
Last updated date: 09-Mar-2024

Medically Reviewed By

Written by

Dr. Yahia H. Alsharif

Originally Written in English

Air Ulthermage


    It provides a natural and long-lasting lifting and plumping effect that can endure for years by encouraging your body to rebuild its own collagen resources. This long-lasting, natural result has made it a popular anti-aging treatment among celebrities and influencers alike.

    Ulthermage is ideal for treating sagging skin, wrinkles, and stretch marks. If you have sagging jowls or a lack of definition in your jaw line,fine lines and wrinkles around the lips, eyes, and forehead, lip definition is lacking. eyes that appear tired, excessive upper eyelid skin (also known as hooding), your eyelids have a creepy texture that makes applying eye makeup or eye liner difficult, crow's feet are wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes.

    Ulthermage facelifts use radiofrequency to heat the deep layers of the skin while keeping the surface safe and cold. The best part is that there is no downtime. Our newest FLX version reduces treatment time by 25% while also improving patient comfort.

    Ulthermage's radiofrequency deep heating encourages your body to tighten the collagen in the skin's dermis while also encouraging the generation of new collagen. As a consequence, you'll notice tighter, smoother skin, as well as enhanced tone and texture, beginning immediately and continuing for months after the treatment.


    Why Skin Sags & Loses Firmness?

    Skin Sags & Loses Firmness

    The epidermis is a visible outer layer on the surface of the skin, the dermis is a collagen-rich under layer under the surface, and the subcutaneous layer, often known as the fat layer, is an inner layer beneath the dermis with a web of collagen fibers running through it.

    When the collagen in these three layers deteriorates due to sun exposure, family history, or the natural aging process, your face sags and wrinkles. Pregnancy, weight loss, aging, and environmental stress cause body skin to lose firmness and smooth texture.

    In order for a therapy to properly tighten the collagen in your skin's under layer or inner layer, those layers must be appropriately energized and stimulated. To date, one of the acknowledged techniques of achieving this is by applying heat deep into the tissue. Ulthermage was manufactured specifically for this purpose.


    What is Ulthermage?

    Ulthermage CPT

    Ulthermage CPT is a radio-frequency treatment that smoothes, tightens, and shapes the skin for a more youthful appearance.

    Ulthermage is a one-of-a-kind therapy that addresses obvious indications of aging in a single, non-invasive consultation.

    The Ulthermage CPT System is a significant advancement in skin tightening and body contouring technology that use Comfort Pulse Technology to restore skin to its healthy, young appearance.

    This is the most advanced non-invasive method for smoothing, tightening, and contouring the skin in a single session with no surgery, no injections, and little to no downtime.


    How Does Air Ulthermage Work?

    Ulthermage therapy

    Ulthermage therapy works by heating collagen fibers deep within the skin and underlying tissue with best-in-class radiofrequency technology.

    Ulthermage applies heat to the epidermis, tightening existing collagen while also encouraging the skin to create more.

    Radiofrequency technology generates electrical currents that stimulate collagen to tighten, causing the skin to contract and become tighter and smoother.

    The Ulthermage CPT system provides a homogeneous heating action to tighten the structures of the skin and underlying tissue while encouraging collagen development. New and remodelled collagen is created throughout time to tighten and shape the skin.

    Most individuals experience skin tightening and smoothing of the skin for 6 months and the results can last up to 10 years however this does depend on factors such as smoking, severe sun damage and skin disorders.


    Differences Between Ulthermage & Ultherapy

    Ulthermage & Ultherapy

    Ulthermage and Ultherapy are similar in many ways, but there are some notable differences to be aware of before deciding on the right treatment for you.

    • Types of energy:

    The key distinction between Ulthermage and Ultherapy is the type of energy used to stimulate collagen formation. Ulthermage employs radiofrequency, whereas Ultherapy use ultrasound.

    This difference in energy is significant since ultrasound can typically penetrate deeper into the dermis layer.

    • Treatment areas:

    The regions addressed are another significant distinction between the two approaches.

    Ultherapy is the treatment of choice for targeting the neck and décolleté region. Ulthermage cannot be used to treat these regions. Ultherapy is also recommended for people with mild to severe skin laxity.

    If you want to target skin other than the face and neck, try Ulthermage. In addition to the face, Ulthermage treats drooping skin on the abdomen, thighs, arms, and buttocks – regions that Ultherapy does not address.

    • Timing of results:

    Both procedures take about the same time to perform. But in general, you can expect to see full results from Ultherapy in 2 to 3 months after treatment. Results with Ulthermage can take 6 months.

    • FDA approval:

    Both Ultherapy and Ulthermage are FDA-approved nonsurgical procedures that addresses the signs of aging.


    What are Ulthermage Benefits?

    Ulthermage Benefits

    • Ulthermage is noninvasive; there’s no surgery, no injections, no anaesthesia and no downtime.
    • Ulthermage skin tightening treatments stimulate your body’s natural renewal of collagen, which creates subtle, natural looking results.
    • You can improve your skin in a single treatment and quickly return to normal activities looking and feeling fantastic.
    • Ulthermage provides gradual, natural looking results, as opposed to the dramatic change that invasive surgery produces. Patients will see continued improvements up to 6 months' post treatment
    • You don’t need to rearrange your life for complex procedures or long recoveries.


    Air Ulthermage Procedure

    Air Ulthermage Procedure

    Prior to the operation, your skin is completely cleaned. (On the day of treatment, please do not use mineral makeup, mineral or "pearled" eye shadow, or mineral blush. A week before, avoid using tanning products.) Your Ulthermage treatment is tailored to meet your specific requirements and concerns.

    On your back or leg, a specific pad with an adhesive backing will be applied. This pad completes the "circuit" for the RF radiation and is removed at the end of your treatment. To establish a "grid" on the parts of your face or body to be treated, a paper transfer will be employed. This grid enables comprehensive and consistent therapy and aids in treatment customization. To obtain the desired outcomes, certain locations will require more "passes" of the Thermatip than others. The grid marks have been totally washed away.

    You will be asked to offer input on the degree of warmth you experience from the RF pulses during the treatment. This feedback enables for the optimal selection of RF energy levels to be employed while also ensuring your comfort throughout the operation.


    Does Air Ulthermage Need To Be Repeated?

    Every person's reaction to Ulthermage skin tightening is different. The capacity of your body to respond to heat stimulation for skin remodeling cannot be totally anticipated, but appropriate patient selection is a vital component in attaining successful outcomes. As previously stated, an in-person evaluation is required to determine whether or not the desired outcome is achievable.

    Additional Ulthermage skin tightening treatments can be safely repeated later if desired. As a maintenance procedure, it is not unusual to have annual procedures to keep the collagen production at active levels.


    Does Ulthermage Hurt? 

    It's reasonable to question if the operation may cause pain. To be sure, most medical treatments include some amount of pain or discomfort. However, there are other ways that have been introduced - or that we might add - to make cosmetic procedures of any sort more "doable."

    Throughout the treatment, cryogen spray - controlled super-cooling - is used. Each RF pulse is sandwiched between these cooling bursts to protect, cool, and soothe your skin's surface. Comfort Pulse Technology (CPT) is a vibrating motion that diverts your brain's attention away from pain. It's quite effective! As the treatment tip contacts your skin, you'll feel a buzz.


    Who is a Good Candidate?

    Middle-aged women

    Middle-aged women experience skin loosening as result of early signs of aging. Ulthermage skin tightening treatment is ideal for the following patients:

    • Patients for whom facelift is not suitable
    • Patients not completely satisfied by facelift
    • Patients with following conditions:
    • Sagging neck
    • Sagging eyebrows
    • Drooping eyelids
    • Jowls or Cheek folds
    • Patients who want tight skin without a surgery

    To enjoy all of the advantages of a young appearance, you only need one Ulthermage treatment. Results may occur gradually as your body's natural collagen repair process takes its course. Measurable tightening and contouring develop gradually in most clients two to six months after a single treatment session. Depending on your skin state and the aging process, the results might persist for years.


    What Parts of the Body Does Ulthermage Treat?

    Ulthermage Treat

    Most body areas, including the face, eyes, abdomen, arms, hands, thighs, and buttocks, can be efficiently and safely treated with thermoage techniques. Cellulite can also be temporarily reduced by using Ulthermage. The skin of the face is the most vulnerable to the effects of the sun and other environmental variables. With age and a lifetime of laughing, smiling, and frowning, your skin's collagen and elastin break down quicker than your body can replace them. Wrinkles and lines appear on the cheeks and forehead, as well as pockets of loose, drooping skin around the eyes and an unclear jawline, neck, and lips.

    Doctors use a radio frequency tip to plump existing collagen and stimulate new growth of healthy collagen resulting in a younger look. Ulthermage is also the safest way to treat skin laxity all over the body. Ulthermage successfully tightens the skin in the abdominal region, thighs, buttock and even eliminate sagging skin on the arms.


    How Many Treatments Will I Need For Skin Tightening?

    Unlike many laser Skin tightening treatment procedures requiring four or more sessions, Ulthermage treatment delivers results in a single treatment for most patients. In fact, when it comes to skin tightening treatment and contouring with little to no downtime, Ulthermage is the only single treatment, non-invasive procedure in the market.


    How Long Does Ulthermage Treatment Take?

    Ulthermage treatments

    Ulthermage treatments last 45 minutes to an hour on average for the face and up to 90 minutes to 2 hours on other regions of the body, depending on the size, location, and condition of the area to be treated. After contrast to many other procedures, Ulthermage therapy produces effects in a single treatment. In fact, Ulthermage is one of the few non-invasive wrinkle treatments on the market that requires little to no downtime. Because Ulthermage is a one-day treatment, it is extremely handy and fits well into your busy schedule.


    Special Preparation or Follow-Up Regime For Ulthermage Treatment

    Follow-Up Regime

    Unlike surgery, no pre-procedure preparation is required, such as blood tests or fasting. And, other from basic skin maintenance and sunscreens as part of a routine skincare regimen, no additional care is necessary following treatment. Because the Ulthermage method requires little to no downtime, most patients may resume their normal activities soon after treatment. After treatment, some individuals have transient redness or slight swelling, although this normally resolves within 24 hours.


    How Does Ulthermage Skin Tightening Treatment Work?

    Ulthermage heats the deep, collagen-rich layers of your skin using radiofrequency technology. The procedure is straightforward: it combines heat energy to treat deep tissue with cooling effects to preserve the skin's surface and improve patient comfort. The heat tightens existing collagen and stimulates collagen synthesis, which decreases sagging, renews contours, and enhances the smoothness and texture of the skin's surface. The radiofrequency radiation tightens the skin's collagen, filling in wrinkles and fine lines. The method also addresses all three layers of face skin, with the objective of maintaining the skin young and robust for years to come.


    How is Ulthermage Technology Different From Other Skin Procedures?

    Skin Procedures

    Unlike other procedures, Ulthermage does not require surgery, injections, or downtime, and it works on all skin tones - on and off the face. While laser treatments and other radiofrequency techniques tighten skin, none warms the skin as thoroughly as Ulthermage. Ulthermage is particularly efficient in tightening collagen and stimulating the synthesis of new collagen by heating the deepest layers of skin, resulting in tighter skin and an overall younger appearance.


    How do Ulthermage results compare with those of other Skin Tightening Treatments?

    Skin Tightening Treatments

    Some people desire the dramatic outcomes of surgery. Others prefer the softer, more progressive benefits of a non-invasive therapy that requires no downtime. This is where Ulthermage shines, improving skin tone, texture, and tightness. When lotions and potions are insufficient and surgery is out of the question, Ulthermage is a safe and effective alternative.


    When do the Ulthermage Treatment results appear and how long do they Last?

    Visible benefits may occur over time as your body's natural collagen repair process takes its course. Measurable tightening and contouring develop gradually in most clients two to six months after a single treatment session. Depending on your skin state and the aging process, the results might persist for years.


    What Does The Ulthermage Procedure Feel Like?

    Ulthermage Procedure

    Each time the treatment device touches your skin, you'll feel a brief cooling sensation, followed by a deep but brief heating sensation, followed by another cooling sensation. The heating sensation is a sign that the deep layers of your skin are reaching effective temperatures for tightening. Throughout the procedure, the doctor will ask for feedback on the level of heat sensation to help balance your comfort with maximum results.


    Is Ulthermage Treatment Safe?


    Ulthermage is a completely risk-free technique. There is generally minimal or no discomfort. Because Ulthermage is completely non-surgical and non-invasive, there is no recovery time or aftercare required other from basic skin care and sunscreens as part of the usual skincare regimen. You can resume normal activities virtually immediately after therapy. Any negative effects linked with Ulthermage are infrequent, small, and typically transient, lasting around 24 hours.



    Radiofrequency (RF) cosmetic technique

    As you get older, the collagen in your skin starts to break down naturally, resulting in unsightly facial lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Ulthermage is a minimally invasive therapy that can help tighten your skin and restore collagen production for a more youthful appearance.

    Ulthermage is a non-invasive, radiofrequency (RF) cosmetic technique that has been clinically proved to smooth, tighten, and shape skin for a more youthful appearance.

    Ulthermage laser skin tightening has produced amazing outcomes for patients, including enhanced skin texture, decreased or softened wrinkles, and a more defined jawline contour. On top of that, Ulthermage offers key advantages over other cosmetic treatments, including: 

    • It gives targeted results. With Ulthermage, your specialist can treat problem areas precisely, ensuring better and more defined results. 
    • It’s non-invasive. This makes it much safer and less painful than surgical cosmetic treatments such as facelifts. 
    • There is no downtime. Shortly after the treatment, patients can return to their normal daily routine. 
    • Ulthermage works on all skin types and colors. In addition to this, cosmetic treatment can be used in many parts of the face and body.