
Last updated date: 22-Jul-2023

Originally Written in English


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure aiming to straighten the cartilages and bone, separating the septum spaces. The septum separates the nostrils; it’s located at the center and evenly divides the nostrils. A deviated septum can occur when the septum gets crooked. This makes it difficult to breathe via the nose. Furthermore, it increases the risk of developing sinus infections because of poor drainage. 

Septoplasty is done to reposition the nasal septum in the middle part of the nasal cavity. It involves cutting open the nasal cavity and pulling out some parts of the nasal septum. They are then reinserted in the appropriate position. 


Why is Septoplasty Performed? 

Why Septoplasty performed

According to medical research, a crooked septum is a common issue. However, if the condition becomes intense, then the deviated septum blocks on one of the sides. This limits airflow and results in breathing difficulties in one or either side of the nose. 

Septoplasty is thus performed to help straighten and correct the nasal septum. This can be through trimming, replacing, or repositioning the nasal bone, cartilage, or sometimes both. Septoplasty can also be done to fix a deviated septum. This is especially if it causes complex symptoms, including breathing difficulty via the nose, and generally impacts the quality of life. 

Overall, the primary conditions that may require septoplasty procedure include; 

  • Nasal septum deformity 
  • Nasal air path obstruction 
  • Severe and uncontrollable nose bleedings 
  • Headaches associated with septal spurs 
  • Severe sinusitis caused by a deviated septum 
  • Removal of the tumor 
  • Obstructive sleep apnea 
  • Polyp excision 
  • Turbinate surgical procedure 
  • Removal of a section or the entire bone on the upper region of the nasal cavity (ethmoidectomy)


How to Prepare For Septoplasty Procedure?

A few days before the surgical procedure, the medical specialist can ask you to avoid using certain medications. It can include ibuprofen, aspirin, and blood thinners. The purpose of this is to minimize the risks of excess bleeding when undergoing surgery and even afterward. 

It’s also essential to inform your doctors about other health concerns, including the allergies you have and bleeding disorders. This helps avoid complications during and after the surgical procedure. 

If the surgeon plans to perform the procedure under general anesthesia, you should avoid drinking or eating anything after midnight. This is essential to prevent problems such as vomiting since anesthesia can make you nauseated. 

The doctor might also ask you to complete the common routine tests, including x-rays, electric heart pulses, and blood tests. This helps determine if you are in a good position to undergo surgery without experiencing any complications successfully. 


What to Expect During the Septoplasty Procedure?

Septoplasty Procedure

Surgeons normally perform septoplasty procedures under local or general anesthesia. The type of anesthesia to use usually depends on what you or the surgeon prefers and the complexity of the procedure. 

Local anesthesia is only limited to the nasal area. Therefore, the surgeon can inject the anesthetic medication directly into the nasal tissues. Alternatively, if you will be sedated, it can be done through intravenous (IV) medication. Local anesthesia or sedatives aim to prevent pain by making you sleepy yet not entirely unconscious. 

With general anesthesia, the surgeon can administer it using the IV line or ask you to inhale the anesthetic agent. Unlike local anesthesia, general anesthesia impacts the whole body, making you fully unconscious during the procedure. 

The entire septoplasty procedure can last for 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the complexity of the problem. It involves cutting one side of the nasal wall and lifting it or removing the mucosa. The mucosa is a small thin membrane covering and protecting the nasal septum. 

Lifting or removing the mucosa enables the surgeon to correct and reshape the cartilage and the bone of the septum. In other cases, some parts of the cartilage or bone can be removed to facilitate easy repositioning and reshaping. After that, the surgeon places the mucosa back over the nasal septum. 

Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon can insert soft packing or splints to help hold and keep the tissue in place. This also helps prevent nose bleeding and the formation of scar tissue afterward. Soft packing can remain inside the nose for 24 to 36 hours, while splints can stay for up to one or two weeks. At times, the surgeon can stitch the surgical site with dissolving stitches that usually disappear with time. 


Septoplasty Results 

Septoplasty recovery or the healing process can take three to six weeks, after which the nasal tissues become stable. However, there is still a possibility that the tissue and cartilage can reshape or move gradually over time. Other changes can also take place for one or more years after the operation. 

In most patients, the symptoms like breathing difficulties associated with deviated septum tend to improve after septoplasty. However, the changes and improvements after the surgery often vary from one person to another. 

Sometimes, the symptoms can persist even after the operation. In such a case, opting for a second surgery is essential to enhance the septum and nose further. 


Recovering From the Procedure 

Septoplasty recovery

Surgeons often perform septoplasty surgery as an outpatient operation except if some risky complications occur. Depending on the nature of the procedure, you can return home on that particular day as soon as the surgery is complete and anesthesia wears off. 

After septoplasty, the nose will be packed with cotton to help prevent excess bleeding. You can also experience pain and swelling in the nose. After one or two days, the doctor will remove the packing and prescribe some pain medication if necessary. 

The doctor can ask you to refrain from taking ibuprofen, aspirin, and any medication that can thin blood for a few weeks. This is to reduce the risk of bleeding disorders after undergoing septoplasty. 

It’s also essential to keep off from certain physical activities for a few weeks. This is to avoid swelling and interfering with the healing process. These activities can include intense exercises like running, contact sports, and carrying or lifting weights. Such extreme activities can increase blood pressure, hence resulting in heavy or excessive bleeding. 


Some of the tips to ensure a successful and quick recovery include; 

  • Slightly raising your head, especially during the night, to prevent swelling 
  • Avoid blowing or touching your nose until two or three days after the operation 
  • Putting on shirts or outfits that button up on the front side to avoid pulling over the head since this can injure the wound. 


Risks of Septoplasty 

Septoplasty is basically a low-risk operation, meaning that it’s associated with just a few risks. However, you should take note of the following possible risks and complications that may arise during or after the surgery; 

Bleeding: In the septoplasty surgical procedure, a little manageable bleeding is bound to occur. However, severe bleeding can sometimes occur during the operation. In such a case, stopping the process is the only alternative to prevent more risks and complications. This is, however, a rare case. 

Toxic shock syndrome: Although rare, toxic shock syndrome is a fatal infection that can arise following septoplasty. Immediate medical attention is necessary to prevent further damage and risks. You can also avoid this risk by looking out for slight changes in fever, heart rate, blood pressure, and other abnormal symptoms. 

Infection: The nasal cavity is not a sterile environment. As such, an infection can occur after the surgical procedure. 

Nose and tooth numbness: The nasal cavity comprises nerves that run through the front teeth, gums, and upper side of the jaw. During the procedure, injuries can occur on these nerves, resulting in numbness. However, this condition can heal after some weeks or months. 

Leakage of the spinal fluid: Although rare, the septoplasty procedure can sometimes injure the brain. This could result in fluid leakage that nourishes both the spinal cord and the brain, increasing the risks of infections. 

Septal perforation: Sometimes, a small opening can occur in the nasal septum during or following the septoplasty. This is more common during the process of post-operative infection. The hole can cause bleeding, and other complications and a surgical procedure might be necessary to correct the issue. 

Persistent symptoms: Most patients experience a vital improvement from the previous symptoms. However, others can still have the symptoms even after the surgery. 

Other rare but possible risks include; 

  • Persistent facial pain 
  • Changes in the sense of smell and taste 
  • Vocal changes 
  • Vision problems
  • Bruising and swelling around the eyes 



Septoplasty is a corrective surgical procedure that addresses the shape of the septum of the nasal cavity. The surgery aims to correct various deformities or defects of the septum. Septal deviations are common conditions that are either present from birth (congenital) or occur due to an injury. Apart from correcting and straightening the septum, septoplasty also helps improve airflow via the nose for patients with breathing difficulties. 

CloudHospital specializes in conducting comprehensive septoplasty procedures to help address a range of septum-related conditions. It works with several professional doctors and surgeons with skills and experiences in performing similar operations. Furthermore, they utilize state-of-the-art equipment to ensure a successful procedure and permanent results.