Whitening laser

Last updated date: 19-Jun-2023

Originally Written in English

Whitening laser


Whitening lasers are used to resurface the skin and lighten excessively darker skin caused by sun damage, aging, hyperpigmentation, or other factors. There are several laser skin lightening methods that may be effective for various causes of dark spots and pigmentation.


What is Whitening laser?

Whitening laser

Whitening lasers, also known as laser peels, laser vaporization, and lasabrasion, can remove wrinkles, scars, and blemishes on the face. Newer laser technologies provide your plastic surgeon greater control over laser surfacing, allowing for extraordinary precision, particularly in sensitive places. It's all about utilizing light beams. Your surgeon will use the laser to direct brief, intense pulsing light beams to uneven skin. This precisely eliminates undesirable, damaged skin one layer at a time. Because of the focused method of laser skin whitening, there are less issues with hypopigmentation, or skin whitening, for operations such as laser acne scar removal. The laser beam utilized in laser whitening will eliminate your epidermis or outer layer of skin. It also warms the underlying skin, known as the dermis. This activity promotes the formation of new collagen fibers. The new skin that emerges when the treated area heals is smoother and firmer.

A whitening laser can help:

  • Fine lines or wrinkles around or beneath your eyes, on your forehead, or around your lips
  • Acne or chickenpox scars
  • Skin that is unresponsive after a facelift
  • Skin that is old or sun-damaged
  • Spots on the liver
  • If you have yellowish or grey skin tones, improve your complexion.
  • Warts
  • Birthmarks such as linear epidermal nevi are common.
  • Nasal oil gland enlargement


Laser Skin whitening History

Laser Skin whitening

Laser skin treatment was initially offered in the early 1980s. Initially, this therapy was administered using carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was employed in the therapy to maximize the light beam to the skin for the white color. Many unpleasant side effects damage the patients' skin at the commencement of the treatment. As a result, physicians recognize that they must adapt technology and the benefits of laser therapy for skin whitening. They focus on that issue and have had success in developing the most recent range of erbium lasers and (CO2) lasers. Now, this therapy can give a very rapid and tiny light to a very small region of the skin in a very regulated quantity to save skin. They obtained significantly better outcomes than previously, and laser therapy for skin whitening is today recognized as one of the best and first choices for skin problems.

Laser Skin Whitening Treatment Options:

There are three kinds of laser therapy.

1) Resurfacing with Ablative Laser

Ablative laser resurfacing is the first therapy utilized to treat skin dark spots. Dermatologists employed a very limited range of light on the skin in this therapy to cure the skin of the powerful beam of light. This therapy is regarded as one of the most successful and safe techniques of treating patients. During this procedure, the doctors strive to remove the topmost layer of skin and vaporize the damaged cells from the skin. This Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening is regarded as a one-time procedure. Although this medication is one of the most successful and cost-effective, it does have some mild adverse effects. The adverse effects of this medication are considered long-term since they take a long time to recuperate, often 2 to 3 weeks.

2) Non-ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing

The non-ablative laser resurfacing approach is the second form of laser therapy for skin whitening. In this procedure, doctors introduce non-ablative laser lights into the patient's skin without damaging the top layer of skin. The laser is used in this therapy to impact skin cells, but they protect the skin's exterior layer, and the skin begins to mend itself at the conclusion of the process. This procedure is one of the most secure of the three options. There are several minor treatments in non-ablative laser skin resurfacing, such as Re-Fraxel store and Re-Fraxel pair.

3) Skin Resurfacing (Fractional)

Fractional skin resurfacing is the third and final type of Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening. This therapy includes both the Ablative Laser Resurfacing Treatment and the Non-ablative Laser Resurfacing Treatment. As a result of the therapy, the patient receives more efficient results and, at the same time, this treatment is renowned as having a very short recovery period. Tiny micro-beams of laser light are delivered on parts of the skin afflicted by skin black spots during this laser therapy. As I mentioned before, the laser specialists in this therapy protect the upper layer of the skin. 


Who is a suitable candidate for laser whitening?

Laser whitening?

If you have any of the following conditions, you may not be a good candidate for laser whitening:

  • Acne that is active
  • Skin that is very dark
  • Deep creases
  • Sagging or excessive skin

Patients with darker skin tones are more likely to recover with darker pigmentation (hyperpigmentation). This can be reduced by using a whitening agent following laser skin whitening.

Caution: Laser whitening might be harmful in incorrect or untrained hands. Make sure the doctor has specialized experience with this sort of operation in addition to being trained and competent in facial cosmetic surgery. Even if the laser therapy is eventually provided by another healthcare worker in the surgeon's office, it will be done under the direct observation of the surgeon.


What stages are included in a laser whitening procedure?

laser whitening procedure?

Before the operation begins, a tiny piece of skin may be tested to determine how it reacts. If you don't have any concerns, your first session will normally be a few weeks later. Because the operation may cause stinging or pricking sensations, a local anesthetic cream may be used to numb your skin beforehand. To shield your eyes from the laser, you will be given special goggles to wear. A tiny portable laser device will be pressed against your skin, which may feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin. To keep your skin cool throughout the treatment, a jet of cold air may be blasted upon it. Each session will typically run between 30 minutes and an hour. When it's over, you may go home.

To achieve the greatest outcomes, your plastic surgeon may recommend a series of skin treatments to prepare your skin for the laser surgery. These therapies frequently begin 6 weeks or more before your scheduled operation. These skin treatments are tailored to your specific skin type in order to reduce problems and achieve the greatest results from your laser whitening. Cosmetic laser whitening is commonly performed as an outpatient procedure and takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours.

Managing your discomfort: Laser skin whitening is a difficult procedure. This is why your doctor may use local anesthetics to numb the skin. You may also be given a sedative to aid with your relaxation. If you choose significant whitening or additional cosmetic operations at the same time, general anesthesia may be used by your surgeon. Following that, the doctor will give you pain relievers to keep you comfortable. Your face will be properly cleansed in preparation, and you may be provided eye protection.

In laser whitening, two types of lasers are typically used: carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium. Both function by vaporizing superficial, damaged skin cells.

  • Whitening with a CO2 laser

Doctors have been using CO2 lasers to treat various skin diseases for years. A newer generation of CO2 lasers may produce very brief pulsed light energy (referred to as ultrapulsed) or continuous light beams. This laser carefully eliminates tiny layers of skin while causing minimum harm to adjacent tissue.

  • Whitening using erbium laser

This form of laser wrinkle reduction is most commonly used to erase superficial to moderately deep lines and wrinkles on the face, although it may also be utilized on the neck, chest, and hands.


Following the process

Following the completion of laser whitening, your plastic surgeon will apply the specialized dressing to preserve the affected tissues. Additional dressing changes or specific topical treatments may be required to promote recovery.


The benefits of laser skin whitening treatment

Dark skin

Dark skin is one of the most prevalent skin disorders in both men and women, especially in areas where the natural skin tone is black owing to high temperatures, such as Asia and Africa. Aside from heredity, there are many additional factors that contribute to our skin tone being darker, such as skin diseases, overexposure to sunshine, bad lifestyle, inflammatory problems, excessive drug usage, and hormonal changes. In many situations, we've discovered that skin darkness begins with a very little black spot or small patches on the skin, and over time, these spots and patches cover the entire body, darkening the skin. 

As a consequence, the real appearance and color of the skin were altered. The cause of tiny patches and black spots on the skin is an overproduction of melanin in a specific area of the body. Melanin is a pigment generated by the human body that contributes to the color of our eyes, skin, and hair. It is one of the most important compounds in the human body, but an excess of it is damaging to the body, and its scars are also bad to the skin. However, certain skin illnesses occur and take a long time to manifest on the body; their attack process is quite gradual. A normal person believes there's nothing out of the ordinary, but after a while it appears on the entire body.

The good news for people with skin discoloration is that most of these assaults are only transitory, do-little harm, and may be treated. Some of the most typical tactics or home treatments are to use bleaching creams on the black spots or to use high-quality soaps on the portions that are effective enough to remove black spots from the skin. However, in other circumstances, no bleach or washing is required to remove the black spot. 


What can I expect throughout my laser whitening recovery period?

laser whitening surgery

Skin treated with laser whitening may react differently. Most of the time, though, it will feel like a light sunburn. There will be some redness and swelling. Itching or stinging may also occur for a few days following the treatment. Some people may experience what seems to be a severe sunburn depending on the therapy. The skin will be raw, leaking, and sometimes blistering. A yellow liquid that forms a crust may leak from treated regions. Scratching or picking at crusts might result in scars. Your skin will often get dry and peel five to seven days following laser skin whitening.

During your laser skin whitening recuperation, follow these measures. As advised by your plastic surgeon, clean the treated areas two to five times each day with saline or a diluted vinegar solution. To assist your skin's healing, use protective skin care procedures advised by your doctor. After you've healed, you'll need to wear sunscreen, preferably one designed specifically for the delicate, regenerated skin on your face. Every single day. There are no exceptions! Your plastic surgeon will advise you on the finest sunscreen to use to protect your treated areas. Use a generous amount of moisturizer on your new skin every day if instructed by your plastic surgeon. It is normal for the treated region to peel. Following that, the new, revitalized skin will be pink, but it will progressively lighten over the next two to three months. It might take up to a year for the pinkness to go. It is critical to safeguard your skin during the healing process. Blondes and redheads have redness that lasts longer. You can continue using Retin-A and/or glycolic acid products six weeks following laser whitening, or as prescribed by your doctor.

Laser skin whitening complications:

  • Acne worsens. A treatment plan will be recommended by your doctor.
  • Infection caused by bacteria. Your doctor may advise you to take an antibiotic before and after the procedure.
  • Reactivation of a cold sore. If you undergo laser whitening around your mouth, this might happen. Inform your doctor about your history of cold sores (herpes). Take antiviral medicine before and after the surgery to avoid reactivation.
  • Hyperpigmentation. It is conceivable that the treated region will darken in tone. Your doctor may advise you to use a bleaching solution. Rarely, you may have hypopigmentation or skin whitening.
  • Milia. These little white lumps might emerge throughout the healing process. They can be removed using a soft washcloth cleanser.
  • Redness that lasts. For other folks, the redness just takes longer to go.
  • Scarring. This is uncommon, but it is conceivable.
  • Swelling. If you have laser skin whitening around your eyes, your doctor may prescribe oral steroids to help with the swelling.


Suggestions for a faster recovery:

  • At night, elevate your head with an additional pillow.
  • To reduce swelling and pain, apply an ice pack for the first day or two.
  • Quit smoking. Tobacco smoking will make the healing process more difficult.

Recovery timeframes will vary based on the therapy you receive.

Whitening with a CO2 laser: In most cases, up to two weeks. Erbium laser whitening takes one week.

Cover up the pink or red skin.

After your treated areas have healed, you can apply cosmetics to lighten the hue. To counteract the red tone, use green-based cosmetics. Make careful you use oil-free makeup.


What should I expect from laser skin whitening?

Laser skin whitening?

It is likely that your skin will remain red or pink for several months following laser skin whitening. For up to a year, you may also be unusually sensitive to sunlight. Make an effort to limit your sun exposure and use sunscreen liberally every day. Some persons who get laser whitening may see an instant improvement in their skin. This will continue to improve for at least another year. While the results of laser whitening might persist for many years, wrinkles and expression lines can reappear as we age. Laser whitening can be repeated as needed.


What is the cost of laser skin whitening?

Laser skin lightening cost

Laser skin lightening is normally not covered by the NHS, therefore you'll have to pay for treatment. The cost of each session varies greatly across practitioners and is determined on the size of the area being treated, the amount of the lightening, and the equipment employed. Several sessions are sometimes required to maximize the likelihood of the operation being effective. This average cost is simply a portion of the entire price; it does not include any additional costs. To calculate your total charge, please contact your cosmetic surgeon's office. The cost of laser skin whitening will be determined by the competence and credentials of the person doing the process, the kind of technique employed, the time and effort required for the treatment, and the geographic location of the clinic. Most health insurance policies do not cover cosmetic surgery or its repercussions; however, many plastic surgeons offer patient financing schemes; be sure to inquire. 

Costs for laser skin whitening may include:

  • Costs of surgical facilities
  • Anesthesia costs
  • Medication prescriptions

Inquire with your surgeon about the charges associated with your treatment. Your pleasure entails more than just a charge. When selecting a cosmetic surgeon for laser skin whitening, keep in mind that the surgeon's experience and your comfort level with him or her are just as crucial as the procedure's ultimate cost.


What to do if you have problems?

Cosmetic operations

Cosmetic operations can occasionally go awry, and the outcomes may not be what you intended. If you have laser skin lightening and are unhappy with the results or believe the treatment was not performed correctly, you should contact the hospital or clinic where you were treated. If you have any issues, you should return to the practitioner who treated you. If this is not feasible, you can consult a doctor.



A laser can also be used to brighten imperfections or dark skin spots. This works by eliminating the skin's outer layer or harming the cells that create melanin. Laser skin lightening may work for some people, but it may not work for others, or the skin lightening may be very temporary.