Under-eye Fat Transfer

Last updated date: 06-Aug-2023

Originally Written in English

Under-eye Fat Transfer


Under-eye fat grafting is a significant advancement in the field of under-eye rejuvenation procedures. Most people, young and old, struggle with this issue. Everyone wishes to have baby-like under eyes, but because to the aging process and occasionally heredity, this appearance may be hard to accomplish. Skincare does not always assist with under-eye concerns, especially if they are severe. Under-eye fat grafting is your best option in this circumstance.

Under-eye fat grafting, also known as autologous fat transplantation, lipoinjection, or lipofilling, is a surgery that uses a person's fat cells to fill in the undereye hollows and problem regions. Fat cells are often removed from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or other areas of the body that contain a surplus of viable fat. In comparison to face fillers, fat grafting in the under-eye area appears and feels more natural because it is the patient's own fat that is used.

It also reduces the likelihood of rejection, problems, and allergic responses since the body does not perceive the fat as a foreign material. Those who have a lack of volume in the under-eye area, depressions in the under eye, are physically and psychologically well, have a reasonable expectation of the outcomes, and have extra fat in other body parts are suitable candidates for under-eye fat grafting.


What is an Under-eye Fat Transfer?

Under-eye fat grafting

Under-eye fat grafting is a massive breakthrough in the field of under-eye rejuvenation treatments. Most people, young and old, have problems regarding this area. Everyone wishes to have youthful-looking under eyes like that of a baby, but because of the aging process and sometimes genetics, it can be impossible to achieve this look. Skincare does not always help in getting rid of under-eye problems, particularly if they are severe. In this case, an under-eye fat grafting is your best bet. 

A cosmetic surgery that uses fat from your own body to fill in sunken, hollowed regions beneath your eyes is known as an under-eye fat transfer. A fat transfer is a sort of natural dermal filler. Liposuction is a technique used by your doctor to remove fat cells from your abdomen, hips, or thighs. They clean the cells before injecting them behind your lower eyelids. This cosmetic surgery can make your eyes appear less fatigued and younger.


What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are widely used. Every year, about 3 million people in the United States choose for dermal fillers.

Injections of dermal fillers are a sort of nonsurgical cosmetic surgery. Dermal fillers fill in wrinkles, smooth lines, and add volume to your face. These compounds are injected directly under your skin by your healthcare professional.

People prefer dermal fillers to improve their facial characteristics or to seem more young. This elective procedure generally takes less than a half hour and requires little recuperation time. The results are immediate and can last for months to years depending on the type of filler and the location.

Dermal fillers are classified into numerous types. Your options will be discussed with you by your healthcare practitioner. There are risks, as with any cosmetic operation, including as infection, bleeding, and bruising. Elective cosmetic treatments like as filler injections are typically not covered by health insurance programs.


Difference Between Fat Transfer & Dermal Fillers

Fat Transfer & Dermal Fillers

The majority of dermal fillers are manufactured in laboratories. These dermal fillers are pre-filled and ready to use. They are a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure. A fat transfer is a natural dermal filler that makes use of your own fat cells.

When you pick a fat injection over a dermal filler off the market, there are additional steps. Liposuction (a sort of cosmetic surgery) is used to remove fat cells from certain parts of your body. After purifying the fat cells, your doctor will inject them into the region behind your eyes. Liposuction raises your risk of complications and requires a lengthier recovery time than a lab-made dermal filler. It's also unusual for doctors to collect enough fat to execute an under-eye transplant.


Who Needs Under-eye Fat Transfer?

Under-eye Fat Transfer

An estimated 3 million Americans get some type of dermal filler each year. You may want an under-eye fat transfer or other dermal filler to:

  • Achieve a more youthful and energetic (less tired) look.
  • Get rid of bags below your eyes.
  • Minimize dark circles under your eyes.
  • Plump sunken hollows under your eyes and cheeks.
  • Reduce the effects of aging like sagging skin and wrinkles.
  • Smooth creases or fine lines around your eyes.


Who Shouldn’t Get an Under-eye Fat Transfer?

You must have enough body fat to undergo liposuction and an under-eye fat transfer. People who are exceedingly thin, engage in strenuous activity, or are pregnant may require dermal fillers instead.

People who smoke may also be unsuitable candidates. Smoking can have an impact on how effectively your body recovers after liposuction and reacts to fat transfer.


How Long Does the Results Last?

Under-eye Fat Transfer

The effects of an under-eye fat transfer might last a lifetime. It may take up to four months to experience the full effects. During this period, the transplanted fat creates a new blood supply to aid in its survival. Because your body absorbs around half of the injected fat, your healthcare professional will inject more fat cells than is necessary. If you are unhappy with the results, they may suggest another fat transfer treatment.


Fat-injection Procedures May Take Place With an Under-eye Fat Transfer?

Under-eye fat effects

A modest quantity of fat is required to treat the regions behind your eyes. Additional thorough liposuction may be required to remove more fat and sculpt your form. You can even choose to inject this fat into different places of your body during the same session. These methods are as follows:

  1. Butt augmentation (also known as Brazilian butt lift): Butt augmentation, also known as gluteal augmentation, results in rounder, firmer, and younger-looking buttocks (butt). Butt augmentation can be used to remove loose, sagging skin or to increase a flatter surface. In rare circumstances, your plastic surgeon may combine surgical approaches to get the desired results. To contour and sculpt your butt, butt augmentation may include fat transfer, implants, or lifting procedures.
  2. Hand rejuvenation: Dermal fillers are most typically used on the face to help minimize wrinkles and age lines, but they may also be utilized on the hands. Dermal fillers can be used to fill in wrinkles on the hands, as well as conceal unsightly veins and tendons. By utilizing dermal fillers to add volume to the tops of your hands, you may conceal big veins and tendons that run through the tops of your hands. As you become older, your hands thin down, making these places more noticeable. Fat transfers can also assist to minimize these aging signs. By taking fat from other areas of your body and injecting it into your hands, you can gain back years of aging. Dermal fillers and fat transfers are one of the easiest things you can do to help reduce the signs of aging in your hands.
  3. Breast augmentation: Transfer of fat Breast augmentation uses your own fat to enhance your breasts. Surgeons suction fat cells from various parts of the body. The fat cells are then injected into your breasts. Your breasts get larger, whereas portions of your body that shed fat cells decrease.
  4. Lip augmentation: Lip augmentation is a cosmetic treatment performed in the office that results in larger, more youthful-looking lips. Lip augmentation can be customized to meet your specific demands and goals. Some nonsurgical treatments use fillers to temporarily perk up the lips. Others, for longer-lasting effects, entail minor incisions in your lips or face.


What Cosmetic Procedures that May Be performed in Addition to an Under-eye Fat Transfer?

Fat-injection Procedures

Your healthcare professional may propose cosmetic facial surgery based on your aesthetic objectives. These treatments can be done in addition to or instead of an under-eye fat transfer or dermal filler. These more extensive surgical treatments necessitate a lengthier recuperation period. They are as follows:

  1. Brow lift: A brow lift is also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation. It's a cosmetic procedure that elevates the brows by lifting the soft tissue as well as the skin surrounding the brow and forehead. Furthermore, this operation improves the general appearance of the forehead, brow, and area around the eyes. If you have a low, saggy brow or asymmetrical brow, you may benefit from a brow lift. A brow lift may also help you feel more confident. Usually, the procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with other facial approaches, including blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or a facelift.
  2. Facelift (rhytidectomy): A face-lift is a cosmetic surgical operation used to make the face appear younger. Sagging skin can be reduced using this technique. It can also assist to smooth skin wrinkles on the cheekbones and jawline. A facelift is also known as a rhytidectomy. A flap of skin on either side of the face is pushed back during a face-lift. The tissues beneath the skin are changed, and extra skin is removed. This gives the face a younger appearance. A neck lift is frequently performed in conjunction with a facelift. It lowers neck fat and sagging skin. A facelift will not address sun damage, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Other cosmetic treatments can improve the appearance or condition of the skin.
  3. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty): Blepharoplasty is a procedure that removes extra skin from the upper and lower eyelids. Eyelids stretch with age, and the muscles that support them weaken. As a result, extra skin and fat might accumulate above and below your eyes. Sagging brows, droopy upper lids, and bags beneath the eyes might result from this. Aside from aging, significantly drooping skin around the eyes can impair peripheral vision, particularly in the top and outer areas of the visual field. These eyesight impairments can be reduced or eliminated by blepharoplasty. The procedure can also make the eyes appear younger and more alert.


Who Performs Under-eye Fat Transfer Procedures?

Cosmetic surgeons or plastic surgeons perform liposuction and under-eye fat transfers. You should select a provider who has experience with this specific type of dermal filler.


What Happens Before an Under-eye Fat Transfer Procedure?

Under-eye Fat Transfer Procedure

Your doctor will evaluate your face and talk with you about your treatment goals. This information aids in determining the appropriate quantity of fat to remove and inject. To guide the injections, your physician may mark your face. Photographs can assist you notice the difference between before and after outcomes.

You should tell your healthcare provider if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding?
  • Have an active skin disease or are getting skin treatments.
  • Smoke or use nicotine products, which can slow the healing process.
  • Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), blood thinners (including aspirin) or supplements that may increase your risk of bleeding and bruising.


Under-eye Fat Transfer Procedure

Under-eye Fat Transfer Procedure

An under-eye fat transfer is an outpatient surgery that takes between 30 and 60 minutes. The operation might take place in a surgical facility or a hospital. You return home the same day, but you should be driven by someone else.

For an under-eye fat transfer that requires a small amount of fat, your healthcare provider:

  1. Gives you IV sedation and administers anesthesia to numb the liposuction sites.
  2. Uses a thin needle and syringe to remove fat deposits from your body.
  3. Spins the fat cells in a centrifuge device to filter out impurities.
  4. Sterilizes the skin on your face and applies a numbing anesthetic.
  5. Uses a very thin needle to inject tiny amounts of fat into the skin below your lower eyelids in a grid-like pattern. This is fat grafting. You may feel a slight pinch or sting, but the actual fat transfer shouldn’t be painful.


Side Effects of An Under-eye Fat Transfer

Side Effects of An Under-eye Fat Transfer

You may experience these side effects from liposuction or an under-eye fat transfer:


Benefits of an Under-eye Fat Transfer

Benefits of An Under-eye Fat Transfer

An under-eye fat transfer is a natural way to enhance your appearance. As a bonus, you’ll lose a small amount of fat from your abdomen, hips or thighs.

Compared to lab-made dermal fillers, a fat transfer offers these benefits:

  • No risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Potentially permanent results (outcomes vary from person to person).
  • Softer, more natural look and feel.


How Does the Recovery Looks Like? 

Under-eye Fat  Recovery

Because of the additional fat cells, the region behind your lower eyelids may appear too large. This puffiness will go away over the next four to six months as your body drains some of the fat cells. To alleviate pain, apply cold compresses to your face. In addition, to protect your skin, you should use sunscreen every day.

You may require drainage tubes or a compression bandage while healing, depending on the amount of the liposuction treatment. For many weeks, the liposuction regions may be puffy and sore.

You should resume activities in accordance with your healthcare provider's instructions. You may have to miss a few days of work as a result of the liposuction.

You’ll need to take it easy (no strenuous physical activities or heavy lifting) for about two weeks.


When Should I Call the Doctor?

You should call your healthcare provider if you experience:

  • Excessive bleeding, swelling or bruising.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Severe pain.
  • Signs of infection like yellow discharge or fever.
  • Vision changes.
  • Signs of stroke, like one-sided body weakness.


Can Under Eye Fat Grafting Remove Dark Circles & Eye Bags?

Under-eye fat grafting is a rejuvenating technique for the under-eye area that can reduce eye bags, dark circles, and hallow looks. To obtain better outcomes, combine an under eye fat grafting operation with another therapy for under-eye rejuvenation. You can discuss other therapies with your doctor.



Under-eye fat transfer

An under-eye fat transfer is a cosmetic operation that uses fat from your own body to fill in depressed, sunken areas below your eyes. A fat transfer is a sort of natural dermal filler. Your doctor may use liposuction to remove fat cells from your belly, hips, or thighs. Before injecting the cells beneath your lower eyelids, they clean them. This cosmetic procedure can make your eyes appear younger and less tired.

To achieve a more youthful and energetic (less weary) look, an under-eye fat transfer may be required. Remove the bags beneath your eyes; lighten dark circles; fill up the hollows around the eyes and on the cheekbones; reduce the appearance of age indicators such as drooping skin and wrinkles or fine lines around the eye sockets.