S-line Body Liposuction

Last updated date: 14-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English

S-line Body Liposuction

People often struggle to have a nice looking body through regular exercises and dieting. Although this can sometimes work for some people, it may not always give you the best results, body shape, and appearance you are looking for. 

You can consider s-line body liposuction to give you the body structure you want in such a case. This technique helps contour the target part of the body by removing excess fatty deposits. Eventually, you will achieve your desired body objectives that can also boost your appearance and self-confidence when around other people. 


What is S-Line Body Liposuction? 

S-line body liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves the use of suction equipment. It’s used to remove excess fat from certain body parts, which are obstructing the general body shape. It can include the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, neck, or arms. 

This liposuction procedure is done to give interested individuals a curvy or hourglass body shape. It also helps eliminate excess fat, balance out the fat in the body, and correct uneven body lines. 

However, you should note that s-line body liposuction is not a weight-loss technique. Therefore, if your objective is to lose weight, other alternatives like diet, regular exercises, and bariatric surgery can help. 


Purpose of S-Line Body Liposuction 

A person’s mental perception and self-confidence are just as vital as the overall physical wellbeing. Therefore, liposuction gives you a good chance to walk around with confidence and self-assurance. This is, on the contrary to agonizing about whether someone sees the uncomfortable bulge you are attempting to hide with tight and torturous outfits.  

With a good self-body image, self-esteem automatically increases. Whereas beauty is all about skin deep, it's typically your skin. Hence, only you can know when you are happy and contented with it.


How S-Line Body Liposuction is done 

Surgeons often perform s-line body liposuction in several steps, including; 

Administering anesthesia: 

Before the surgery begins, the surgeon first administers anesthesia to instill comfort and prevent pain. The type of anesthesia to administer often varies depending on various factors. The anesthetic drug can be local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or intravenous sedation. 

The procedure: 

S-line body liposuction is usually done via a small incision or cut. It also includes several procedures, including; 

  • Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a common form of liposuction. It involves injecting a sterile solution into the surgical site. It consists of a saltwater mixture to facilitate fat extraction, epinephrine drug to constrict the blood vessels, and lidocaine (anesthetic) to help ease the pain. This fluid mixture also makes the target body part stiff and swollen. 

After injection, small incisions are made on the skin, and a cannula (thin tube) is inserted beneath the skin. It’s then linked to a suction vacuum to suck out the fluids and fat from the body. Alternatively, the fluids can be replenished using an intravenous (IV) line. 

  • Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL)

LAL utilizes high-intensity laser illumination to break down the fat deposits before extraction. It’s performed by inserting a laser fiber via the incision and emulsifying the fats, after which they are removed using a cannula. 

  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)

UAL can sometimes be used alongside the traditional liposuction technique. It involves inserting a metallic rod emitting ultrasound energy beneath the skin to break the fat cell walls and fatty deposits. This makes it easy for the surgeon to extract excess fats. 

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction

  • Power-assisted liposuction (PAL)

PAL involves the use of a cannula that is normally inserted beneath the skin and rapidly moved back and forth. This makes it easier for the surgeon to remove the tough fat deposits. Sometimes, this technique causes acute swelling and pain, allowing the surgeon to pull out fat with more accuracy. 


Once the procedure is done, you will experience acute pain and swelling that subsides after a few days. During this period, the treated site appears less bulky. However, it improves and becomes leaner after a few weeks or months. 

Normally, the skin loses firmness as you grow older. Nonetheless, liposuction outcomes can be long-lasting, especially if you take care of your body weight. However, if you add some weight after the procedure, then the body's fat distribution can change. It can pile up around the abdomen irrespective of the initially treated parts. 


After the procedure, the doctor will recommend that you continuously put on a support garment for two or three weeks. The doctor can also insert a drainage tube to help prevent fluid accumulation or build-up. 

You can experience minor side effects such as burning sensations on the surgical site that can last for one month. You should also expect swelling of the tissues below the surgical area for six to eight weeks after the surgical procedure. However, putting on specially designed elastic garments can help alleviate swelling, increasing the chances of achieving your desired results. 

The incisions created for liposuction procedure purposes are usually small. Therefore, the doctor can close them up using staples or metallic stitches, which are removed after one or two days. Mild bleeding through the incision area is usually prevalent after the surgery. Putting on an elastic bandage or supporting garment minimizes bleeding or fluid loss. 

Generally, liposuction is a painless procedure. However, you are likely to experience discomfort that might require pain killers during the first day after the surgery. Also, aching and soreness can persist for a few days, but you can resume normal day-to-day activities within a week. 


Good Candidates for S-Line Body Liposuction

S-Line Body Liposuction Candidates

Everyone wants to have realistic expectations. However, s-line body liposuction is not suitable for removing cellulite and reducing weight. 

On the other hand, this procedure is associated with several risks. As such, it’s essential to ensure that you are in good health and physically fit before opting for the procedure. Furthermore, medical practitioners do not always recommend liposuction if you have certain medical conditions. It includes blood-related disorders, weak immune system, diabetes, and heart disease. 

Overall, s-line body liposuction is more suitable for a patient who; 

  • Has elastic and firm skin 
  • Not a smoker 
  • Between 30 percent of the ideal height 

To achieve the best results after fat extraction, the skin needs to contract. This helps conform to the new body contours without any problem like sagging. 

Older individuals are not good candidates for s-line body liposuction since they have less elastic skin. If you have generalized fat distribution instead of localized pockets, this procedure might not be suitable for you. 

To further determine if you are a good candidate, the doctor performs a physical examination and blood tests. Physical examination helps determine if you have any underlying health condition that might interfere with the procedure. On the other hand, blood tests help identify hemoglobin level and clotting duration when a need arises. 


Risks Associated With S-Line Body Liposuction 

S-line body liposuction surgery is a major surgical procedure. As such, it’s associated with risks and complications such as negative reactions to anesthesia and bleeding. However, you can avoid or minimize these problems by ensuring that a certified surgeon performs the surgery. 

Some of the risks that might arise during and after the surgery include; 

Contour irregularity: This is where the skin looks crimped, shrunken, or bumpy. It can be because of poor skin elasticity, abnormal healing, and uneven fat extraction. Such changes can sometimes be permanent. Besides, using a cannula during the procedure can damage the inner part of the skin. This gives your skin a permanent spotting look. 

Numbness: After the surgery, you can experience a permanent or temporary numbness in the surgical area. Sometimes, temporary nerve irritation could also occur. 

Fluid pileup: Sometimes, seromas, temporary fluid pockets form beneath the skin that should be drained using a needle. 

Infection: Although rare, skin infections can sometimes occur. Besides, a chronic skin infection can be life-threatening. 

Fat embolism: This is where small pieces of loose fat break away and gets trapped within the blood vessels. They accumulate within the lungs and sometimes move towards the brain, hence resulting in severe health complications. 

Internal puncture: Although rare, the cannula can sometimes go deep into the internal organ, causing a puncture. Such a situation can require a surgical emergency repair. 

Lidocaine toxicity: In order to help relieve pain, lidocaine, an anesthetic, is usually administered alongside injectable fluids during liposuction. While this is usually healthy, lidocaine toxicity can occur in rare situations. This results in severe issues of the heart and central nervous system.

Kidney and heart damage: At times, the level of the fluids shifts when injecting and sucking out the body fluids. This could result in fatal heart, lungs, and kidney damages or health conditions. 



S-line body liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to help patients achieve the type of body they want. It involves removing excess fats that cannot be eliminated through other methods like exercising and dieting. Surgeons often perform this procedure on the belly, thighs, hips, arms, and buttocks to enhance their shape. 

CloudHospital is dedicated to helping every individual get a good shape and the appearance they desire. It works with a number of professional surgeons with years of experience in performing successful s-line body liposuction. Furthermore, it can recommend you to the best-renowned hospitals abroad and in the USA.