in tiny syringes for injection into parts of the face that require volume replacement. Cheeks, paranasal (around the nostrils), nasolabial folds, forehead, lips, undereye bags, and eye hollows are common sites of volume loss related to aging.

Permanent fillers include facial fat grafting. However, around 60% of the injected fat is maintained. Simultaneous injection of platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, derived from your blood, boosts fat survival. However, this will come at an additional fee.