Short Chin Implant Surgery

Last updated date: 10-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English

Short Chin Implant Surgery

A nicely-defined structure of the jawline is the foundation of an attractive and balanced face in men and women. However, not every person is lucky enough to have a symmetrical facial appearance due to a shorter chin. Most people with short chin can sometimes feel less attractive, and this might lower their confidence. 

There several remedies to help address the problem and give a better symmetrical face. In most cases, physicians or plastic surgery specialists will recommend short chin implant surgery. Chin implants are useful in enlarging, reshaping, and adjusting forward the chin structure. Although there are other non-surgical options, surgery is more effective as the results are also long-lasting. 


Understanding Short Chin Implant Surgery 

When it comes to addressing short chin structure, there are different forms of operations to consider. However, the most common form of chin surgery is short chin implant surgery, also known as chin augmentation procedure. The plastic surgeon use implants to establish contour and increase the chin volume, which lacks projection or is recessed. 

The chin implants may be made of silicone, synthetic material, bone, or other materials. Plastic surgery is more effective for healthy people who are only concerned with the size of the chin. For individuals concerned with other problems, a short chin implant surgery might not be the right option. These concerns can include the shape and appearance of the jaw or an issue with the positioning or restructuring of the teeth. 

People who are entirely concerned with the relatively small chin can gain from the chin implant that offers the desired definition and projection. However, chin augmentation procedures won’t address chin deformities that are best corrected through orthognathic surgery. This is a jaw operation that aims at treating complications with the teeth and jawbones. 

Overall, the short chin implant surgery entails creating an incision under the chin or within the lower lip. The surgeon will then insert the implants into the cavity formed through the incision. Some chin implants are attached to the jawbone itself, and others remain within the pocket created during the procedure. 


Ideal Candidates for Short Chin Implant Surgery 

Not all people with a short chin are eligible to undergo chin implant surgery. During the consultation visit, the specialist will further assess the chin structure to determine if you are a suitable candidate. Therefore, you may be a good candidate for the procedure if; 

  • You have a weak or recessed chin that impacts the general facial balance 
  • You want a robust and more define neckline and jawline 
  • You have a submental appearance or fullness of a double chin 
  • You are not a smoker 
  • You are unhappy and not contented with your overall looks due to the shorter chin 
  • You are in a good health state and have realistic expectations from the procedure 


What to Expect Before the Procedure 

Once you decide to undergo short chin implant surgery, the plastic surgeon will schedule an appointment. The purpose of the meeting is to determine if you are an ideal candidate and in good health state to undergo the procedure. You should thus expect the following; 

During the first consultation process, the plastic surgeon will obtain a detailed medical history. This helps to determine if the procedure is right for you. They will also examine the mental health and emotional behavior towards the operation. An optimistic outlook and reasonable expectations are essential for the success of the procedure.  

The plastic surgeon or caregiver will take a few photos of the chin and overall features of the face. The surgeon will then examine these pictures further to help develop an effective surgical plan. 

The healthcare provider will closely evaluate the patient for surgical complications. This includes those associated with conditions like high blood pressure, a propensity to scarring, smoking, or any blood clotting disorder.

In case you decide to proceed with the surgical procedure after consultation with the doctor, he or she will further discuss with you the following; 

  • The strategy that is most likely to yield positive effects and durable results 
  • The type of anesthesia that is more suitable 
  • The healthcare facility in which the operation will be performed 
  • Any other additional surgery suggested to enhance the outcomes


How Short Chin Implant Surgery is done 

Short Chin Implant Surgery Procedure

Before the treatment procedure, the plastic surgeon will first consider the unique needs of every patient and the facial features. This will help conduct the surgical operation in a manner that suits the patient’s desires and requirements. 

Overall, short chin implant surgery is performed in a few several steps, including; 

Administration of anesthesia:

This is usually the first step when performing any type of surgery. It involves administering local or general anesthesia to help prevent pain and discomfort during treatment. With local anesthesia, the patient will be awake but won’t feel any pain. On the other hand, general anesthesia makes the patient completely unconscious during the entire procedure. 

Creation of the incision: 

Once the anesthesia effect commences, the plastic surgeon will create an incision in the natural crease line beneath the chin. Alternatively, they can make the incision in the mouth area where the lower lip and gum meet. 

Placement of the implant:

The surgeon will carefully stretch the underlying tissue to make some room for implant placement through the incision. The chin implant is normally made from synthetic material, which is more like that natural tissue located in the chin. Furthermore, these chin implants are available in various shapes and sizes. This, therefore, enables custom fitting according to the facial configuration of the patient. 

Closure of the incision:  

After the surgeon places the chin implant, he or she will seal the incision using fine stitches or sutures. For the incision made in the mouth, there won’t be any visible scarring. However, if the incision is beneath the chin, then small scars will form, although there are normally imperceptible. 


What to Expect After the Procedure 

The surgeon normally puts a dressing and bandages that will stay in place for at least two or three days following surgery. This helps maintain the pressure on the implant and enhances the adherence of the soft tissue to the mandible. As soon as the condition improves, you will return to the hospital for the dressing removal. 

You are likely to feel some mild pain, discomfort, bruising, redness, and tenderness around the chin. Therefore, the physician will administer or recommend certain medications to alleviate post-operative pain.

In most cases, chewing would most likely be restricted following chin surgery. Hence, the patient will be recommended to adhere to a liquid and soft meal diet several days after surgery. Most people are likely to experience a strained, tight feeling immediately after the procedure. However, this will gradually subside within several days or a week. 

After about four to six weeks, the swelling around the chin will have subsided. The patient will begin to notice the effects of the operation during this period. The surgeon will also advise you to avoid strenuous activities and exercises for the first several weeks following surgery. However, you can resume the normal day-to-day activities in about ten days. 


Follow-up care

Short Chin Implant Surgery Follow-up care

Follow-up treatment and care are essential in the monitoring recovery process. If you notice any unusual swelling, bleeding, fever, and other symptoms, you should immediately inform the surgeon. Besides, it’s highly crucial to keep all the follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider. 

In general, chin implants are robust solid, and long-lasting medical tools that are permanently designed. Although aging will alter facial look and structure in various ways, the improved chin contour won’t change. There is a minimal chance that facial trauma can destroy or interfere with the chin implant. In such situations, another surgical procedure is necessary to replace it. 


Potential Complications of Short Chin Implant Surgery 

As with any other type of surgical procedure, short chin implant surgery also carries a number of complications. This can occur during or after the operation, depending on the nature of the surgery and the patient’s overall goals. 

Therefore, some of the possible complications of short chin implant surgery that might arise include the following; 

  • Excess bleeding 
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia drugs 
  • Skin discoloration or changes 
  • Skin numbness or itchy feeling 
  • Damage of the nerves or blood vessels 
  • Poor healing of the incision 
  • Scarring 
  • Infection on the surgical wound 
  • Damage of the facial nerve that can result in paralysis or muscle weakness on the face 
  • Injury or damage of the teeth or gums
  • The shift in the implant position 
  • Facial asymmetry 
  • The need for an additional or revision surgical procedure 



Short chin implant surgery or chin enhancement surgery aims at improving the chin, jawline, and neck contours. It also helps adjust the short chin to make it more symmetrical and enhance the overall facial appearance. Chin implant surgery involves inserting an implant around the chin bone to augment the shape and size of the chin. You may be an ideal candidate for the procedure if you feel your chin is too short and doesn’t balance with other facial features. 

Choosing a skilled professional plastic surgeon is important when considering short chin implant surgery. Therefore, you can always consider the CloudHospital medical platform. Here, you will receive treatment from the best surgeons and in a renowned medical facility.