Wide Nose

Last updated date: 22-Jul-2023

Originally Written in English

Wide Nose


Few things have a strong influence on face symmetry as the nose. And having a wide nose may have a huge impact on how you feel about your looks – you may be unhappy with the overall look and symmetry of your face, which can lead to feelings of self-consciousness, insecurity, and lack of self-confidence. Fortunately, rhinoplasty, sometimes known as a nose job, is an excellent approach to fix a wide nose and enhance your appearance and self-esteem.

Because wider noses are flatter and do not project from the profile of the face, they can have a major impact on the appearance of your face. As a result, a wide nose can disrupt overall face symmetry by making other facial features, such as your eyes or mouth, look overly little in comparison.

If the nasal passageways are flat, this might cause breathing difficulties owing to restricted airflow. Individuals who have limited breathing owing to a flat nose may also have sleep apnea, which can increase the risk of having a stroke or heart disease.


What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty Definition

Rhinoplasty, sometimes known as a nose job, is a form of reconstructive face plastic surgery that addresses aesthetic (and occasionally medical) concerns with the nose. A nose job aims to improve the appearance, balance, and functioning of the nose, as well as to restore or establish ideal nasal-facial proportion. A nose job can be performed to optimize airway flow, address hereditary or injury-related defects, and improve overall facial symmetry.

A nose operation can treat or correct a variety of abnormalities, including a bulbous tip, dorsal hump, long nose, crooked nose, bridge scoop, and too wide nasal bones. Rhinoplasty can also be done to clear nasal airways that have become partially blocked owing to the shape of the nose or other circumstances such as a previous injury or a deviated septum.


Why Get Rhinoplasty?

cosmetic surgery

In any case, some people seek cosmetic surgery to repair or alter the look of these problem areas.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most prevalent cosmetic procedures in the United States. Rhinoplasty is the most frequent facial plastic surgery treatment, with almost 220,000 performed each year.

Rhinoplasty can treat a variety of cosmetic nasal issues, such as:

  • The relationship between nose size and facial balance.
  • The width of the nose at the bridge or the size and position of the nostrils.
  • Nose profile with evident bridge humps or depressions.
  • Nasal tip enlargement or bulbosity, drooping, tilted, or hooked.
  • Large, wide, or upturned nostrils.
  • Asymmetry of the nose.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the focus of rhinoplasty is shifting toward things like correcting a crooked nose, reducing humps, and correcting asymmetry while preserving a person's ethnic identity. A cosmetic surgeon can assist accomplish one or more of the following by modifying nasal structures such as bone, cartilage, and skin:

  • Make a crooked nose straight.
  • Smooth a significant hump on the nasal bridge.
  • Shorten the length of a projecting nasal tip.
  • Make a bulbous nasal tip smaller.
  • Narrow a nose that is too big for your face.
  • Reduce the size of a large nose.
  • Restore symmetry to the nose after damage.
  • Correct breathing issues by opening blocked nasal passages.


Can Rhinoplasty Fix a Wide Nose?

Fix a Wide Nose

Yes, rhinoplasty can correct a wide nose. During a nose job surgery, your plastic surgeon can minimize the size of excessively wide nasal bones that make your nose appear abnormally wide, altering the overall appearance and symmetry of your face.


Non-Surgical Nose Job For Wide Nose

Nose Job

Many individuals are interested in non-surgical nose jobs for wide noses. If you can avoid an invasive operation, fixing a wide nose or bulbous nose tip without surgery is appealing.

However, surgical options to wide noses are not as invasive as you may believe. Rhinoplasty is one of the least invasive surgical procedures available. Professional surgeons have also developed effective methods for reducing the size and number of incisions required to obtain the desired outcomes.

While there are non-surgical nose job options available, none are permanent. Dermal fillers, for example, can help contour the nose tip and enhance overall symmetry. A professional surgeon will inject filler into important parts of the nose.

Dermal fillers only provide cosmetic benefits for up to a year. So you'll have to either continue with the therapy or go for a surgical nose operation for a wide nose. Non-surgical nose job choices are a terrific, low-cost method to experiment with changing your nose before committing to a permanent solution.


Benefits of Wide Nose Job

Benefits of Wide Nose Job

Nose jobs for wide noses are only one of the numerous ways rhinoplasty may alter the appearance of your face. Typical rhinoplasty procedures include:

  • A large nose's overall size can be reduced.
  • A wide nose job is used to narrow the nose.
  • Straightening or smoothing nose bumps
  • Rhinoplasty reduction to shorten a nasal tip
  • A bulbous nasal tip can be reduced by nose tip surgery.
  • Restoring nose symmetry following an injury
  • To resolve breathing issues, open the nasal passageways.

A skilled surgeon doing the proper type of nose operation for a wide nose can have a significant beneficial influence on a patient's life. Reshaping and resizing the nose can enhance overall appearance, especially if the results appear natural — as if it were the nose they were born with.


Preparation Before Wide Nose Job

Before Wide Nose Job

In preparing for rhinoplasty surgery, you may be asked to:

  • Get a lab test such as CBC.
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
  • Your chronic medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, hypertension) should be controlled.

Rhinoplasty can be performed at a hospital, an approved office-based surgical facility, or a registered ambulatory surgery center. Make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from surgery, as well as to stay with you for at least the first night after surgery. 


Wide Nose Jobs Types

Wide Nose Jobs Types

Rhinoplasty is a challenging procedure since the nose is such a delicate feature of the face. If your nose is abnormally wide, your cosmetic surgeon may perform one of many procedures to reconstruct and repair it.

The higher nasal bones are broken to shorten the nose bridge during a wide nose rhinoplasty, also known as an osteotomy. Your surgeon will modify the bone structure at the top of your nose during this treatment to lower the overall width of your nose. Your upper nasal bridge bones will be split into smaller pieces and repositioned by your surgeon to adjust the overall width of your nose.

A wide nose rhinoplasty may be done in three ways: open wide nose rhinoplasty, closed wide nose rhinoplasty, and bulbous nose rhinoplasty. The ideal surgery for you will be determined by whether your nose is too wide at the bridge or at the tip, as well as the level of restructuring required.


Open Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Open Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Your surgeon will make incisions between your nostrils and under your nasal tip during an open wide nose rhinoplasty. This type of wide nose rhinoplasty is appropriate for people with a nose that requires extensive remodelling since it allows your surgeon easier access to your nasal bones.

Advantages of an open rhinoplasty:

The ability to open up the nose in an open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to view the anatomy underneath the skin. For three reasons, the open approach is frequently the superior option:

  1. An open rhinoplasty allows you to accurately measure and study the anatomy of your nose. Doctors that are actual experts in rhinoplasty spend a significant amount of time analyzing and learning the anatomy of each person's nose in order to do the most precise and accurate procedure. An open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to identify any asymmetries or anomalies that were not seen during an external assessment.
  2. Aside from being able to observe the architecture of the nose more clearly, open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to be considerably more accurate. Because the nose is such a prominent feature and such a sensitive structure, the more precise the rhinoplasty, the better.
  3. The ability to use advanced cartilage grafting procedures for many cases is the last advantage of open rhinoplasty. With an open rhinoplasty, the grafts are placed to provide additional long-term support and structure.

For these reasons, an open rhinoplasty allows for greater access and outcomes.

Disadvantages of an open rhinoplasty:

Those who are opposed to open rhinoplasty usually provide two reasons. First, due of the trans-columellar incision, an open rhinoplasty leaves a scar. While this is true, in most situations, the scar heals so well that it is nearly undetectable.

The second often mentioned disadvantage of an open rhinoplasty is that many patients claim there is more swelling & bleeding than with a closed rhinoplasty. 


Closed Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Closed Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Your surgeon will make incisions inside the nostrils during a closed wide nose rhinoplasty. Because this technique limits the amount to which your surgeon may change the look of your nose, it may be ideal for those with wide noses who only want minimal reconstruction.

Advantages of a closed rhinoplasty:

Although surgeons prefer an open technique in many cases, they feel that a closed rhinoplasty might still be a viable option.

Although the scar from an open rhinoplasty is nearly undetectable in many individuals, a closed rhinoplasty has the advantage of leaving no scar. Furthermore, a closed rhinoplasty offers the short-term advantage of causing less edema throughout the recovery phase. If your nose job can be done closed, it is good to discuss whether this is a viable choice for you.

Disadvantages of a closed rhinoplasty:

Some individuals who require just minimal treatment may benefit from a closed rhinoplasty. However, after treating thousands of patients, specialists have discovered that people frequently require more treatment on their nose than they believe. In many occasions, a patient will seek what appears to be a minor aesthetic alteration, only to discover that their request entails a large amount of detail-oriented effort.


Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty

Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty

A bulbous nose rhinoplasty is appropriate for individuals who have a nose that is too wide at the tip rather than the bridge. Excess cartilage, too much gap between cartilages, inadequate cartilage definition, or thick skin at the nasal tip can all contribute to a bulbous nasal tip.

Your cosmetic surgeon will create an incision between your nostrils or on the inside of your nostrils during a bulbous nose rhinoplasty, also known as a tiplasty (in other words, your bulbous nose rhinoplasty will either be open or closed).

Your surgeon will next either connect extensive cartilage together, resulting in a smaller, sharper tip; implant new cartilage on the nose tip, causing the nose to lengthen while also giving it a sharper look; or reposition your existing septum cartilage.

An alar reduction, which includes either decreasing or binding together the fleshy sections of the skin on your nostrils that link your nose to your face, may also be performed by your surgeon.


Differences Between Open & Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed Rhinoplasty

It is critical to understand the differences between open and closed rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty involves the alteration of bone and/or cartilage, and there are only two methods for the doctor to have access to these structures of the nose in order to perform the required changes: open and closed. Two incisions are made within the nose during the closed rhinoplasty procedure. All modifications will be done through these incisions.

An open rhinoplasty uses the same two incisions as a closed rhinoplasty, but with one additional incision across the columella to link the two. The last connecting incision is known as a trans-columellar incision, and it allows the doctor to open the skin of the nose - or unveil the nose. Each method has advantages and disadvantages depending on what the surgeon is aiming to accomplish.


Before and After Rhinoplasty for Wide Noses

After Rhinoplasty

Do your research before selecting a surgeon to do rhinoplasty on your wide nose. Make sure the surgeon has expertise performing nose operations on wide noses. Looking at before and after images, which may usually be found on the surgeon's website, is a simple method to accomplish this. Look through the photos to see before and after pictures of rhinoplasty on wide noses. If you like what you see, talk to the doctor about their expertise and approach for nasal thinning surgery. You may always call the surgeon's office and request more examples.

It is also critical to do research and study the surgeon's reviews. These may usually give you a fair sense of the surgeon's work, and you may read reviews on nose jobs for wide noses. It's usually a good idea to complete your research before undergoing face surgery. Make sure you understand your alternatives and the procedure for nose thinning surgery. Contact your surgeon to see if a nose operation to shorten your wide nose is correct for you!


Recovery After A Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

The recovery time following rhinoplasty may vary depending on the treatments used to fix your wide nose. A nasal cast will almost certainly be required to ensure proper healing. The cast is normally removed in less than a week. At this stage, the surgeon will most likely recommend nose exercises to support further healing. It might take up to eight weeks for the newly positioned nasal bones to recover properly. During this period, it is critical to stick to the nasal exercises prescribed and avoid any activities that may strain the nose.

It is critical to maintain in contact with your surgeon during the post-operative period to avoid any healing complications. Another important issue to examine and inquire about before selecting a surgeon is the post-operative recovery regimen. It's a good indicator if the surgeon has a clear plan in place that includes regular post-operative checks. If the surgeon appears to lack a feeling of individual care for the post-operative time, you may want to search elsewhere.


Risk & Complications

nose bleeding

Although rhinoplasty is regarded quite safe, there are dangers associated with any form of surgery. The main risk is that the patient will have a terrible result. This emphasizes the need of having reasonable expectations about the result of your procedure. As a result, make careful to thoroughly discuss to your cosmetic surgeon your expectations for the outcome of your operation.

It might be useful to bring images of people with noses similar to the one you want yours to be based after. This will help your cosmetic surgeon to determine whether or not this is a feasible outcome for you and your particular anatomy.

Breathing is a key post-procedure consideration. A bad outcome might cause trouble breathing in someone who had no issues before to surgery. When things do not go well after surgery, a person with pre-existing breathing issues such as asthma or any other respiratory disease may find that their condition worsens. Other dangers include infection, bleeding, and anesthetic concerns, all of which are exceedingly low.


Rhinoplasty Cost

Rhinoplasty Cost

Because rhinoplasty is an optional cosmetic treatment, it is unlikely to be covered by insurance if you only want to narrow your nose.

Typically, nose jobs cost approximately $5400.



Wide Nose

Is your wide nose bothering you? A nose might seem wide for a variety of reasons. For many people, a lack of nasal bridge height makes the nose appear wider. This is generally hereditary, which means that it has been a person's natural nose shape since birth. In some circumstances, an accidental injury or past nose operation may have caused the nose to seem broader.

If you want to narrow a wide nose, you have several options. These range from permanent surgical procedures to temporary contouring non-surgical options.

Whether you're contemplating rhinoplasty for the first time or seeking for a revision procedure, a nose operation is the finest approach to narrow a broad nose.