Skull Base Tumor Surgery

Skull Base Tumor Surgery

Last updated date: 28-Apr-2023

Originally Written in English

Skull Base Tumors


Skull base tumors are tumors that originate along the base of the skull or just under the skull base in regions such as the sinuses. Many are noncancerous (harmless) and develop slowly over time. A skull base tumor can be malignant in rare situations, which means it can spread to other regions of the body.

Skull base tumors may not cause symptoms until they reach a certain size. Symptoms differ from person to person based on the location of the tumor and its rate of growth. Symptoms of a skull base tumor may include: facial discomfort or numbness, facial weakness or paralysis, headache, recurring sinus issues, nosebleeds, vision loss, hearing loss, tinnitus, difficulty swallowing and recurrent choking. Swells on the neck

Because each tumor type and each patient are unique, professionals on the skull base team carefully customize diagnostic procedures and treatment regimens in each situation to give the best care for each patient.