Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery

Last updated date: 19-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery


Aesthetic genital cosmetic surgery operations can improve look and reduce pain. These operations include labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, labia majoraplasty, monsplasty, and vaginal rejuvenation.

There are thousands of treatments and procedures marketed to women in order to help them retain their young for as long as possible. Vaginal rejuvenation comes into this area, with claims of tightening the vagina, reducing incontinence, eradicating vaginal dryness, and more.


External anatomy of the female genitalia

anatomy of the female genitalia

The vulva is the exterior female genital region. There is no one method for the vulva to look normal or right. The vulva's size, shape, and color vary greatly from person to person. The labia minora frequently extend beyond the labia majora, however it is equally acceptable if they do not. Some people have unevenly sized labia. All of these variations are to be expected. It is also normal for the vulva's size, shape, and color to vary during puberty, as you age, and during pregnancy or menopause.


Female genital cosmetic surgery

Female genital cosmetic surgery

Female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS) refers to a variety of surgical procedures (including vaginal rejuvenation, labiaplasty, vulvar liposculpturing, re-virgination with hymenoplasty, and G-spot amplification) aimed at improving female genital aesthetics and/or sexual effectiveness. FGCS operations, particularly vaginal rejuvenation, have grown in favor in Western nations in recent years, not only with health care practitioners but also among women.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the rate of vaginal rejuvenation treatments has increased by 30%. All of these operations are done primarily for cosmetic reasons or, in some circumstances, to improve sexual function, with no obvious medical rationale. In general, vaginal rejuvenation is frequently recommended to women who have a large vagina owing to vaginal birth or age in order to improve vaginal tone and hence sexual friction.

Vaginal rejuvenation, in particular, is regarded as one of the most contentious FGCS procedures. Vaginal rejuvenation refers to a variety of treatments performed by gynecologists or plastic surgeons to reduce the average width of the vagina, mostly for sexual purposes. These are known as vaginal rejuvenation, vaginal restoration/rogation, or vaginoplasty.


What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is one of the most contentious genital cosmetic surgical operations, involving a variety of surgical procedures performed by gynecologists or plastic surgeons to reduce the average width of the vagina, mostly for sexual reasons. Vaginal rejuvenation refers to anything that affects or transforms the vaginal anatomy. Internal and exterior structures are both included.

There is no one vaginal rejuvenation technique available. There are lotions and injections available to enhance the quality of orgasm. There are other procedures and laser treatments that promise to tighten or enhance the appearance of the vaginal muscles.

The vast majority of women seek vaginal rejuvenation for aesthetic reasons. As with any cosmetic surgery, it is critical for the patient to examine why they desire the operation before proceeding. Improving self-confidence is frequently a major factor in the choice. It is critical that the patient inquires about these operations for herself, rather than because of the preferences of a spouse or societal pressure.

Traditional anterior or posterior colporrhaphy done in urogynecological settings to repair vaginal prolapse or pelvic floor problems is quite similar to the classical surgical method utilized during vaginal rejuvenation operations. Perineoplasty, which includes the excision of a triangle-shaped section of skin tissue from the perineum above the anus to tighten the vaginal introitus and reconstruct the perineal body, is frequently connected with colporrhaphy. 


What are the Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures?

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

After delivery, weight loss, and the natural effects of age on the body, a woman's vaginal region can undergo remarkable changes. Vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and other vaginal rejuvenation operations may be intriguing to women who want to enhance the function, health, and aesthetics of their vagina.

The purpose of vaginal rejuvenation operations is to reverse these harmful physiological changes of the vaginal canal, vaginal wall, perineum, and pelvic floor, as well as to enhance or rectify the physical look of an aberrant, deformed, or wounded vaginal region.

These reconstructive operations and treatments are intended to address issues such as loose muscles or dangling, unsightly extra skin from the labial regions. Tighter vaginal muscles can improve sexual enjoyment and restore moisture, as well as lessen incontinence and bladder control concerns and improve vaginal attractiveness. These advantages can significantly improve a woman's physical, mental, and sexual wellness.

When the symptoms are solely aesthetic, vaginal rejuvenation operations can boost a woman's self-esteem by generating a tighter, younger-looking, and more appealing genital region. A more beautiful and tighter vagina can also improve sexual interactions for both the lady and her boyfriend. In general, vaginal rejuvenation operations can provide various significant benefits for many women, as well as a very quick and simple recovery period.


What are the Cons of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Following vaginal rejuvenation surgery, many women report enhanced beauty, better sex life, greater bladder control, and a variety of other advantages. While the FDA commissioner has cleared and approved laser treatment and energy-based devices for certain purposes, such as the destruction of abnormal or pre-cancerous cervical or vaginal tissue and condylomas (genital warts), it has not yet cleared vaginal rejuvenation procedures for treating other symptoms, such as vaginal atrophy, stress urinary incontinence, or sexual dysfunction.

While non-invasive therapies have yet to be shown helpful in some applications, some opponents of more intrusive vaginal rejuvenation surgery believe they are inefficient and even hazardous. Despite the increased desire for these procedures, there is plenty of criticism and debate that calls into question the necessity of vaginal rejuvenation treatments such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and labia augmentation.

The fact is that very few studies have been conducted to examine the long-term results and negative consequences of vaginal rejuvenation operations, and individuals interested in finding the most successful and useful alternatives for these treatments should proceed with care.

Another disadvantage of vaginal rejuvenation therapy is the high expense of surgeries and non-surgical treatments, with some procedures costing $3000 or more. Some detractors argue that kegel exercises, vaginal implants, and pelvic floor muscle training can yield comparable effects for free. There are also vagina lotions that promise to revitalize the vagina, making it feel stronger, tighter, and somewhat swollen—however, these creams are temporary, and the benefits might be limited. Some ladies may not perceive any difference.


Why is Vaginal Rejuvenation done?

Vaginal regions are affected by normal, age-related loss of muscle tone, skin flexibility, and shape. Pregnancy, natural delivery, and hormonal changes can all have negative impacts on certain women. Loose skin, fatty or sagging tissues, and weak muscles can all result in aggravating difficulties. Corrections may be required for hereditary features, severe traumas, congenital malformations, or tears after birthing.

Tampons may no longer be suitable for women with an expanded vaginal canal. Others may be less confidence if they have extra, deflated, deformed, or hanging skin around or around their genital organs. Painful pulling feelings when riding a bike, avoidance of fitting underwear and swimwear, and alterations in intimate sexual encounters are all symptoms.

Doctors may conduct one or more treatments during vaginal rejuvenation to cure particular internal or exterior concerns.


Does anyone “need” Vaginal Rejuvenation?

pelvic floor treatment

For people who have had damage caused by childbirth or other difficulties, vaginal reconstruction surgery may help repair and restore your vagina — and alleviate symptoms such as a sensation of looseness.

Women who are seeking vaginal rejuvenation due of vaginal looseness should first attempt pelvic floor treatment. You can typically manage postpartum laxity without surgery, especially if it's a postpartum sense of laxity.

Vaginal rejuvenation should not be considered by girls under the age of 18. It's hard to determine how procedures like labiaplasty may influence a young person's genitalia and sexual function while the body is still maturing, she says. Young people craving cosmetic surgery is nothing new, and social media's strong promotion of vaginal rejuvenation may be encouraging them to question if their vaginas need to be "fixed" or enhanced.

Remember that everyone is unique, and there is no such thing as "normal" when it comes to the vagina. However, if you're having problems with the appearance and feel of your genital area, you should talk to your doctor about vaginal rejuvenation therapy alternatives.


How to Prepare for Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal Rejuvenation Preparation

You'll have the opportunity to discuss your treatment objectives, ask questions, and learn more about vaginal rejuvenation treatments and any other cosmetic surgery options you're considering when you book a consultation with an Ohio State plastic surgeon.

During your office visit, you’ll learn about steps to take before and after your surgery. Preparation before your surgery may include:

  • Your procedure, including anesthetic and incision kinds, will be discussed.
  • When you should cease eating and drinking before surgery
  • An examination of your health and medical history
  • Examining the treatment locations
  • Advice on your procedure's pre- and post-operative steps
  • Preoperative instructions for drugs and supplements to avoid
  • Medication, supplement, and drug allergy questions
  • Questions concerning the usage of alcohol and tobacco


Before the day of surgery, you’ll receive additional individualized instruction, including:

  • Checklist of things to do and places to go on the day of your operation
  • Details on the kind of outcomes you can expect
  • Recovery and follow-up care information


What to expect if you have vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation operations

Vaginal rejuvenation operations can be performed under local or general anesthesia, and depending on the therapy, you may be given medication in addition to anesthetic to help you relax. The incisions described in previous appointment visits will be made by plastic surgeon. The location, quantity, and kind of incisions varies depending on the individual's treatment plan and procedure. Each technique has its own set of steps, which include:

  • Labiaplasty 

 In addition to any necessary resculpting, the surgeon removes a crescent-shaped portion of skin from either side of the labia major (outer lips) or any superfluous tissue. If your labia are asymmetrical or not the form or size you like, the doctor may use liposuction to transfer a little quantity of fat from another fatty part of the body. The skin covering the clitoris can be reduced or reshaped during a labiaplasty (clitoral hood reduction).

  • Monsplasty       

The skin and fatty tissues above the genitals are removed by the doctor. The quantity of skin and fatty tissue removed depends on your health and the treatment goals you and your physician have agreed. Liposuction may be used by the doctor in some cases to remove extra fat or to restructure tissues. Liposuction operations can be performed with a single minor incision, resulting in minimum scars.

  • Perineoplasty 

Surgical techniques differ depending on the treatment and condition. The surgeon usually creates a diamond-shaped incision around the vaginal floor. Skin and muscular tissues are sliced and pulled back by the surgeon. The doctor eliminates any scars and damaged tissue produced by episiotomies or other traumas. Before reconnecting divided tissues and removing extra skin, the surgeon may repair any additional skin abnormalities.

The surgeon presses the vaginal muscles closer together to narrow and constrict the vaginal canal. The doctor may remove excess skin from the vaginal walls and various areas in and around the vagina, including the vaginal entrance.

Depending on your individual problems, other illnesses inside or outside the vagina can be addressed. When the surgical procedures are completed, your doctor will close the wounds with surgical sutures or other similar methods. After that, the surgeon places gauze or bandages around the closed incisions.


What does recovery from vaginal surgery look like?

recovery from vaginal surgery

Full recovery from surgical vaginal rejuvenation takes time, just like any other procedure. All wound healing takes three months, whether you fall off your bike and skin your knee or get shot in the stomach and require trauma surgery. So, if you undergo a surgical operation that involves cutting and stitching, especially in the vagina, you can expect to be out of commission for three months before you may resume sexual activity.

Infection and bleeding are the two most common consequences of vaginal surgery. Bleeding is especially harmful. The blood supply to the labia is so strong that a patient might bleed within hours of surgery. You just cannot be too cautious when it comes to bleeding. Other hazards include scars, deformity, and not receiving the desired cosmetic outcomes from the procedure.


Nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation options

Technology in vaginal rejuvenation has improved to include energy-based therapies that cure symptoms such as vaginal laxity with heat rather than surgery.


The two main types of energy-based vaginal rejuvenation are:

  • CO2 laser therapy, which warms the upper layers of tissue to encourage skin-plumping collagen creation in the bottom levels. 
  • Radiofrequency treatment, which employs heating electromagnetic waves to tighten and firm up tissue.

Energy-based vaginal rejuvenation treatments are non-invasive and may be administered in a doctor's office with little to no downtime. People who have these operations may usually resume their normal lives and sexual activities within a few days.

While less invasive than surgical vaginal rejuvenation, these methods are not without danger. Bleeding, infection, and scarring are all possible complications. 


Benefits of non-surgical feminine rejuvenation

  • Treatments usually take less than 15 minutes to complete.
  • Many patients experience considerable benefits after 1 to 2 days of therapy, and these gains continue to increase over time.
  • There is no downtime required, and sexual activity may continue the same day. The results can last up to a year before another round of treatments is required.


Can significantly improve:

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Sexual pleasure for patient and partner


Results of vaginal rejuvenation

Treatments usually take less than 15 minutes to complete. Many patients experience considerable benefits after 1 to 2 days of therapy, and these gains continue to increase over time.

There is no downtime required, and sexual activity may continue the same day. The results can last up to a year before another round of treatments is required.

The results vary, and the muscles, skin, and tissues of the vaginal area will still show the regular effects of age, gravity, and time. You can keep your physique in top shape by taking care of your health. Your plastic surgeon can offer goods and therapies from head to toe to help keep your body looking and feeling younger.


Risks of vaginal rejuvenation

Risks of vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation, like any operation, has inherent dangers. These depend on your condition as well as the type or scope of your surgery. Risks of surgery include a poor response to anesthetic, infection, bleeding, and discomfort, as well as other possible problems.

If you are interested in vaginal rejuvenation surgery, your surgeon will discuss additional potential hazards, such as:

  • Blood clots
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Persistent swelling
  • Results not as expected
  • Unfavorable scarring



Vaginal operations serve to restore a stronger tone and/or a more youthful, symmetrical look by reducing, reshaping, or tightening female genital tissues. Vaginal rejuvenation is chosen by patients for aesthetic reasons as well as to increase comfort and alleviate difficulties caused by vaginal tissue laxity, such as painful intercourse or stress urine incontinence.

The majority of patients are pleased with the results of both surgical and non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments, with 90-95 % satisfaction rates for vaginal cosmetic and functional plastic surgery operations and very low complication rates.