Organic Tricuspid Valve Repair

Organic Tricuspid Valve Repair

Last updated date: 27-Aug-2023

Originally Written in English

Organic Tricuspid Valve Repair


The tricuspid valve is one of four heart valves. It is situated between the right lower (right ventricle) and right upper (right atrium) cardiac chambers. The tricuspid valve opens and shuts to keep blood flowing in the right direction. The right atrioventricular valve is another name for it.

The heart circulates blood through four chambers in a certain order (two atria and two ventricles). The atria receive oxygen-depleted blood from the body every time your heart beats. In order to push blood out, the ventricles contract (squeeze). Valves open and shut when the heart beats, allowing blood to flow from one part of the heart to another. The valves aid in ensuring that blood flows at the proper time and in the proper direction.

Blood travels from the right atrium to the right ventricle via the tricuspid valve. It also stops blood from returning between those two chambers. The tricuspid valve opens as the right atrium fills, allowing blood to enter the right ventricle. The right ventricle then contracts, sending blood to the lungs. The tricuspid valve shuts firmly, preventing blood from flowing backward into the right atrium.