
Last updated date: 09-Mar-2024

Medically Reviewed By

Written by

Dr. Anas Walid Shehada

Originally Written in English

Mommy Makeover


    A mommy makeover is simply a name for a series of operations meant to address the regions of the body most affected by pregnancy and delivery. Because no two pregnancies are alike, no two mother makeovers are alike. Breast implants, breast lift, breast reduction, tummy tuck, labiaplasty, liposuction, or even a Brazilian butt lift are all options.


    What is Mommy Makeover?

    Mommy Makeover

    A "mommy makeover" is a well-known term for a customized series of cosmetic operations aimed to assist a woman in addressing typical effects of childbirth and aging on the face, breasts, and body, as well as restoring or improving her pre-pregnancy look. Cosmetic surgery, non-surgical therapies, or a mix of the two can be used in mommy makeovers.

    A mommy makeover aims to restore a woman's physical shape and attractiveness after childbirth. Many women detect changes in their bodies after giving birth. Many parts of the body can be treated, the most prevalent of which are the breasts, abdomen, waist, genitalia, and buttocks. A mommy makeover is usually completed in a single step.


    Changes during pregnancy

    Changes during pregnancy

    Changes to the Abdomen

    The changes in the female body that occur during pregnancy are frequently most visible on the belly. During pregnancy, all women experience natural hormonal changes that primarily help to allow the abdominal wall muscles to relax (rectus diastasis) and accept the baby's growing growth within the uterus. Although some women's abdominal tissues will recover to pre-pregnancy condition, the majority of women will have loose, drooping skin (ptosis); disfiguring stretch marks (striae); separation and bulging lower abdominal muscles; or a combination of all of these consequences. Many women have undergone a Caesarean section (C-section) or prior abdominal surgery, both of which can leave large, unsightly, and painful scars.


    Changes to the Breasts

    Whether a mother chooses or is able to nurse her baby, changes to the breasts will occur throughout pregnancy. The milk glands in the breasts enlarge and replace the other fatty breast tissue as the female body prepares for milk production (known as lactation). These glands frequently decrease after delivery, leaving a loose skin envelope with insufficient breast tissue to fill it. As a result, after pregnancy, a woman's breasts often have less fullness, droop lower, and frequently acquire stretch marks.


    Changes to the Body Contours

    Although most women are able to remove the weight they acquired after pregnancy, many women realize that they have a few stubborn spots of fat on their hips, back, and thighs that refuse to go away despite rigorous and consistent exercise regimes and a tight diet. Many of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy result in lasting alterations to the body, such as these localized fatty deposits.


    How can a mommy makeover benefit me?

    mommy makeover benefit

    Pregnancy may have long-term and frequently undesirable effects on your look, including drooping breasts, strained abdominal muscles, and loose, extra skin. Many women are disheartened when their breasts and bodies do not return to pre-pregnancy shape, despite following a balanced diet and exercising regularly. A mommy makeover can help you feel more like yourself by addressing unwanted pregnancy changes and restoring the appearance you desire, improving your comfort and self-confidence.

    Each patient has her own personal goals with her mommy makeover, which often include one or more of the following:

    • Correct sagging and restore volume to breasts
    • Improve breast symmetry
    • Repair stretched or large nipple/areola
    • Remove excess, sagging skin from the abdomen
    • Repair stretched or separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti)
    • Reduce pockets of diet- and exercise-resistant fat
    • Improve the way clothing and swimsuits fit


    Why Mommy Makeovers aren’t Just for Moms?

    Some individuals believe that mommy makeovers are just for mothers who have small children. You don't have to be a new mom, or even a mom at all, to be eligible for a mommy makeover.

    The changes in the body that occur during pregnancy are not exclusive to pregnancy. Hormone imbalances, age, lifestyle, and even heredity can all contribute to sagging breasts, stretch marks, and persistent fat deposits. Regardless of the source, the treatments often included in a mommy makeover can address these alterations.

    Weight loss can be tough as we age, regardless of how much we exercise or how good our diet is. Even if a woman has never been pregnant or nursed, her breasts might begin to droop or lose volume. Liposuction, belly tucks, breast lifts, and breast implants can all help in this situation. This is technically a mommy makeover, but you don't have to call it that if you aren't a mother! 


    When should I have a mommy makeover?

    mommy makeover

    Determining the best time for a mother makeover is mostly a personal choice between you and your cosmetic surgeon; nevertheless, there are several considerations to consider when timing a mommy makeover and selecting the operations you will have

    • You must be fully recovered from childbirth before undergoing surgery.
    • If you are considering breast surgery, you should wait until several months after you are finished breastfeeding to allow the breasts to return to a stable size and shape.
    • Certain non-surgical treatments, such as injectables, may not be recommended while you are still breastfeeding.
    • Non-surgical body contouring and skin treatments can be cost-effective interim therapies if you hope to become pregnant again in the future.
    • If you are having a surgical mommy makeover, you will be unable to lift anything more than 5-10 pounds for the first few weeks following surgery; you will require childcare assistance during this time, especially if you have younger children.


    What are my mommy makeover procedure options?

    Mommy makeover procedure

    A Mommy Makeover Procedure normally entails the combining of two or more surgical procedures performed in one step, such as a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, and a Breast Lift and Augmentation (with breast implants or Fat Transfer)

    A Mommy Makeover, on the other hand, can be staged into numerous operations and incorporate other treatments such as a Breast Reduction, labiaplasty, or Liposuction of other troublesome areas. A Thigh Lift, Arm Lift, and Butt Lift may also be included. During your private consultation at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, the team will work with you to design the best Mommy Makeover approach for your specific needs.


    Liposuction Body Sculpting

    Liposuction Body Sculpting

    Liposuction Body Sculpting in a Mommy Makeover is a safe and rapid approach to precisely decrease stubborn (difficult-to-remove) fat deposits that refuse to go away despite a mother's efforts with physical activity and a good diet. Candidates for Mommy Makeover are typically healthy and have a steady body weight. Obese individuals and women with variable body weight are usually not regarded good candidates for liposuction.


    Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty

    Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty

    The Tummy Tuck in a Mommy Makeover, abdominoplasty eliminates extra loose skin and fat and, in most cases, repairs weaker or divided muscles, resulting in an abdominal profile that is instantaneously smoother and firmer. The muscular layer is tightened, altering the abdominal wall and enhancing its look and strength substantially. Many moms desire and battle to recover a flat, toned belly and sculpted waistline after delivery. Stretch marks that appear during pregnancy are typically corrected during a Tummy Tuck procedure.


    Breast Enhancement

    Breast Enhancement

    Breast augmentation is most commonly a mix of Breast Augmentation and Lift; however this varies across women. These treatments are frequently effective for moms who have seen a change in the young pertness and location of their breasts. Breast augmentation is the surgical insertion of a saline or silicone filled breast implant behind each breast or the use of your own fat via fat transfer during a Mommy Makeover to restore or add volume to the breasts. Loose skin is removed during a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) to tighten, raise, and contour the breasts. Breasts in some women remain bigger after pregnancy and nursing, needing a Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty) and a Breast Lift.


    Thigh Lift and Liposuction

    Thigh Lift and Liposuction

    Thigh Lift and Liposuction work together to tighten and smooth the shape of the inner and/or outer thighs by removing extra skin and fat. The greatest candidates for this operation are mothers who have developed a disproportionate quantity of permanent fat in their thighs after delivery. To elevate loose, sagging outer thigh skin, an Outer (or Lateral) Thigh Lift is frequently performed in conjunction with a Butt Lift.


    Arm Lift and Liposuction

    An Arm Lift with Liposuction eliminates extra skin and fat from the upper arms, tightening and reducing fullness. It is good for women who have attempted exercise and a balanced diet but still have loose hanging skin and/or huge arms after childbirth or weight reduction.


    Butt Lift and Augmentation

    Butt Lift & Augmentation with Fat Transfer (Brazilian Butt Lift) is a procedure that is utilized to restore larger, rounder buttocks while also sculpting a thinner waistline and hourglass form. A Butt Lift removes extra skin from the buttocks to tighten and smooth the contours, whereas a Brazilian Butt Lift removes undesired fat from other places of the body and transfers it to the buttocks.


    Vaginal Rejuvenation

    Vaginal Tightening surgery (Vaginoplasty) restores vaginal tightness and form that has been altered over time. The operation entails removing stretched vaginal tissue, tightening the vagina, and closing the vaginal hole. This technique may aid mothers whose vaginal tissues have stretched with age and delivery, whose Kegel exercises have failed, and/or whose sexual enjoyment is not what it used to be.

    A Labiaplasty can be performed as part of a mommy makeover to shorten the labia minora for aesthetic, comfort, or hygiene reasons.


    How Should I Prepare for Surgery?

    Prepare for Surgery

    You will receive detailed advice on how to effectively prepare for your procedure. Smoking and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anticoagulant medications, or supplements (e.g., aspirin, vitamin E, and garlic supplements) should be avoided for at least two weeks before surgery, since they might increase the risk of problems. 


    Life after a mommy makeover

    Life after a mommy makeover

    Because mommy makeovers are tailored to each patient's specific requirements and goals, surgical methods and recuperation timeframes differ. A fair rule of thumb is to expect a recovery time comparable to the most severe surgery you are undergoing (in most cases, this is a tummy tuck). Please read the instructions for the cosmetic treatments you are interested in to learn more.

    Many patients have their surgeries performed when their children are still quite young. This helps them to return to their ideal appearance sooner, but it necessitates cautious preparation in terms of childcare during recuperation. Most surgical procedures limit lifting for 4 to 6 weeks following surgery; you will need to delegate duties that need a kid to be picked up or carried while you recuperate.

    The processes you use will also influence how quickly your findings are finalized. Within 3 months of surgery, most patients feel comfortable and secure wearing a bikini. A mommy makeover may be a beneficial operation with long-lasting benefits when performed by a trained cosmetic surgeon. The best approach to learn more about your mommy makeover alternatives is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.


    How much does a mommy makeover cost?

    The cost of a surgeon's mommy makeover surgery will vary depending on the operations chosen as part of the mommy makeover, as well as the surgeon's experience and geographic location. To calculate your total charge, please contact your cosmetic surgeon's office.

    Ask your plastic surgeon about patient payment options for mommy makeover surgery.

    Mommy makeover costs may include:

    • Surgeon's fee
    • Hospital or surgical facility costs
    • Anesthesia fees
    • Prescriptions for medication
    • Implants
    • Post-surgery garments
    • Medical tests and x-rays

    When selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area for mommy makeover surgery, keep in mind that the surgeon's experience and your comfort level with him or her are just as important as the overall cost of the procedure.


    Cost of a mommy makeover by procedure

    So, how much does it cost if you want a BBL plus a stomach tuck but not an arm lift? Let's take a closer look at the cost of a mommy makeover surgery. The cost of mommy makeover operations varies depending on where you live and the doctor you pick, however on average, the costs are as follows:



    Breast augmentation


    Breast lift


    Tummy tuck




    Non-invasive fat removal


    Brazilian butt lift (BBL)


    Arm Lift


    Thigh Lift



    FAQ About Mommy Makeover

        1. How Often is a Mommy Makeover Performed?

    Women are increasingly comfortable regaining their pre-pregnancy bodies after childbirth thanks to advances in surgical skill and growing knowledge of Mommy Makeover cosmetic operations. According to a recent survey, nearly 325,000 Mommy Makeover procedures were performed on women aged 20 to 39 in the United States.

        2. What are the Risks of a Mommy Makeover Surgery?

    Special considerations will apply to each of the individual surgical procedures that may be performed during a Mommy Makeover Surgery. 

        3. Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

    Women who have experienced irreversible changes to their bodies as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging are the greatest candidates for a Mommy Makeover Procedure. Ideal applicants would also have attained and maintained their desired weight for several months. Women should not be pregnant or breastfeeding at the time of surgery, and they should wait at least 6 months after weaning before undergoing cosmetic body surgery. Because future pregnancies may have an adverse effect on your Mommy Makeover outcomes, you should not arrange an appointment unless you are certain you will not have any more children.

        4. When Should I have Breast Surgery after Pregnancy?

    Your breasts will expand and swell throughout pregnancy in preparation for nursing.

    After pregnancy and nursing, your breasts will either return to their pre-pregnancy form or may seem deflated and drooping. It usually takes around 3 months for these changes to occur, and you should postpone your operation until your breasts have stabilized (no longer changing). If you had your breast surgery earlier, it would be impossible to manage the final result since your breasts would still be evolving, necessitating revision surgery at a later date. It is also critical that your breasts are clear of milk at the time of operation.

        5. How Long Does the Surgery Take?

    A Mommy Makeover Procedure can take anywhere from 2 to 5 hours to complete, depending on the number and complexity of procedures performed, as well as the amount of work required.

        6. Will I have Scars after the surgery?

    Scarring is unavoidable following any surgery. We will also carefully place incisions where they are either well concealed on your body or can be easily concealed by clothing, whenever possible. Scars are not a concern for most women because they are so pleased with the results of their surgery.

        7. How Long does it Take to See the Results from a Mommy Makeover?

    After surgery, you will notice an immediate and noticeable difference in your appearance. During the first three months after surgery, the final result will become clear as post-operative swelling subsides and the body or breasts settle.



    A Mommy Makeover is a series of surgical treatments aimed to address the physical changes that occur in the female body as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the effects of age and gravity. The